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A brony of few words who writes many.

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"Grief is the Price We Pay" -- Short Delay Ahead! · 11:28pm Jun 21st, 2017

Since starting "Grief is the Price We Pay," I've successfully been able to post new chapters regularly on a Monday/Friday schedule, thanks to planning ahead and always having a notable buffer of six to ten completed chapters between the posted chapter and the chapter I would be presently writing. I've been able to maintain that schedule for far longer than I feared, to my great joy, and I was starting to think that maybe I would actually be able to maintain that schedule on through to the end of the story.

However, after about sixty-five chapters of this, that buffer has gradually shrank down to a three to four chapter lead, and I'm just barely managing to keep ahead, namely because the chapters, partly out of necessity, have gotten considerably longer on average than earlier chapters and thus take somewhat longer to write. I've been worrying lately that the buffer will finally run dry here soon unless I do something to enable myself to resupply it. Now obviously I'm not out yet, and can easily still keep posting new chapters at the usual times for a few more weeks still.

But, we're about to reach a turning point in the story and lots of things will start happening very fast in the story, and I'd think it'd just be awful to get right into the middle of all that, right when I've got you all at the edge of your seats, and then have to pause posting the story because the buffer finally ran dry. So, while we're still in a relative calm point in the story, I've decided to act preemptively and put posting new chapters for "Grief" on a brief pause, so to use that time to try and pad out that buffer a bit more again.

This works out nicely for me, because through the weekend following the 4th of July, I will be leaving town for a family reunion, and while I almost certainly will have my laptop with me, I can't guarantee reliable internet access and probably would have had to skipped posting new chapters during that time frame anyway. So the plan is to leave "Grief" on pause for the next couple of weeks starting today, give myself time to write a few more completed chapters and build up my buffer some more, and then the Friday following my return from my trip (July 14th) I will resume posting chapters at the usual schedule, and hopefully, with a little luck, I'll be able to keep doing so for the remainder of the story without having to pause again.

I very much don't anticipate any unforeseen complications to this plan, but of course I will give updates as needed.

Thanks for your patience and continued support, readers! :pinkiehappy:

Comments ( 15 )

Thanks for telling us! +rep

awfully kind of you, ya TEASE.

.........though this might've been a double edged sword because now Im clawing the walls for July 14th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:flutterrage:


Welp, thanks for telling us. I'm just gonna sit here and wait...and wait...and wait.....when's the next chapter?!:flutterrage:

Comment posted by KingJoltik deleted Jun 22nd, 2017

Well, you've definitely got me on the edge of my seat, but I can't be one to talk about leaving chapter gaps—I've left my featured story without an update for quite a while, much to my chagrin—so take all the time you need.

You do what you gotta do.

I can wait, mate.

Take care~~~

...evil man...

4579216 4579189 4579187
Then be glad I'm doing this now and not further on in the story. Because then you'd be really angry at me. :rainbowlaugh:

....okay. I'm fine with this. I'm fine with this....I'm not fine! AUGH!

Well it's a necessary evil. I really would rather not have a two week cliffhanger in the middle of when everything starts going down. If the break must happen earlier, then so be it.

Well damn. I was really looking forward to the next chap, but your right. I'd rather wait now than wait when I'm really dying to see what happens. Should be all nice and delicious without a hiatus once the story starts changing gears.

Dag nabbit! *sigh* take your time.

Love your dedication to your stories. Lots of authors aren't as considerant. P.S enjoying the story so far.

I didn't see the post and started worrying after 5 days that something happened. Not many authors are able to put chapters up in this quick succession without lowering the quality. I can`t wait for your continued in a few weeks. Have a nice and relaxing trip. :twilightsmile:

thanks for the heads up, and this will only make the chapters better and the update all the sweeter

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