• Member Since 26th Dec, 2012
  • offline last seen Feb 26th, 2020


Put the cart before the horse, mix things up, and look at them in a different way.

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Song About Spread of Ideas, Fall of Soviet Union · 1:58am Jul 26th, 2017

"If you're strong, you can fly…"

The Soviets were strong... evil, but strong. You can build rockets if you want. You can leave this planet. You can win the space race or come in a respectable second. You’ll never be first to the moon with communism, though.

"You can reach the other side of the rainbow..."

Your ideas can have strength, too. You can spread them at the speed of light, or sound at least, if they are good enough and enough people embrace them.

"It's all right, take a chance, cause there is no circumstance that you can't handle when you use your mind"

It doesn't matter if you live in an oppressive regime, or a first world country with oppressive qualities. You can do anything with your mind. Your mind is your greatest asset. Man is nothing without reason. Even the Soviets realized this. They (and modern Russia) educated their people to 55% college attainment. It was propaganda but it was still evidence enough that the mind matters. It taught the Russians how to think, how to dream of a better system. A better world.

“Sonic Boom, Sonic Boom, Sonic Boom (Trouble keeps you running faster)”

It becomes almost fun, an adventure to fight evil once you realize how powerful you are compared to them. Running underground presses and a burgeoning internet becomes like a game of hide-and-seek that you always win.

"Sonic Boom, Sonic Boom, Sonic Boom (Save the planet from disaster)"

Stop nuclear war! Break the Evil Empire and its grip on our peace of mind! Stop the Deep State!

“Through the dark o the light It's a supersonic fight, Got to keep it goin'”

Your mind never needs to sleep. Ideas never sleep either. Whisper to your comrades on the rocket assembly line how wheat quotas and bread lines can be a thing of the past. Whisper over the early internet.

Today, shout across the world through Russian-inspired Wikileaks, run by a classy Australian gentleman named Assange.

Expose filth like Hillary for the rotten, corrupt, stinking liar that she was. I don’t care if Russia hacked us, we deserved it. They helped us use our minds and pick a more noble choice.

Memes become dreams. Memeing The Donald into office was supremely fun. I enjoyed it r/The_Donald was and still is my internet homepage.

Oh, and I guess that this song could be just about a blue hedgehog, too.

Comments ( 8 )

I've had too much to think!

Now that you mention them, there was this one horribly dark joke that went around in the Soviet Union: "Work will set you free."

Essentially, after they've broken the prisoners' spirits, minds, characters, and destroyed any lingering trace of ambition they may have once had, it still wasn't enough. The Auschwitz guards would torture the prisoners to death by forcing them to carry heavy bags of wet salt across the camps—repeatedly. This was done to exhaust them, nothing else. If you were too tired, you'd be put to death on the spot. It was the sort of work that supposedly set you free.

It never works so long as you never lose your spirit. The Cutie Map was spot on. Brainwashing only works on the weak minded and weak willed.

This guy is INSPIRING!

Arbeit macht frei....Funny how the joke is the same as the words on Auschwitz
Communism CAN work, if under a morally sound leader

Thank you, comrade. The USSR lost its way.

Ooh, I know him. I've actually been meaning to read Man's Search for Meaning (as well as Modern Man in Search of a Soul by Carl Jung) for months now, though I never got around to it due to other books coming up in my reading schedule. Nowadays I'm mostly preoccupied with Dostoevsky.

The issue is that communism shouldn't need a "leader". It's failed time and again, either to corruption or lack of support. Failed so many times I find it funny that people still want to try it. "They didn't do it right, if you did this instead..."

People are too greedy and lazy. If there's no personal accountability, which is difficult in communism, how do you make people work with you?

You don't.

You either have it just collapse or you get a pseudo-communist leader group that keeps power through suppression and military might.

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