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  • 5 weeks
    The Knuckles Miniseries

    Ok, I watched the entire Knuckles mini series, and it was alright. A small synopsis of each episode and my thoughts

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  • 5 weeks
    A failed threat?

    So I went into my inbox to see if some folks may have DMed me and I stumbled upon this. And I tried to ask "What do you want me to delete?", but I got an error. Obviously, I wasn't gonna delete anything, and threatening to call the police would've just been the stupidest thing ever.

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  • 20 weeks
    Successful Trolling/Scambaiting

    On Discord, a friend of mine was hacked, and has been going around, asking people for money while saying how someone hacked them and they need to respond to Discord management.

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  • 28 weeks
    Cold War Kaijus

    So I won't lie, all of what I'm gonna show to you is made using AI. But I'm not using these as the "Finished looks", but these are more of concepts, as I'm terrible at drawing, and don't have cash to pay someone to draw them. But this is the main idea:

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  • 30 weeks
    Happy Halloween

    Enjoy the 2 parter Halloween movies Cartoon Network used to air: Scary Godmother and The Revenge of Jimmy.

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Top 5 Games that I'm excited for from E3 · 1:54am Jun 25th, 2017

Yeah, I kinda watched some E3 trailers, and I'm probably a bit late, but I don't give a damn. These are my personal games that I want to play REALLY bad now, and, hopefully, they're not terrible games that leave me with disappointment. Let's get this started.

#5 Farcry 5

Since this from Ubisoft, I'm gonna assume that it's gonna be downgraded upon release, but I hope it's not too downgraded that everyone feels cheated on... looking at you, Watch_Dogs, The Division, and every Assess Creed ever! The setting itself is what sells me; you're in rural America, and you have to battle against an army of religious nuts so you, and everyone else, can go back to their old ways of life. Just by the fact it's on America and not anywhere else seems interesting, but I hope the gameplay is much better than what Farcry 4 did... and Farcry Primal. (Does anyone even remember that game? Or why it's still being sold for $40?)

#4 God of War 4.

I wish I had a PS4. I really liked the God of War games; ancient Greek mythology turned bloodier and wiped out as you played one of the angriest protagonists in gaming, Kratos! But, this seems to be taking a different step, which I really hope works well; instead of the hectic Hack & Slash gameplay we know, this seems to be a lot more slow with some explorative areas in a story that seems linear. That, and it seems you make moral choices instead of 'Kill everyone I see!' like in the last game, taking many notes from The Last of Us, though, if you can, I'm sure we'll go barbaric on everyone. That, and we're no longer in Greek Mythology, but Norse now, so I hope there's a boss battle with Thor!

#3 South Park: The fractured but Whole.

I love the South Park show, and while I haven't seen much of the new episodes, due to it on Comedy Central, a channel that I don't have on my TV, I really love how it's still relevant after almost 20 years. The Stick of Truth was a REALLY fun game, with plenty of Easter eggs that fans will get, and a TON of offensive jokes. This looks to be extending a lot of that, but with today's favorite subject, superheroes! Doesn't matter if you're a Marvel fan, a DC fan, or anywhere in between, we can have a fun time with the Coon, Mysterion, The Human Kite, and... Captain Diabetes?... I can't wait!

#2 Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus

Fuck yes! If any of you were curious, there was a game in 2014 that was called Wolfenstien: The New Order; it told the story of William B.J. Blazkowicz, failing to kill General Deathshead, and thus, in an explosion that leaves our protagonist crippled and sent to an asylum, snaps after 20 years of sitting to find himself in a world that's ruled by the Nazis. It was stupid, but the good type of stupid, one where you're hooked to the end, killing any and ALL Nazis you see! Believe me, it was basically if Inglorious Bastards and Valkyrie had a child, one who duel wielded matching weapons and used the old way of survival by health and armor pickups instead of the weird 'healing magic' most games have nowadays. And just like those movies, there was great dialogue, scenes, characters, and even genuine commentary. Yes, a game about killing Nazis actually has some smart commentary that doesn't just say "This is Bad!" like the Purge movies. And if you're wondering, no, I'm not gonna bring up Call of Duty: World War 2 into this, or the 'controversies' around killing Nazis. That's just retarded.

#1 Middle Earth: Shadow of War.

This is how you do a sequel. You take the formula, and you add more into it! Shadow of Mordor was fun, if not, a bit bland in the story & had repetition in the gameplay, the nemesis more than justified for the game! Now, with all of the new stuff they added, I pray to CHRIST that they don't FUCK this up! Everything is there! Just fix the minor problems that may happen, and we're good. I wanna lead my army of brainwashed Orcs, trolls, and other creatures into Mordor, and make Sauron my bitch! Seriously, the sieges looks fucking badass! Loot, excellent! More types and tribes? Yes, please! New skills to learn and master? My dick is hard! Give it to me! Give me this game, NOW!!!

I apologize for the swearing.

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