• Member Since 22nd Nov, 2013
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Dark Scribe of the 38th Company, Iron Warriors Legion, come to bring the glory of Chaos to the realm of Pony.

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  • 4 weeks
    Cult Ponies

    I'm pretty sure people would rather have story updates instead of art updates, but it turns out most artists draw faster than I write.
    Also, uh, due to my last image hosting site failing, I don't actually know what art I've posted before so here we go!

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  • 29 weeks
    Character Roster (Updated)

    I'm re-posting the roster with fixed links and a few updates.

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    The automata that started it all...
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    Iron Cavalry

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    Praying to the Dark

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    Do you want to know why humans turn to Chaos?
    Sometimes we convert at gunpoint. Sometimes we trade our souls for petty comforts or advantages. Sometimes we need to think that there's some kind of greater intelligence and will standing behind this cruel, merciless universe, and wish to align ourselves with it."
    Gaela smiled.

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8th Edition · 9:27pm Jun 25th, 2017

Welp, I got all my super-expensive rulebooks, and now everything is different.
None of my formations work now. None of the weapons are the same. My freaking TANKS have close combat attacks and Initiative isn't a thing.
Also there's this thing called the Cicatrix Maledictum that happened, I guess? It was a really big deal and was felt pretty much across the entire galaxy. Games Workshop managed to render both my fake Codex AND my fanfiction obsolete :raritycry:

Oh well. At least they nerfed flyers hard. Take THAT, flying lists! Not so tough now, are you?!

Comments ( 34 )

Sorry to hear that, maybe it could be a good excuse to rewrite you codex entries now?!

What? Never wanted to run over Tyranids in a Leman Russ?

I am loving 8th 50power game for 45 minis of fun

Freakin' game developers, they're worse than showrunners for jossing your shit.

Been playing since 2nd, after the terrible 7th edition 8th has changed a lot for the better! hell my group has been dusting off the models and gearing up to play.

GW listening to feedback and actually comunicating!

movement values!

Giant buffs to every army!

New tactical maines box set Primaris marines so they can make a ton of money!

I'm going to try and play a game next weekend to see how it runs. The new rules don't look BAD... but they just blew up so much of the rules and wiped the slate clean, I guess I'm a little shocked.
It's like what they did with Age of Sigmar, except this doesn't appear to totally suck.
Hell of a way to counteract Codex Creep :derpyderp1:

I'm going to have to rewrite them completely! None of the special rules or psychic powers work anymore! :raritydespair:
And I don't want to harp on this point, but Initiative is not a thing. They wiped an entire characteristic value and everything related to it O_o;

How do you run a combat system without initiative? What, is everything x-moves, y-moves?

That's the weirdest change to me. Especially since close combat still doesn't strictly obey turn order like shooting does.
Now instead of resolving entire combats, individual units take turns striking blows. All the units that charged that turn (inevitably belonging to the player whose turn it is) get to fight first. Fair enough. But after that, players take turns deciding which unit gets to fight next.
So if:
Unit A charges unit X
while unit B is engaged in melee with unit Y
and unit C is engaged with unit Z
Then unit A resolves its attacks on X. X does not immediately fight back.
The acting player then starts the combats where nobody charged. He chooses unit B to attack unit Y. Y does not fight back.
At this point, then the other player gets to choose. The only logical choice is to decide unit Z is going to attack, since there's no reason to let it take damage first.
After that, the only unit on the first player's side that hasn't attacked yet is C. C does its thing, and then Y and X get to go.
It's strange.

I gotta agree, that sounds awesome.

So, to someone that has a slight notion of how 40k played, how has it changed? Slight notion as in knows how the rolls were and what the basics statistics meant.

And that is weird as fuck. Practical, but weird.

I'm pretty sure it wouldn't seem very different at all to someone with passing familiarity. You still take turns, move dozens of little plastic soldiers, shoot using d6 rolls, curse at the sight of 1's. There's big tanks, big aliens, swarms, cannons, and dudes with era-inappropriate swords.
But to someone invested in the minutiae of playing the games and the accumulated rules of the past three editions, it's a big shock. They wiped the slate pretty clean. No more armor facings or damage tables. No more templates or scatter. No more Initiative stats or involuntary falling back. No more boosted cover saves that grant the same protection as Terminator armour. No more big library of psychic abilities ripe for abuse. It's a lot.
Also, this has suddenly become very relevant:

Are you planing on going though your stories and changing them to be updated with the new changes?

I personally never played the table top, started reading the books a few years back and I am interested in trying the tabletop out. Is now a good time to start? Or should I wait for 9th?
Or should I just leave my head in the books for all eternity?

I'm confused as to how this renders your fanfiction obsolete. Your codex sure, it's no longer compatible. But your fiction even if using obsolete weapons or such shouldn't have been affected. Like back in the day, with the switch from 3rd to 4th, all of my Berserker squads were led by a mutated champion (ah gifts of the gods how I mix that section). Then they removed the mutations and I had to buy Possessed Marines just so the heavily converted models had a place to go. But fiction wise nothing stops me from saying my team is led by a marine whose hair fell out to be replaced by tendrils that secreted a neurotoxin...

How did they ruin the fan fiction?

No more templates? How do flamethrowers and grenades work now? No damage tables means toughness works exactly how, now?
Damn, things got messed around. Never got to play my dark crusade in 7e, I wonder how 8e will change it.

"Ruins" the story is overdramatic, of course. But the new edition officially updates the 40K story to include the Circatrix Maledictum, a phenomenon so vast and powerful that its effects are felt galaxy-wide and it would alter how Imperial battlegroups function.
I mean, they damaged the freaking Astronomican. That's a big deal.

This is a perfect time to pick up the game. Everything's fresh and you won't be burdened by the complexities of all the old materials.
A even better time to start would be after GW releases a proper codex for the army you want. Since they rendered all previous codices obsolete, playing the game now requires an index to figure out what units do what. They're pretty threadbare at the moment, having cast off all the old rule materials that accumulated.

Now all of the template/blast weapons inflict a randomized number of hits; formerly small blast weapons cause d3 hits, large blast and template weapons cause d6. Template weapons are short-ranged, but hit automatically. So no longer do players need to worry about their model positioning leaving them vulnerable to templates.
When I said "damage tables" I meant for vehicles and buildings, but the strength/toughness chart is gone too. Now an attack that strikes at more than a model's toughness wounds on 3+. If the strength is at least twice toughness, it wounds on 2+. It's the same in reverse, to the point that any attack can wound any toughness on a roll of 6. There's no point at which an attack is too weak to cause any damage.
Because any attack can now cause a wound on any model (vehicles now use toughness and wounds), it's now possible - albeit still a bad idea - to gun down Land Raiders with lasguns or stab them with bayonets. It's kind of funny.

I'll probably just place the story previous to the Circatrix Maledictum. Heck, I might have it occur sometime in future chapters. With the Astronomican gone and the Warp ascendant, it would be a golden age for Chaos pirates!

"MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA all shall fall before us." "PINKIE! Get off Solon RIGHT NOW!"

OK, I just went to read all that, I you forgot the single sole most glaring change EVER to happen in the 40k history...

TIME PASSED!!! :pinkiegasp:

I'd love to see you portrait the impact of the new edition on Equestria and the 38th itself, and how will they react to a new establishing status quo on the galaxy.
Whoa, a fuckton of things changed on the scenery too. Great, now I'm stoked for it. Let's see if there's still gaming groups in my city...

To be honest, the impact of the new edition will probably be an off-hand comment about how often high-altitude flyers get wiped out by ordinary ground fire all of a sudden.
Underrated effect of new rules: hitting planes with flamers and artillery. Hilarious.

One would believe that a galaxy-wide warp rift would have more impact than that :rainbowlaugh:
Unless you mean to end your stories before that. But that would make us sad, sad readers :fluttercry:

But then again, such comments would be completely in line with your characters. Poor Pegasi, though...

I was interested in playing Necrons, any idea if they will get a new codex anytime soon (as in within a year).

Yup, time passed. I gotta admit, this and the amount of retread that happened in older codices was why I looked forward to buying a new book for Warmachines / Hordes than 40k.

A new 40k book might have 1 new story or a couple new chapters (for Marines of course, Tau are always only purist or Brightswor, Eldar are usually interchangeable, Dark Eldar are utterly interchangeable) or else a complete retcon (appearance-wise for Dark Eldar from 3rd edition to 5th dition - a change I greatly welcomed. Lore-wise for Necrons from 3rd to 5th - a change I greatly despised).

Meanwhile each new WarmaHordes book went through the storylines of the beginning of the Khador Invasion, then the Conquest of Llael, the second war for the Castle of the Keys, the consumption of the Dragon Pyromalfic by the Legion of Everblight, the Skorne invasion along the eastern front, and the 2nd return of the deposed Cygnar king.
The story always moves forward, ergo the story is living rather than stagnant with occasional retcons like 40k (sorry / not sorry for the story gushing :pinkiecrazy: )

No, no idea.
As Necrons are one of the more marginal armies (not especially popular + low model count means less $$$) it will probably be a while.
No reason not to start now, though. Flipping through the index, the basic stats Necrons have to work with are pretty good. The entire army basically gets passive regeneration.
Fun fact: Necron basic guns, the gauss flayers, used to be famous for being able to damage heavy vehicles despite being otherwise no better than boltguns. Now that EVERY gun can damage heavy vehicles, they all got upgraded with better Armor Penetration to keep the arms race going.

What really amuses me is that even while I was reading the preview articles they put out for the new edition I couldn't help but think about how the 38th Company codex could be modified to fit the new rules. Some things, like Tellis, seem like they would be easier actually. Others will take major modifications, like Serith's Black Tome. Overall, options for units seem a lot less common now, particularly non-weapon options. Some of the wargear has been made default now, while others now cost points that didn't before. The new Faction Keyword system should make it easier to have everything work together.

The biggest change that seems relevant for your story is that plasma weapons are not anywhere near as deadly for the user, as they only overheat if they are overcharged. Which sadly makes all your jokes about deadly plasma out of date. Most everything else, like vehicles not having their weapons lost anymore, isn't a big problem since that can just be a case of 'story is more realistic than the game' which is fairly common.

Having finally played a game of the new edition a few days ago, my impressions are good. It is a solid rule set, and plays quite smoothly. No more arguing about how many units got hit by that blast anymore, which I really like. Also no more having to look up damage tables for vehicles, which I am indifferent to overall. It is nice that vehicles use the same rules as everyone else, but it also results in some odd situations like firing all four of the flux arcs on a Monolith at a single target. I guess it is spinning like a top?

I am going to be seeing about re-creating the four codices I made or started work on for previous editions (UNSC, Covenant, Forces of the Beast Planet, and a self-playing force for single player or cooperative play). Should be fun. If you would like I can share with you any insights I have that seem relevant to the 38th Company.

I for one don't care for the dropping of most of the armory and relics. I understand how some of them can be obnoxious from a design standpoint, but I very much enjoy customizing my characters and have resented the slow slide toward HQ uniformity over the various codices. I hope they find a way to allow players to have proper armories again when they start releasing new army books.
As far as plasma guns go, I don't think it will be a problem. Imperial plasma weapons overheating and killing their users is such a well-known aspect of the game's rules that they can never fully retcon it. If/When I remake the supplement rulebooks I'll just let unicorns fire them at full power without risk of dying.

Wait a minute...
MELTA BOMBS! Where the :yay: are my melta bombs?!
The :yay: is this, GW?! Loyalists can still take them! This is bull:yay:!

I noticed that! There are a bunch of odd choices they made like that. I play Necrons and Tau, so I mostly noticed such things with them. What happened to all my Tau vehicle equipment? My 2+ saves on Commanders and Overlords? All the EMP grenades?! I really liked those!

And some of the points costs are really wonky. Necron Hyperphase Swords and Voidblades have the same exact statline, yet the voidblade costs twice as many points to take. WT:yay:?

Good to know I hope I can find some people to play with first though may look around at my university for a club or group who plays it first. It is probably more fun if you play with people you see more often then only when you are playing once every week.

Wargear is wack now. Minimal options, probably to accommodate the new "power ratings" unit scoring. Because power ratings don't change with with wargear selection, they seem to expect people who take up the new system to lavishly equip all their units. They compensate, apparently, by restricting the bonuses you can pile on.
Fair enough. But then why not just restrict melta bombs to HQ characters or something? Why take them out entirely? Melta bombs are old tech! This is madness! And not the good kind of madness!


Of course enough lasguns should be able to hurt a land raider. Are you telling me that a lascannon ISN'T secretly just a shitton of lasguns wired to fire together inside a fancy casing!?

Stop giving away the secrets of the Machine Cult, Arzoo.

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