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Arizona Life · 6:12pm Aug 4th, 2017

I live in Arizona where it is so hot most days of the year that your butt literally glues itself to any surface you are unfortunate enough to be leaning against or sitting on.

It is so hot here that you can cook food just by leaving it outside. I’m not even joking. I have literally cooked eggs, sausage, etc. just by leaving them on a pan sitting on top of the asphalt for a few hours. Oh, and I've baked muffins, cookies, etc. just by leaving them in my car for an hour or so. :I

My feet have built up some kind of resistance against the hot asphalt, allowing me to (somehow) walk on a surface that otherwise cook eggs, sausage, and other foods all of the way through. I think at this point I could stand in some lava and not feel it.

Oh course I wouldn't have any feet after that but…eh...you get the point.

Arizona is very wild in many ways. It lives up to the ‘wild’ in wild west, although technically it is more ‘south west’. It is about 50 years behind everyone else in terms of laws, education, government, fashion, social progress, and pretty much everything else.

Arizona is like The Hotel California: once you check out, you can never leave. People always complain about living here, but something always seems to go wrong if they try to move out of the state. It is like a black hole that sucks people in and doesn't let them go.

Oh, and paranormal stuff happens here all of the time. We have paranormal creatures (giant birds called Thunderbirds which I've actually seen), Big Foot (which I've also seen), and a bunch more! Also, we have portals here. Like actual documented portals by Native American tribes and explorers over the years. So Arizona is a very, very weird place. It basically like living in a Twilight Zone episode every day.

We have giant reptiles, bugs, arachnids, and other creepy crawly things from the deepest depths of the underworld crawling around us at all times.

Even the plants try to kill us in the form of plant ninja stars (spur plants), samurai plants (cacti), and...basically any other deadly plant you can think of.

The mammals aren't friendly either. People get attacked by mountain lions, eaten by wild boars, and basically the mammals aren't helping us out either.

Oh, and if you think the weather will be nice...well...not so much. We get dust storms, sand storms, twisters, monsoons, etc.

Sooo...unless constantly having to avoid giant animals/ insects/ reptiles, fighting to live through unpredictable weather patterns, and running from literal ninja plants is your thing, don't move to Arizona. :I

You've been warned.

Oh and by the way, Texas, Nevada, New Mexico, some parts of Utah, some parts of Colorado, and Arizona have very similar weather, animals, insects, reptiles, killer plants...etc. So chances are if you don't like Arizona, you won't like Texas, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, or Colorado either. :')

Comments ( 26 )

I'm in Texas :pinkiecrazy:

4623873 That happens in Arizona too! I have literally seen it pour rain on one side of the parking lot, and be completely sunny on the other side. <_<

You are trying to deceive us. Everypony knows Big Foot is perfectly normal creature.

Right above you.

Literally. I live in Utah, and let’s just say that having hail one day and then low 60s and sunshine the next is relatively common here during the fall and winter. Summer is just a burning mess of sweaty people.

4623883 Technically Big Foot IS pretty normal. There are plenty of hairy people walking around in broad daylight. Who is to say that THEY aren't Big Feet? Hmmm?

4623884 The weather changes really quick here as well. We have had hail, rain, dust storms, and other types of weather all in the same day many times throughout the year. <_<

Plus there was that one time when it started hailing in the middle of July. That was weird.

4623900 Weird weather like that happens here too. T^T

It can be 100 degrees out and then all of the sudden it will rain for ten seconds, then be sunny again. <_<

Why are they called Big Feet if their main trait is that they are hairy?

4623925 Because they have big feet too. :rainbowkiss:

Wait what if only one foot is big and other is small?

4624026 It still counts since technically one of the feet is big. :P

Hmm... I'm in Arizona right now. And while I don't live here (I hail from Illinois), I've been here many times now and I think, like anywhere else, the state has its ups and downs. Yeah politically I generally believe Arizona could be better. I've driven all over the country (I've been to 45 states) and I believe Phoenix is one of the nicer large metropolitan areas in the USA. It's infrastructure is relatively well maintained, and I just love the urban desert landscape. I think the saguaro cacti and whatnot everywhere is pretty nice. In my experience there's plenty of things to do and explore in the city itself as well as in Scottsdale, Tempe, etc.

Of course like any large city it has its fair share of problems with nicer areas and and not so nice areas. The heat in the summer can be excessive of course too. But in the winter months I know the weather is usually quite pleasant. At least Phoenix doesn't have to deal with bone chilling cold and blizzards like Chicago does every winter haha. But I also know as a desert city water is obviously a point of contention in Phoenix.

Though there may be a lot more natural things around that want to kill you in Arizona than in Illinois, Arizona definitely has no shortage of natural wonders and beauty to offer, which is what I really love about the place. I think the Sonoran desert in general is quite beautiful, as well as places like the Grand Canyon and and Sedona and Canyon de Chelly, to the National forests on the northern plateau around Flagstaff and Payson. To name a few.

I like Arizona, largely because of its natural beauty, and I don't think Phoenix is a bad city at all relative to other large metro areas I've seen in the US. Perhaps my opinion holds little merit as I've never lived in Arizona, just visited and thus might be a case of "the grass is always greener...", but that's just my take. I always enjoy visiting Arizona.

4624194 I like living in Arizona, despite all of the drawbacks. And I live in the Phoenix area as well. ;)

I live in south Texas. I got to see something rare yesterday; rain

4628418 lol I am glad that you were able to get some rain over there. :)

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