• Member Since 10th May, 2013
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I love sporks. And I love soup. Those two things unfortunately don't go together very well.

More Blog Posts29


On Comedy, and Serious Writing · 1:26pm May 12th, 2017

Hi. I know that pretty much no one followed me to read this silly blog of mine, but I figure it's okay to blog a bit whenever I write an actual story. So um... here goes!

See, the thing is, I'm fully aware that what people like about my writing is my comedy - preferably the kind about sex and booze. And I'm happy about that, really! I love making people laugh. But the thing is, I also write a lot of semi-serious stories. By this, I mean light-hearted slightly funny slice-of-life short stories usually involving two ponies (or pastel-colored humans that strongly resemble certain ponies) talking to each other. Yeah, Sporktacles writes serious stories. Surprised me too. Betcha all didn't know I also write a ton of Sherlock/Loki slash that I will never, ever let another living soul lay eyes upon. Most of these serious stories are a little boring and don't quite make the cut for "let other people see this trash", but recently I've started delving into some stuff that might be interesting enough for other people to read.

The thing is, I'm wondering if I should make a new account and post those stories (the semi-serious pony stories, not the Sherlock/Loki slash) there instead of here, so that people who just want my random silly comedy won't get their notifications window filled with that sort of thing. I don't reaaaaally wanna do this because I'm kinda fond of this account, which I made all the way back in the far-off year of 2013 - holy cow, I just realized that as of two days ago, I've been on this site for four whole years. On that note, does me blogging a bit here bother people? Every time I make a blog post, someone out there unfollows me.

Sorry, got sidetracked a bit. Anyway, since you guys are the ones who followed my silly account, I figure it's a good idea to ask for your opinions. Should I make an alt account for serious stories?

Report Sporktacles · 449 views ·
Comments ( 19 )

Humans have an amazing ability to skip over stories that don't interest them, so I'd say no, you're fine. I think really the only good reason to make an alternate account for story publishing is if you have a squeaky clean image and want to publish clop.

Or you're Shortskirtsandexplosions.

Are you shortskirtsandexplosions?


I wish I had even a tenth of Shortskirtsandexplosions's writing talent or work ethic.

I also write a lot of semi-serious stories. By this, I mean light-hearted slightly funny slice-of-life short stories usually involving two ponies (or pastel-colored humans that strongly resemble certain ponies) talking to each other. Yeah, Sporktacles writes serious stories. Surprised me too.

I read your story about Trixie. I thought it was decent, if that helps.

The thing is, I'm wondering if I should make a new account and post those stories (the semi-serious pony stories, not the Sherlock/Loki slash) there instead of here, so that people who just want my random silly comedy won't get their notifications window filled with that sort of thing.

I can't offer any arguments or counter-arguments, but I will say this:

If you want to make another account where serious stories are posted, be sure to link it on your homepage. And not use the alt for voting. At all. But I guess you already know this.

Every time I make a blog post, someone out there unfollows me.

Counterpoint: Every time you publish a popular story, your follower count would increase much more. If someone unfollows you because of a blog post, then that's their loss, honestly.

I personally love seeing writers blog. Also, people that don't like it have the option to filter their feed. No one would unfollow because of that, so just post blogs whenever you feel like it!

I think you should keep all your stories on one account. People may come for the comedy, but then find they enjoy your serious stuff more. Just look at naturalbornderpy.

The only reason for an alt (imo) is if you want to keep clop stories and normal stories separate

I see no reason to create a second account unless you really want to have an absolute identity for each. Besides you already have a pretty damn serious story on this account and most higher tier writers (and you definitely fall into that category) on this site don't stick to one kind of story, even if some do have a large focus on them.

I don't think you should make an account just for slightly less funny stories (it'd kinda make the impression you're ashamed of these stories). I usually also read most blogs the people I follow post, so I have no problem with that either.
And everyone who unfollows you just because you post a blog post is not a true follower :yay:

I say keep it all on one account. Lots of authors write stories that cover a range of genres.

I don't see any reason to create a second account. I'd be quite interested in seeing your more serious work. :twilightsmile:

Personally, I would say absolutely do NOT make a second account, because then people can see the scope of your talent (unless, like 4529580 said, you have a clean account and want to write clop that you don't want people associating with your main account). You're not just the person who writes comedy, you can do more! Anyone who doesn't want to read those stories can simply pass them by and not read them. I see these accounts as portfolios of sorts: you want people to be able to see everything you can do, not just one genre, even if that's where most of your skills lie.

Short answer: keep it all here! :twilightsmile:

In terms of the blogs, the way I see it, if you have fewer blogs than you do followers, you're in the clear (and I'm cutting that pretty close). Just my opinion, though.


Well, i think you shouldnt make an alt. It'll let new followers know that you do both comedy and semi-serious stories.
Besides, im sure itll be annoying to keep switching accounts every time you write a new story, and you might forget passwords ;P

Just post whatever stories you want to post under your own regular account. Writers have the surprising ability to write in a variety of genres, and readers have the surprising ability to accept this, or simply not read the stories they don't want to read. Speaking as a writer whose collected works on this site alone range from silly little stories about Sunset Shimmer having various delivery-related woes to Big Macintosh putting on a cursed mask and brutally slaughtering demons...it's not what you write, it's that you are the writer. Just...go for it.

I for one would be overjoyed if you posted more serious stories. Your "Everything I've Ever Wanted" is one of my favorite stories on the site (one of only 3 i have favorite tagged out of several hundred read) and more like that (or even, dare i hope, a sequel) would great as far as i'm concerned. As to the other two points: i don't really see any reason to make another account, like others have said its easy enough to filter or just ignore stories you are not interest in and if you want to blog by all means blog, that what it's there for after all, anyone who would unsubscribe over something like that probably wasn't much of a fan of your work to start with (which means that they have horrible taste so screw them :raritywink:).

Now go work on that Everything I've Ever Wanted sequel! :flutterrage::heart:


Thanks for the responses, guys! I guess I'll stick to this account for those stories.

I'll have you know the both Rainbow Dash Wants to Spank the Monkey and They Don't Know Her are in my rather sparse Favorites list. I'm here for your drama and your comedy.

I actually started following you for one of your serious stories. As much as I love your style of humour, it'd be awesome to see your drama skills again.

I've been following you for a while now, and I think you should just go for it. Post them here, so that the people which already decided to follow you can read more of your creations right here, at the source of it.
Also, winning readers works both ways, and those who come for the serious stories may stay because of the fun stuff, and vice versa.

One author, one account. That's my opinion on it.

We all evolve over time, but there's no reason to mask these changes behind the veil of a different account name. If you want to publish stories of a different genre, then I'm sure this account and your established fangroup is just the right place for it. :raritywink:

Best Regards,

Go for it! :heart:

(Either way works)

Sure post whatever you want

Late to the punch, but anyway: Found you because of drinking ponies, took an interest because of wacky Sunset shenanigans, Followed because of one of the most touching and emotionally evocative Trixie stories I’ve read the last year.

So yeah. All kinds of genres are good. I write mixed genres and wouldn’t hide it for any reason. And if someone’s so snotty as to Unfollow just because of that, you’re better off without them. Far as I see it, a broader variety gives you more to attract a broader audience with.

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