• Member Since 20th Sep, 2015
  • offline last seen February 20th


Late-blooming fan with way too many story ideas in his head. Have written before, but this is my first serious foray into the world of fan-fiction.

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Impending change to update schedule for Pandemic · 6:32pm Jun 1st, 2017

I regret to announce that the update schedule for Pandemic may need to change. I may need to occasionally pause for two weeks between updates instead of one. While I am still committed to the completion of the story, real life has intervened rather hard. I have been informed that my position at work will be eliminated by the end of the year. Because there's no guarantee that they'll even keep me around that long, I need to start looking for another job now. This will take time and energy away from writing. Even when I do get a new position, there will likely be a settling-in period where I am coming up to speed with the new company.

I will try to judge with each posting whether I think I can hit the mark of a weekly update, and I will give a heads-up in the author's note if I know I cannot. However, there may be unexpected skips in updates, and I ask my readers to be patient. You've all shown me a wonderful amount of support for this story whose reception has exceeded my expectations, and I have a clear overall vision for the remainder, even if some of the details still need to be worked out. I am still just as enthusiastic about this story as I have been, which is why the timing of this sucks.

Report ASGeek2012 · 750 views · Story: Pandemic ·
Comments ( 17 )

Seriously we trust you and understand. I hope your job search goes well and there are jobs in your area in your field. Moving would not be fun.

Is all good. We humans need calories and shelter to continue living and those we acquire in exchange if currency. To expect you to be able to sustain yourself on the emotions of your reader base alone is unfair.

Dang, that sucks. Real life commitments take priority over some pony fanfiction, of course. Don't worry.

well crap apples this sucks.
I for one will bare with you as I am sure this will defiantly impact your righting speed.

If you only updated once a month, that would still be more frequently than most stories on this site. Take all the time you need; real life comes first.

As much as we love your updates, you really have no obligation to keep updating weekly.

Yes, us fans of your work will be extremely disappointed and will continue to question why in the wide world of Equestria you left us (in theory, not saying it's going to happen), but your life is more important than us reading pone words on our screens. You may feel you have an obligation, but that's just how it is when you receive support and praise. You just can't seem to let go.

But you come first. First and foremost, you. This site is secondary. And we will continue to support you in whatever direction your life takes you.

So keep on keeping on, my friend!


Yes, you've spoiled us with weekly 16000-18000 words of a wonderful story. Your commitment to this so far has been amazing and it shows in the top-notch quality as well. Sort your life out as first priority... that shouldn't really be a question, no? We'll be here.
But what am I supposed to do with my henceforth meaningless weekends?! :raritydespair:

Disappointing to hear but completely understandable. Real life does take priority.I have plenty of stories I follow that go through longer periods between updates. I know I will continue to check once a week for updates and if they are there that's great if they aren't that's fine too. As long as the story doesn't go dead I will be happy with any period between updates.

Demo life for ya. Do what you got to do and your readers will understand that will have to wait for a great story. We will be readin it as it comes so if there is waiting in between updates it's cool.

RL first.
Writing should be a hobby. Otherwise the muse will flee ;)

Hey it's no big deal if you can't keep up with that schedule. It was impressive that you did. So with that kind of stress on your shoulders, I don't think any of us will have it in them to be angry at you for slowing down on the writting.

I hope that jub hunt goes well for you.

Good luck and good living! I'd say something more detailed, but everyone else has said it already. :twilightsmile:

Good luck man! I wish the best for you, being in a transitional period is hard, i myself am about to be moving again so I won't have a lot of time to read

Where do you work, where they can't find you another position within the company? >_o;

I feel your pain (the company I worked for went out of business rather suddenly May 22; I'm looking for a new job myself) , and wish you the best of luck. Pandemic has been a lot of fun and is easily worth the wait.

Gotta congratulate you on such a well crafted story. I haven't seen anyone tackle transformation and deal out philosophical implications about identity(Theseus paradox) and juggle the personality, relationships, and objectives of so many characters; and keep to a consistent update schedule. Mostly I find it goes, 'Welp, I'm a pony now' and then trickle into the well of the self-insert. My hat goes off to you sir. :ajsmug:

also if you happened to be looking for a pre-reader, I'd love to help smooth over any rough patches you may encounter. :twilightblush:

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