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Fallout Equestria: Surviving Light Reviews: Chapters 3 and 4 · 8:19pm Jul 4th, 2017

Video made by me.

Happy Independence Day everypony, or if you don't live in America, happy Tuesday.

I had slotted a review for today but I had no idea what I really wanted to do, but thankfully I have something now since I've been off my schedule. Thankfully this will get everything back on schedule and we'll be able to get back on the Sunday schedule as usual.

So this time around we have one of my favorite underrated side fics FaultyScrewdriver's Surviving Light. If you still haven't ever checked out this story, get on it, its a great fic.

So lets begin.

---Chapter 3: Carrot Cake

I really miss you. I wish you could come back, but I know you won’t be able to. I know you don’t want to worry me, but I really want you to tell me what’s happening out there. I want to be kept up-to-date.
I love you to, Vanil. I know I might not see you for a while. But I want to see you again. I don’t want to live knowing that you might die out there.
So please, come back safe.
~Butterscotch Candy

Good start, its an interesting idea to have the main character still receive messages from their home Stable for a bit, its not something you usually see.

So as the chapter actually starts Vanilla has discovered the radio option on her PipBuck and picks up of course DJ Pon3's Radio as well as Crystal City radio with Voice as the DJ, which fans of Survivor's Guilt may remember from his brief cameo on the radio. At the moment she's walking since her wings require a recharge period, and she's listening to a song by Sweetie Belle about snow.

Voice has a strange sense of humor doesn't he?

Anyway, the song distracts her long enough that she comes face to face with an orange and green Ghoul pony, which catches her off guard, and makes her puke, real smooth Vanilla.

The Ghoul seems to share my sentiment:

The creature retracted his tongue back into his mouth. “Now that’s just disgusting.” It’s voice was deep, scratchy, and sounded hoarse.

Vanilla is of course confused as to why the Ghoul hadn't attacked her yet since it was the same as the creatures that had attacked Stable 81. She considers shooting him but hesitates since he hasn't done anything yet, and he comments that he's never seen a mare who's a quarter robot before.

Video belongs to Disney.

Vanilla puts her gun away since it seems like the Ghoul isn't going to attack her and according to her EFS he's not hostile. When she demands that he gets out of her way or she'll shoot him, he points out that he's stronger and faster than she is and would be able to kill her before she got a shot off, so she backs off.

His grin returned. “Good. Glad we’re on the same page.” He moved his face away from mine. I breathed out in relief, at the same time he pushed his eye back into place again.

“Fucking creepy zombie.”

“Actually, the politically correct term is ‘ghoul.’”

Right, because political correctness is very important after the apocalypse, which Vanilla even points out and the Ghoul admits she has a point, but still says the correct term is Ghoul.

Anyway, at this point she's able to make out the Crystal Empire more clearly, its still a good distance away but its at least a start. The Ghoul asks her if she's going to Crystal City, which briefly confuses her since she assumed it was called the Crystal Empire.

“Oh nonono. That was before the war. Nowadays, ponies call it Crystal City. Only a small part of it is safe to live in nowadays, and that’s a small circle just outside the castle, and the area within it.”

Huh, so its not in a Buckball stadium after all. Yeah, Crystal City is more or less this fic's version of Diamond City from Fallout 4.

Anyway, Vanilla asks him why he isn't killing her or at least trying to attack her, and while he says he could be more of an asshole if she wants, the reason is mostly because he's not feral. He gives her a quick overview of what Ghouls are and that most Ghouls aren't evil. He then asks her how new she is to the Wasteland and when she says that its only her first day, he asks if she's looked up yet.

When she does look up she gets struck with a feeling of vertigo as she sees the cloud cover above her head, which makes her very dizzy. He asks her what her story is, and despite the fact that he's a Ghoul like the creatures that attacked her home, Vanilla finds herself trusting him and tells him everything.

He asks her why she didn't try out the Memory Orb that she had found and it confuses her a bit since she didn't know what it was. So after him suggesting it she takes it out of her bags and connects with it.

So, she finds herself in the body of a stallion... you can imagine how awkward that is given that means she's aware of his, uh... parts. He's sitting in a booth at a cafe with a blue Crystal Pony mare waiting on a client of some sort. She remembers from the note that this was of when Runner first met Scented Candle and that the other mare is named Pearl.

Scented Candle has arrived and apparently she's here because she needs bits, twenty thousand bits to be precise, yikes.

Strangely, neither Runner nor his partner seemed the least bit surprised. Pearl nodded her head this time. “Twenty thousand bits is easy money. We could get that delivered to you by the end of the day. The real problem is whether or not you’ll be able to pay it back within a fixed timeline.”

When she asks about the timeline they tell her that it would be about a month and that she'll have to pay them back plus interest, oh yay loan sharks, so it is the Pony Mafia after all.

Video belongs to someone.

She relents however and says that maybe she can get a loan from the Ministry (though you have to wonder why she didn't just do that in the first place), and of course Runner makes an oh so subtle threat. As Scented Candle leaves however, he makes this comment:

“She’s hotter than the pictures make her out to be.”

The Orb ends and she finds herself back in reality and she questions whether or not that really happened. The Ghoul gives a brief explanation of Memory Orbs and mentions that some ponies in Crystal City are using them to piece together pre-war history, but of course this memory wouldn't be much use unless you're piecing together mafia history, might be useful in New Pegasus at least.

Its at this point that Vanilla realizes she never asked the Ghoul's name and he introduces himself as Carrot Cake, and then insists that he's not the same pony as the baker Carrot Cake and he's related to the Carrot family.

So after Carrot Cake nearly makes Vanilla throw up again they come across some Slavers, yay.

“What the hell? What are ponies doing enslaving each other?”

Carrot ignored my question. “What the hell are Fillydelphia slavers doing out here? Are they capturing ponies to sell to Redeye?”

“Slavers? Capturing ponies? Selling them? What the hell are ponies doing capturing and enslaving each other!”

Given the time period that raises questions, but we'll get to that later.

However Vanilla's outburst has attracted the attention of the Slavers and they turn to see her, and the Ghoul has vanished. She enters SATS and manages to take out one of the Slavers, but one of the others attacks her with some sort of weird energy weapon that hits her with a ring of energy.

Darn it, I can't find the clip I wanted to use here either.

Anyway, it seems that the weapon used on her was one of those... hypnosis things from Fallout 3 that the Slavers from Paradise Falls will give you that I can't remember the name of all of a sudden. She starts to take off her bags and barding when she realizes that something isn't right since, she did just shoot one of them and all, but by this point its too late since she's now in the cage.

However they didn't take away her wings and she uses her magic to start to undo the collar. She also spots Carrot Cake who was hiding behind a rock. Through a series of hoof motions she manages to get them to start moving the cage back and forth and when the Slavers try to get them to stop, they aren't looking in front of them where Carrot starts charging at them.

They manage to take out one of the Slavers with the cage and the Unicorn shooting them while Carrot takes out another by ripping out his jugular, nasty. Another slaver activates the explosives in the collars but its a delayed reaction so Vanilla manages to get them off of herself and the Unicorn in the cage with her, but the other two ponies aren't so lucky as their heads explode.

Eventually, there is only one Slaver left, a terrified mare, Vanilla orders her to lay down her weapon, which she complies with. They get the door to the cage unlocked. It seems that the surviving slaver was doing that because she didn't have caps and needed to feed her family.

We get another couple of messages between Vanilla and Butterscotch:

You know that feeling you get when you know you did something wrong, but you can’t quite put your hoof on what exactly it is you did? That’s how I’m feeling right now. I’ve done a few things since I left the Stable. Things I can’t decide whether I’m proud of or not. 
I’ve killed ponies. It may have been self defense, but I still did it. Now their blood is on my hooves, and I feel like something in my head has snapped. I’m not a mare meant to kill ponies, Butterscotch. It feels wrong.
And I have two more pony’s blood on my hooves as well. I didn’t kill them directly, but it was still my fault. I put my life ahead of theirs. I could have saved them if I weren’t being so selfish.
And I spared one of the very ponies that captured, and later, tried to kill me. Why? Was this the right choice? I don’t know.
And I made an acquaintance. One of those things that killed Gardens. He’s not like them though. He’s not insane. I’m not going to say he’s nice. He’s actually a bit of a prick. But if it weren’t for him, I’d definitely be dead right now. Yet, for some reason, I feel that by making friends with him, I’d somehow betray Gardens. And you.
I can’t tell what’s right or what’s wrong anymore, Butterscotch. Please help me.
I’m a broken mare.

Message Sent: 14:13


I’m sorry. I really don’t know how to comfort you. I didn’t realize how bad it was outside. You’ve had it going rough. I know. Just, keep doing what you’re doing. Keep surviving. All that matters is that you stay alive, right?

Vanilla, you better come back safe. I wanna see you again. Please, please, please don’t leave me. I couldn’t stand to be here without you at my side.

Message Received: 14:17

Vanilla gets to know the other ponies a bit more, Divinity, the Unicorn mare she had saved was on her way to Crystal City from Old Appleloosa, and the gun used on them before used microwaves to disorient Unicorns. Carrot Cake was a Carrot Farmer before the apocalypse and these days he just kind of wanders around.

The Ex-Slaver named Orange was now a widow with two foals since their father was one of the other Slavers, which makes Vanilla feel a little guilty. Its an interesting moment because it actually humanizes the Slavers a bit, showing that Orange was really doing it more out of desperation than anything else.

It seems that Vanilla has caught the attention of the local DJ as well, since we get this bit:

We have an interesting update today, Crystal Citizens. A Stable dweller has emerged from her little hole in the ground, and is cleaving a path toward Crystal City. One thing is for sure, she’s a fighter.
Reports say she tangoed with Cracker, and miraculously walked away unscathed. Though, Trainyard does look a little worse for wear with all of the explosions going down.
Oh, and she was… enslaved, right? Yes, enslaved. Bomb collar and all, and yet managed to walk away unscathed, even saving a couple of slaves.

Correction: One slave and a slaver.

She’s definitely a miracle worker. But that’s not the most curious thing about her, Citizens. Oh no. It’s the fact that she’s cybernetic. With a chrome lined back-

Steel plated. Not chrome lined.

-And attachments she has put on her back, she’s pushed through. And very soon, we may see the Cybermare walking in the streets and halls of our very own Crystal City.

Well it seems Vanilla has her nickname now, the Cybermare, and the chapter ends with them about 5 miles away from Crystal City.

---Chapter 4: The Crystal Empire---

“Orange is down!” Divinity shouted as loud as she could.

Wow, things went wrong faster than usual.

So they're being shot at by Crystal Ponies who tried to mug them, wow, what nice ponies they are, which lead to a shoot out where Vanilla and company are outnumbered and outgunned. Orange is in bad shape having likely lost a leg to a pony wielding a Ripper, and Carrot Cake is off doing, something or another.

Vanilla takes out the pony attacking Orange with four shots to the head and pulled the ex-slaver into cover. When she realizes that Orange had indeed lost one of her legs, Vanilla breaks down as she's reminded of what happened to her sister. She gives Divinity some healing potions and takes out a Hydra asking what it does and then injecting herself with it to take on the muggers, fun, so she leaves cover levitating a small arsenal behind her.

It doesn't take long to take out the Crystal Ponies, and she returns to cover as the Hydra wears off. It seems that Orange will at least make it to Crystal City. Vanilla calms her down by telling her stories of Butterscotch which lasts about an hour without interruption.

And we get some more messages from Stable 81:

Progress is going great out here. And wouldn’t you know it? You’re almost twenty four hours gone. If you’re uh… don’t want to talk about it.
Legs are kinda new to me, since the only cybernetics I’ve made in the past were a spine, a back, and a few eyes. But regardless of that, You’re sister will be, uh… not good as new. But good in a few days.
And hey, Vanil. Sorry this ever happened to you. Your father and I were good friends. When he passed, I promised I would never let anything happen to you. I’m so sorry.
~Fix Ser

Message Received: 19:37

I want a progress report.
~Overmare, Stable 81

Message Received: 21:07

Fuck off.

Message Sent: 21:08

You know I don't think she's very fond of the Overmare, don't quote me on that though.

Anyway, they manage to bunker down in an old bakery and its now Vanilla's time to stand watch. But things are a little strange since music starts to play even though the PipBuck's radio is off.

She gets scared when the source sneaks up on her and says "Boo!" but finds that its, well, its a Spritebot since why not. Whoever's on the other end seems to be enjoying themselves at least and asks how things are going for her, and when she says things are good we get this line:

“That’s good. That’s good. Look, I know you Stable dwellers. Your type is always trying to become a hero of some such. Don’t even bother. Ever since the Lightbringer activated the Gardens of Equestria there hasn’t been much else anypony had been able to do. So, don’t play hero. Your heroism will be unwanted and unnecessary.”

You know what the irony of this is? This is set in the same universe as my fanfics and one of the points to my stories is that LittlePip's actions had consequences, that even after Sunshine and Rainbows there will always be a need for heroes because some things ultimately never change.

The voice on the other end tells Vanilla to either go back home or keep going to Crystal City and make a life for herself there and that as long as there isn't some sort of catastrophic event she won't be needed.

If you guys have read the other reviews of this fic you know that something is coming.

Vanilla says that she had left the Stable to find a door for it and the voice points out that LittlePip hadn't exactly left to be a hero either, so intention is kind of out the window. He also mentions the Goddess and the old Red Eye, yes, the old one, I'll let the fanfic explain:

“Two Redeyes. The old one, a little bit of a tyrant. The new one? A stallion slave that looked up to the old Redeye. He followed in the old one’s hoofsteps. Even gouged out his right eye just so he could replace it with a cybernetic one.”

I cringed. “He mutilated himself? Why?”

“Because he looked up to Redeye. He wanted to be just like his old master. So, a year after Redeye’s death, new Redeye took over the operations. Built himself up from scratch. And without the Lightbringer to stop him, and everypony else staying away from him so they can rebuild their own homes, he’s managed to rebuild some of Redeye’s empire.”

Its also been about 3 years since the events of the original fanfic at this point, there's some minor hiccups here and there but I'll let them pass. Vanilla says that she just needs an abandoned Stable and a door to use. It also turns out that she could've just gone straight to Crystal City if she had just waited a little while, whoops.

And we finally get a name for this guy who's controlling the Robot, Mask, that's really about it. He also warns her to look out for something called the Remnant because they're not happy with Stable Dwellers after the whole, you know, Lightbringer thing. Also that conversation lasted several hours, weird, but okay.

More messages:

I’m so tired of all of the beautiful. Everything, and I mean everything in the Crystal Empire sparkles. After a while, it hurts the eyes. Then you get used to it. Then, it just gets annoying. Ugh. But, I may be one step closer to a way to replace the Stable door. Maybe, just maybe, there’s a Stable in the Crystal Empire. And maybe, just maybe, It’ll be abandoned and still have a door.
I might be back soon! I love you lil’ sis. I can’t wait to see you again.

Message Sent: 09:50

So the next day they're making their way through the ruins of the Crystal Empire again, as they walk along we get some more dialogue from Voice:

For those of you that haven’t heard the news from good ol’ DJ-Pon3 themself, DJ Pon3 is stepping down. That’s right. They’re retiring. Unless somepony wants to fill the old speakers place, the radio might be cut down. Which means ponies outside of the Crystal City area won’t be receiving the daily updates that they might need. I would take over the job, but I uh… heh-heh. I don’t exactly have the bravado to throw my voice at millions of ponies. I’m quite alright with the thousands here in the Crystal Empire. 
On another note, you remember how I said Cybermare was coming to Crystal City? Seems I was right in that prediction. I should be a seer. Anyway, she’s cleaving a path through the Crystal Empire now. And Cybermare. If you’re listening in on this, keep an eye out for the Remnant. That nasty bunch of pegasi isn’t as forgiving as they were three years ago.
Now, Here’s ‘A Good Time’ by the lovely Scarlet Melody!

I'm really trying to keep references to my own fics in this review to a minimum, I mean we are in the same universe, but still, stuff happens with that in my fics.

Vanilla is of course wondering exactly what the Remnant is since both Voice and Mask mentioned them, and she asks Carrot Cake what they are.

Pretend to be surprised:

Carrot scoffed a little. “Classic Stable-pony question. The Remnant, or as they like to call themselves, The Enclave, are what’s left of the, well, the Enclave after the Lightbringer basically destroyed them five years ago. Bunch of irrational pegasi is what they are. Most of the other pegasi left the Enclave and joined the rebuild effort. But them? They don’t understand that what they did was wrong. So now, about five thousand pegasi that refused to leave the Enclave now from what everypony in Equestria call the Remnant.” He laughs. “I’ve never actually killed a member of the Enclave or the Remnant. Their armor is more terrifying than even that of the Steel Rangers. Makes me think of bugs. Especially scorpions. They even have strange little scorpion tails at the end. And the better suits of armor? They actually have venom coursing through the tails.”

Yep, the Enclave is in the Crystal Wasteland.

Vanilla takes the lead with a wisecrack from Carrot Cake, and out of curiosity asks if Ghouls can feel pain. The answer is yes but its very dumbed down. He asks her what her IQ is at and she admits that its 173, trying not to sound like she's bragging, but Carrot Cake points out that it might not be so useful out here. She says that they have been useful, just not as useful as other things, and she starts to get a bit upset. Carrot asks her if she's okay and she tells him to leave her alone, he apologizes and as Orange starts to come back around he takes the lead again.

Orange is still in bad shape but she seems to be doing better at least. Vanilla talks with her for a moment, the mare reminds her a bit of her sister to the point where she winds up hugging her. Orange thanks her for all the help she's given her and she tries to walk on her own, she's still in bad shape though and suffering from phantom pains.

Orange asks her the obvious question:

She nodded. “I guess. Why do you care about me? Why are you protecting me? I enslaved you. I was the one that put the bomb collar on your neck.”

I shrugged a little. “Forgive and forget, I suppose. The others didn’t really get as much of a chance as you did.” No. Idiot Vanilla. That’s not what she meant. She’s not asking why you spared her. She’s asking why you’re so nice to her. I gave myself a mental facehoof. “At least, That’s what it was at first. But after the incident, you started to remind me of my sister. You remember her. I told you all about her. Butterscotch Candy. You have a nervousness that’s similar to hers. And uh… the missing limb thing.”

And after that they reach a dead end and Vanilla gets a face full of Ghoul butt, eww. Before they can figure out what happened though, they get ambushed by more Crystal Ponies who have them pinned against the wall.

Yeah, they're basically forced to follow these ponies, and then when they see Vanilla's cybernetics they realize that she's the Cybermare. She manages to scare 4 of them into running away but the last 3 aren't intimidated, and then one of them gets their head blown off by Divinity's shotgun.

Shotguns, cures for Raiders and Zombies alike.

Vanilla takes one of the others out and Carrot uses that chainsaw he got off one of the previous Raiders to take out the last one. The Raiders were likely going to gang rape Divinity if they had taken her hostage, so thank goodness that didn't happen, and they keep walking towards Crystal City.

You didn’t reply last time I sent a message. You’re usually an early riser, but I guess you’re probably still resting since you just lost your back legs recently and all.
Three ponies that I previously considered my acquaintances are now my friends. For sure. The first one is Carrot Cake. He’s an earth pony, and a ghoul (you know, one of those things that invaded our Stable). He can be a bit of an ass, but at least her tries, you know? The second is a unicorn by the name of Divinity. She’s not one for words. I’ve only got three sentences and an incredibly shortened life story out of her. Now that I think about it, I barely know anything about her. But I do like the fact she likes to blow off faces with a shotgun.
And the third, is an earth pony mare named Orange. Her parents must have been very creative in naming her. Her whole body is orange. She’s been through a lot. More than anyone else in our group. Mostly because she’s lost a limb. Like you. She actually reminds me of you. She has your same nervous vibe.

Butterscotch, would it be weird to say that I’ve fallen for somepony that tried to enslave and kill me? Literally less than a day ago? I don’t know why, but I just…
Nevermind. I guess you wouldn’t understand. Love you little sis. Message me soon.

Message Sent: 12:33

Yeah, for the last two messages have been nothing but Vanilla sending messages home, it seems that Stable 81 has gone quiet, that's a bit ominous.

Our heroes have reached Crystal City's main gate at this point and Vanilla got a bit overly enthusiastic and ran forward only to get stopped by the guards. They ask if any of them are insane or flesh eaters, but of course none of them are, and after asking if they were Remnant sympathizers they are content with the answers and are allowed inside.

We get our first real look at Crystal City here:

And so, we crossed the gate. And of course, Crystal City shined. Well, yes, it did shine. It wa in the Crystal Empire, and everything there shined. But no, I mean it shined. The moment I walked inside, I spotted a crowd of ponies negotiating trade with a pony at a jewelry stand. Which there were ton of. But there weren’t just jewelry stands. It seemed there were shops for everything. Medicine, guns, armor. There were some shops that specialized in weapon mods, and some in special types of ammo. Some just sold junk.

I just realized I left out the shine in my fics, oh well.

She finds a pair of nice earrings which are being sold for 30,000 caps, geez, what is this guy a Ferengi? Since that's out of her price range Vanilla asks her companions where she might fight a Stable and Divinity points her towards the Mayor's office in the castle. Divinity parts ways with them at this point, thanking them for their help.

Orange also says that she wants to go to New Appleloosa in order to raise her foals, so, yeah two of the four of them are leaving. Vanilla asks Carrot Cake what he's going to do and we get this answer:

He smiles widely. His eye was slipping out again, but he caught it. Why did it seem to mostly due that when he smiled? “Nah. I think my wandering career is just about done. I found a new career. Helping ponies that don’t know jack shit about the wasteland learn about the wasteland. Starting with you.”

Yeah, that makes sense.

Vanilla accepts it at least and is glad that she has a friend out here.

So they start moving up to the Mayor's office, going past different ponies of various types. She gets an explanation for Alicorns but that's about it.

When they reach the top of the stairs we get a cameo:

Finally, I had caught my breathe. I began my walk to the door with Carrot following behind me. Just as I reached out to open the door with my magic, it flew open. Standing in the doorway was a blue pegasus with a goofy grin on her face and goggles over her eyes. “Oh hey there. Take it you're here to talk with the mayor?”

I gave a small nod. “Yeah. Take it you just finished a conversation with them? And based off of your grin, you got something you wanted?”

She laughed. “Oh no. I actually just got fired. But it’s the reason I got fired that I’m quite happy. Some incident with a Brahmin. The story’s pretty funny. I couldn’t retell it and give it the glory it deserves. So, whatever. Nice back by the way.” And with that, she moves around me and heads to the stairs.

Okay, I might as well explain this one, this was actually a cameo by a character from my fanfics named Bluesky. If you read my fic Wasteland Jewel, she told a story once about how she was the Sheriff of Crystal City for a week before she got fired because of some incident with a Brahmin. It was meant to be a noodle incident trope as a joke, and after FaultyScrewdriver read it he decided to give Bluesky a cameo in this fic.

This won't be the last time a character from my fics appears or is mentioned, but we'll get to that later. And of course it works both ways since the New Red Eye also appeared in my fics as well as Vanilla and Butterscotch.

They meet Mayor Opal and Vanilla introduces herself, though the Mayor isn't very impressed. Vanilla talks to her about needing a Stable Door, and Opal says she'll help, but she needs Vanilla's help first.

“I’ll give you the location of Stable 5 if you do me a favor. We’ve recently lost contact with one of our small settlement communities in the southwest section of the Crystal Empire. And it just so happens there have been reports of Remnant activity in that section. Bluesky was supposed to check it out, but I just fired her for her mistake. So, if you go check out Liverpool, and come back alive with any kind of report, I’ll give you the location of Stable 5, and a healthy sum of caps. Let’s say 1000.”

That's a pretty good offer and Vanilla asks what's so important about Liverpool, which turns out to be the town that supplies Crystal City with coal. Vanilla agrees because, well its a pretty good deal, now she just has to worry about the Remnant. So with that they're off to Liverpool.

The trip lasts about an hour and other than some Radroaches, its pretty uneventful. Liverpool however is in really bad shape since the wall surrounding it had been blasted to pieces, and its being surrounded by ponies in Enclave armor, yep, the Remnant is here and it looks like they're using Liverpool for slave labor.

So of course they decide to liberate them, but they need a plan. Vanilla tells Carrot to go into the cave system and start getting the ponies inside and start a revolt against the Enclave. After all, every revolution begins with a spark.

Video Belongs to Paramount.

“Well well. Look what we have here. Cybermare’s trying to be sneaky.”

Yeah, two soldiers from the Remnant have shown up. One of them approaches her and gets a face full of drill for his troubles, ouch. She takes out the other one and shouts down into the caves to start the rebellion, and gets shot in the shoulder. The battle isn't really going well, while members of the Remnant has gone down the dead civilians outnumber them.

In the end though, the Remnant forces are forced out of the town. One of the ponies who for some reason has a southern accent thanks her for her help. She insists that they call her Vanilla Cream instead of the Cybermare, and we get another message sent to Stable 81.

You there? I’m actually kind of worried. It’s getting dark outside and you still haven’t answered. I hope you’re just resting from your injury. I can only imagine how exhausted you are.
But on another note:
I did it! I did it! I know where a Stable is now, or at least will know where a Stable is. It’s abandoned and has a door. And a train will transport the entire door there. Isn’t it great? I did what the Overmare said! I’ll be able to come back soon!
I can’t wait to see you again!

Message sent: 17:51

Still getting ominous isn't it?

She reports back to the Mayor who gives her a room to stay for the night and the chapter ends with Carrot Cake carrying her downstairs while she falls asleep.

---Final Thoughts---

Well, there's not much I can add to this, its a good couple of chapters, there's a few grammar mistakes here and there, but other than that its good.

It furthers the plot and does some nice worldbuilding, expanding on what happened to the Enclave after Sunshine and Rainbows. If you read fics I've written you can see how this goes for them, and its not exactly going well after this fanfic.

Its a really good story and I can't recommend it enough, check it out sometime.

Chapter 3 gets a score of 4/5.
Chapter 4 gets a score of 5/5.

Read it Here.

Fallout: Equestria belongs to KKat.
Fallout Equestria: Surviving Light belongs to FaultyScrewdriver.

Next Sunday we're back on schedule and its time to travel away from Equestria once more as we see how far we can go this time.

Video made by me.

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