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Ways To Give Back · 11:15am Jul 28th, 2017

I think it is good to give back to the community in some way. And this is why I have personally donated a lot of time to volunteering for different charity organizations.

If you are wondering about charity organizations you can get involved with (as a place to start) here are some great organizations I have volunteered for over the years.

Big Brothers, Big Sisters Of America is an organization where you can be a mentor for a younger child or teen. I volunteered to be a Big Sister for a while (through the honor program at my Community College). It was a lot of fun! I recommend volunteering for this organization because you can really help a young child or teen out by giving them life advice, taking them different places, and just being a good role model for them.

Volunteering for programs that help to rescue/ relocate animals or volunteering to work at animal shelters (look up no-kill shelters in your area), can help save animals lives. I have personally volunteered for The Humane Society. But after volunteering there, I decided to donate my time at no-kill shelters as the animals in those shelters will never be put down (unless they are just really sick and no other treatment is available). You can also help by taking in strays you find on the street and posting ads to find new homes for them (always with an adoption fee to weed out the weirdos) in the Facebook for sale groups (local ones in your area).

Volunteering at a food bank, soup kitchen, or homeless shelter can help people who are down on their luck and need a hand up. One of our family friends ran a homeless shelter while I was growing up, so I volunteered a lot of my time to helping homeless children, teens, and adults in various ways while I was going through all levels of school (all the way up through university, until my mom and I moved away from my hometown to the city we are living in now). Look up ways to volunteer at food banks, soup kitchens, and homeless shelters in your area to make a difference in the community. It can be hard work at times, but it is worth it to help out individuals and families who are in need.

If you want to help clean up the environment, there are a bunch of programs where you can help to beautify a portion of the highway (picking up trash), help make community gardens, and so on. I volunteered for a few different community projects such as helping to plant gardens, paint buildings (that has graffiti on them), raise fences, and other projects. Look up community projects/ programs that help the environment in your area to find out how you can give back to your local community.

You could also do tasks like ringing the bell for Salvation Army (I am sure you've seen those people outside of stores and such, it is a volunteer position). I did this a few times through my high school honor program and other school programs. Schools are actually a pretty good resource (especially honor societies) to find out how to volunteer through various programs in your community. If you are currently attending public school, college, or university, ask the councilors or other staff if they know of local programs where you can give back to other people.

If none of these options seem like they are a fit for what you want to do to help out your community, you go online and look up volunteer positions in your area, it will turn up a whole bunch of results. Just pick the option that seems right to you.

And if you happen to know of any other charity organizations, community programs, environmental cleanup programs, or so on that I didn't cover in this post, feel free to leave them in the comment section below.

Comments ( 19 )

As someone whose benefited from charities (when I had cancer, the McDonalds charity helped my family out a lot), I think it's good to give back. Although since I can't drive, I tend to donate some money here and there. I know is not the same, but transportation is not the best here.

I was in the Boy Scouts until I was 18. (Yea Laugh. But remember that when the apocalypse happens I'll live and you all will be eaten by Deep Ones and Crazed Cannibals.) I made it to Eagle at 17, and I did plenty of thing by 14. But I felt that I needed to stay to give direction to the new 11 year old's that where coming into the Troop to learn skills and learn values about virtue and how to be a man of good, so I stayed. In many ways, it was a rewarding experience. And a hilarious one. Mostly because plenty of people will call me the worst role model ever. It was my fault that some of them learned how to Tepee a House, how to set Spiders on Fire with Bug Spray, and how to make the best use of your newly acquired Archery Skills.

And that I brought Rock Music into a Camp once. :trollestia:

But honestly I did all of that mostly because the parents where too helicopter like, and often constricted them too much. When I was their age we made Smore's and had burping contests.

And we made Fire Idols with Bug Spray and rocks, to make an initiation ritual about going into the tropical woods alone and get scarred a bit with a bunch of the older boys serving as bogymen. For tests you bravery, and to get your cola privileges from the Senior Patrol Leader. :trollestia:

4615735 I think it is great that the charity was able to help you out like that. :)

There are other ways of giving back than donating time/ service to the community. You can also give money donations to charities/ fundraisers.

And even just helping your family or a neighbor is still giving back to other people. :)

4615741 That's really awesome! I always wanted to be in the Girl Scouts, but I just never had the opportunity to get involved. :(

Maybe I could volunteer to help out the Girl Scouts or Boy Scouts one of these days. :)

Mmhm, I do the best I can with what I have. Is how I give back. Especially to those in horrible circumstances. We can lean on each other till they are able to give back the same faith I gave back.

4616082 I know that you definitely helped my mom and I out when we were going through some trouble. You are an awesome and amazing person. XD


Whatever you feel like.

4616248 It might be fun. XD It's good to try new things in life. I try to try new things every day. :)

Someday I hope to help in a charity like that

4616466 That's awesome. It is always good to volunteer time to charity organizations and other organizations that help to make the world a better place. :)

I would like to help someone if I had a card for money.

4616541 Donating money is just one of many ways to give back. You can also volunteer your time helping out at various charity organizations and other organizations that make the world a better place. :)

Haha thank you ^_^ I'm glad I could. Gotta help when we can~ Just like you've helped me a few times!

4617217 It's always my pleasure to help as many people as I can as well. :)

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