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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic - Season 7 Episode 11: "Not Asking For Trouble" (SPOILERS) · 3:28pm Jun 17th, 2017

In which Annoying Pink Pony and Annoying Stubborn Yak annoy pony cartoon watchers for twenty minutes.

Pink Pony go to Yakyakistan for big yak festival. Yaks stomp too hard, cause avalanche. Yaks buried in snow. Pink Pony offers pony help for yaks. Yak Prince says yaks no need pony help, yaks do fine on own. Yaks stubborn. Pink Pony goes back to Ponyville, gets pony friends to come help yaks anyway. Yakyakistan saved from snow. Yaks grateful.

Episode boring. Yaks annoying and dumb. Moth give episode 1/10.

Report MythrilMoth · 1,102 views · #season 7
Comments ( 33 )

Honestly, I thought it was better than Honest Apple and Fluttershy Leans In, and was just a pleasant episode.

Being better than two bad episodes doesn't make it a good episode.

And I don't think either of those were bad.

That, and for me, "pleasant" equals good.

Applebuck Season 2: Stubborn Harder

This is another episode I would label as good but not great. It was nice that they brought the Yaks back instead of just having them be forgotten and I thought Pinkie was pretty good this episode. Season 7 seems to be continuing the trend of episodes that range from good to great. No episodes I would consider bad so far.

... Will you hate me when I say I liked it better than Royal Problem..?

Pride goeth before snowfall. Has no business staying after.

Someone forward Yaks memo on humility.

Episode not favorite episode, but episode show Yaks in somewhat better light.

Still, White Insane Pony respect Moth decision. Moth not like episode, but White Insane Pony think episode okay. Have different opinions but still friends.

I found a decent moment or two. But yeah, a boring moral, if I may be blunt.

So if you gave this episode a 1/10, does that mean it's worse than "Honest Apple"?

Me personally, I consider this the fourth weakest episode of the season so far with a very questionable moral.

We've already long since establsihed that your taste in episodes is...very, very different from mine. And most other fans'. ^^;;

Yes. Yes I will

For a thousand moons!

Honest Apple got the 2/10 PURELY for Rarity's guitar solo. If not for that, it'd have been a 0/10.

Your episode summary was funnier to read than watching this episode.

That's just the second Yaks episode and it's even worse than the first. Clearly a no brainer episode. Makes you wish to see the Buffaloes again instead.

The only funny moment I can come up is Pinkie using her mane as a drill, follow right after by Gummy eating the snow.

Also, has anybody has a Schwarzenegger impression when Pinkie speaks like a manly Yak?

Clawed writer like Moth summary. Very precise.

Yeah, nothing annoys me like people who won't ask you for help when they need it. What am I, a mind reader? If you don't tell me what you need, I can't give it to you!

Still, Pink Pony's antics were funny. I'd love to see some fanfic of this episode rewritten from Gummy's POV -- complete with his existential ennui.

I found some useful bits and pieces, but I definitely had to dig through a scrapheap to get them. A shame they didn't switch the order for this and "A Royal Problem" when it came to closing this part of the season.

Season been underwhelming lately for author Moth, hasn't it.

Nuuuuuu... I'm sorry!

The point about the moral is a good one. Honest Apple had a good moral, I think, and I like the delivery, but most of the episode was boring. Not Asking For Trouble has a rather skewed moral, but I liked the Yaks. They were oddly adorable. And yes, I ship PinkieFor hard. A Royal Problem had great potential and some really effective visuals, but it was bogged down by things I didn't want to see.

A Royal Problem probably is the better episode on a technical level, but it's the one I enjoyed the least this season.

Okay so......having watched the episode.....what lesson was I suppose to learn? :rainbowhuh:

For a thousand moons!!!!

There've been a few bad eps, but it's been a decent season so far. I'd say season six was weaker on average, episodes like "Honest Apple" and this one notwithstanding.

Basically, not to be too stubborn or proud to ask for help when you're in a jam.

I wouldn't say it was a bad episode, but it's definitely one of the weakest this season


I'll admit, I took to the Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash episodes a little better than you.....but consider that me loving both characters. Honest Apple.....yeah.....that was sorta hard to get through.

This wasn't as bad, we got to see more of the Yaks so world building, but.....I couldn't quite see the episode's message......or it got muddled in the third act.

Major sell propane. He sell propane good.

sorry for the koth reference...

Having ruminated on this episode further, I've identified another reason why it sticks in my craw.

If you're the leader of a people, and you choose to make yourself cold, hungry and miserable to save your stubborn pride, that's cool. Your prerogative. If your followers choose to make themselves cold, hungry and miserable because they believe in your leadership, great. They have free will. When you make your children cold, hungry and miserable, someone needs to bust a cluebat on your skull, step over your unconscious body and take control of the situation.

Prince Rutherford was wrong to make Yakyakistan's kids pay the price for his arrogance, and Pinkie could have acted even faster to perform an accelerated Winter Wrap-Up with the rest of the Mane 6. Kids count on adults to provide for them, and Rutherford did nothing of the sort.

I like the moral it's okay to ask for help. I also like the moral that you shouldn't have to be asked to do something.

By themselves, they're fine. Rutherford's stupid pride muddled thing up, however, as 4574095 noted with innocents paying for it. Unless it's normal for Yaks to march into your village and help when they think you need it, since asking for help is shameful to them... Overall, it feels wrong to have Rutherford rewarded for it and the episode would've been stronger if he at least acknowledged that his approach was shallow at best.

4574123 I don't know how to feel about that moral, as I feel like it can lead to a slippery slope of justification. How many atrocities in real life were started because people thought they were helping someone and didn't need to wait for permission? I know it's a tough moral debate, but I feel like there's a reason why there's the saying "You can't help someone who won't help themselves."

And then they get attacked by dragons.

This, a thousandfold. Making the young suffer needlessly because a 'parent' decides that their good is best defined as salvaging his pride should have gotten that idiot shortened by a head.

There's always that dilemma between doing the right thing and helping or just leaving it as it is.

4574368 Exactly, that's a line no respectable leader should ever cross. Children are not pawns or lambs to be scarificed because of your own pride, arrogance, or inability to listen. Anyone who would use them or make them suffer intentionally, rather than accept help or admit defeat, doesn't deserve to be in a position of power.

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