• Member Since 18th Aug, 2011
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Dubs Rewatcher

Fandom veteran, journalist, sixteen-time EqD published author. I hope you have a lovely day! Come visit my official website at www.williamantonelli.com

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Ballad of a Hack Fraud · 5:11am May 24th, 2017


So, after about eight days, 1300 upvotes, and 9000 views, The Attempted Assassinations of Twilight Sparkle has finally fallen out of the Featured Box. I don't really know what to say here other than thanks, so... thanks! Somehow this story hit FiMFiction harder and faster than any other fic I've ever written. For the first time, I hit 1k upvotes before leaving the Box! Like, holy shit! I never thought that would happen to me.

Publishing, I wasn't the biggest fan of this story; I thought and still do think it has a lot of problems (many of which were pointed out in the comments). When it comes to the ending, I was never quite sure how I wanted it to go... loads of different people made loads of different suggestions, many of which clashed with each other. In the end, Cadance coming in with the cyanide was the only ending I thought of that I, personally, found funny. I love that people in the comments ran with it, coming up with their own wild theories for why she had the bottle. Y'all are awesome.

This is usually the part where I welcome all the new followers (forty-three of you this time!) and talk about whatever my next project is. But I find that whenever I do that, I never end up finishing whatever project I talk about. So I'll just say Hello to all the new people, and hope that you stick around.

As a peace offering, please take this pun I thought up tonight:
Q: What do you call a cautious Russian insect?
A: A cagey bee.


Comments ( 6 )

That was terrible.

Funny, but terrible.

The story didn't knock my socks off but I liked the pun.

wtf 1300+? Well, damn. Didn't think that many people still read fiction on this site at one time. xD

It's rightly deserved. It really was enjoyable how you portrayed Blueballs and Twilight's interactions with each other. I like this potentially fuked universe run by an apathetic alicorn and a childish stallion. Also fuk Cadence. lol :P

Fun story was fun. Grats.

It was(/is) an awesome Story. Looking forward to seeing the next one.

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