• Member Since 5th Nov, 2011
  • offline last seen 49 minutes ago


I don't judge. Out loud.

More Blog Posts272

  • 48 weeks
    [Humility] Unlocking the Unfinished Experiment

    Well, I wasn't able to keep my promise. I began work on Humility's updated version, made some nice headway on it, and then...just...so much happened. But I'm not going to echo the same excuses. Stuff happened, and Humility sat incomplete, and...I keep thinking about it and feeling like I left part of my best work unfinished. I suppose that's true.

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  • 187 weeks
    [Ikusa] Original Novel

    Not sure if this'll reach many people but I figure it's worth a shot. Hi! I know that a long, loooooong time ago, I was sharing some details on my game project. It started here, but continued in different ways and for

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  • 213 weeks
    Fullmetal Pony Resources

    Seems I can't do anything right the first time. Well, here's the in-progress collection to every single resource, note, draft, scrap, and plan I had for FMP. This is everything except the private messages between me and Twilight Is The BEST. And even now I'm still not done cleaning and formatting all of the documents in it.

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  • 272 weeks
    Voice Acting: Highlight Reel for Karasutengu

    I was recently cast in a fandub for Inverted Crown Productions, in the role of Karasutengu, the villain. I got permission from the project director to make a reel of my performance, and it took me all afternoon to get it hosted properly. So:

    Karasutengu Highlight Reel

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  • 275 weeks
    A Couple'a Silly Prompts

    I asked my buddies in a Discord server to give me some writing prompts because I wanted to create without rules. They came up with two, and they seemed to like 'em. So, I'm gonna share them here too.

    A prompt about that humpback whale found in the rainforest.


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And Another Hiatus. (Sorry. Out of my control.) · 2:55am Jul 15th, 2017

As I approach the weekend, it's time to give a quick update on things. By this time next week, I'll be on the road headed back to Texas. I'm moving for the fourth time in four years (a fact that aggravates me more than almost anything else), which of course means I will not be available until I find a place to stay. To that end, I'm saving most of my current projects - FMP, Switcharootaloo, and Locals - to my Drive folders so I can at least study them while in the passenger seat.

This is also the reason why updates have been so lax lately: I've been too damn busy preparing for this. At least I'm not alone this time, since my brother and sis-in-law are moving with me, but naturally that doesn't mean there's less work to do. We've been cleaning, packing, and discarding a whole bunch'a junk for the past month, and before that we were staging the house and paying for repairs.

I ain't happy about this. But it's out of my hands, and at least I'll have a cheaper cost of living back in my home state. Who knows, maybe I'll finally be able to study some professional-level material when I get down there. But until that point, I won't be able to work on my projects to any extent.

Sorry, folks. Hopefully I won't be gone quite so long this time.

On that note, here's a progress report for what I have in the works:

TFullmetal Pony
To get back what they've lost, siblings Twilight Sparkle and Shining Armor embark on a quest to obtain the legendary Alicorn Amulet.
Leoshi · 52k words  ·  369  24 · 3.3k views

Chapter four is mostly drafted out and will come in three segments. I still need to run it through a cleanup phase and fill in blanks, but it's coming along and should be my next story to update.

Scootaloo pulls a switcharoo. What can the heroines do?
Leoshi · 2.1k words  ·  12  0 · 460 views

I have a new entry begun and it's just as random as the previous ones, but I'll likely restart it when I can. Purely because the other chapters were all finished in single sessions, so I worry that coming back to a chapter already started will hamper the random integrity. And yeah, I just used 'random' and 'integrity' next to each other. That's what this weird story does to me.

EThe Locals
Applejack and Rarity tell stories of everyday life in Ponyville before their friends moved in.
Leoshi · 6.7k words  ·  30  0 · 683 views

I've got more entries begun for this one, and I hope to update soon. However, I also want to re-draft the entire project while following some feedback I got from EQD. From what I was told, the story is missing just a few key factors before it'll be accepted and featured on the site, which will make it the first story I've had accepted since Rain without Rainbows. It's a big goal for me.

I've also got a spinoff story planned for Locals that will follow the original character Doorknob. And no, I don't know what to expect from it either. I just want to explore that avenue and see where it leads!

Discord is not what he used to be.
Leoshi · 12k words  ·  80  3 · 2.3k views

After a long time in Hiatus Hell, I've decided to restart Humility from the ground up. It's still an intriguing piece and I refuse to let it completely die, but I'm not able to capture the same vibe I had when the project first began. Hopefully, making a second version of it will allow me to explore the subject more deeply, fix the small errors I had before, and see it through to the end.

When that happens, I'll also release the current chapters on a separate file (likely Drive documents) so that they don't run the risk of bending any of FIMfic's rules. That release will include everything I have currently for the story, so interested people can see what I had before the revision. I can't promise a time frame for that, so the story will remain in Hiatus Hell for a while longer, but I promise I'll get to it soon. The story is too damn good to ignore.

ETalking Is Hard
Short, practice snippets of dialogue between characters. Absolutely nothing else.
Leoshi · 18k words  ·  34  0 · 851 views

Sike. Talking is Hard has always been a spur-of-the-moment project. There are (almost) never any planned chapters. I still love this project.

That's all for now. I'll see you all again when I'm back in Texas, mooching internet off of my buddies. If anyone is in the H-E-B area, look me up. We'll get a coffee and sit in awkward silence for twelve minutes.


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