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Original Song: Wash Dat Bass · 9:53pm Aug 6th, 2017

I made a beautiful song. Here are the lyrics for you to enjoy. XD

Also, I was high on orange soda when I wrote this. Don't judge meh. <_<

Wash Dat Bass

By Emma Lee Downs (AKA LyraAlluse)

The first step to being first class,
Is ya gotta remember to wash dat bass,
It ain't that much to ask,
And I don't mean donkey so don't give me sass.

The second step to being king,
Is scrubbing every little corner of your body clean,
People like it when you smell nice, if you know what I mean,
And for the ladies, when you're shinning you all are queens.

Many people these days don't take the time,
To scrub away the dat bass crack grime,
So scrub dat booty until it shines,
Because I don't wanna smell dat in the grocery line.

The first step to being first class,
Is ya gotta remember to wash dat bass,
It ain't that much to ask,
And I don't mean donkey so don't give me sass.

The second step to being king,
Is scrubbing every little corner of your body clean,
People like it when you smell nice, if you know what I mean,
And for the ladies, when you're shinning, you all are queens.

Break it down.

Scrub, scrub, scrub-a-dubb-dubb,
Go scrub dat bass.

Wash, wash, wash-a-losh-losh,
Go scrub dat bass.

Clean, clean, clean-a-lean-lean,
Go scrub dat bass.

Shine, shine, shine-a-line-line,
Go scrub dat bass.

Yeah I know. I have no life. :')

Comments ( 23 )

This is beautiful.

I like this:pinkiehappy:

Now.... MUSIC MAKERS!!!! START MIXING UP THE MUSIC FOR THIS!!:pinkiecrazy::flutterrage:

4625921 lol I am happy that you approve. XD

4625923 I am a music maker. And I am going to make a song for it. XD

4625929 When I make the song I will post that too. XD

4625940 Hurray! I am glad that this can make you happy. XD

1.- Nice name.

2.- This lyrics sounds like something you would sing on the bathroom and then fall over when you decide to dance it.

4626167 I could totally picture myself falling over while singing this song. :rainbowlaugh:

I seriously need the song, like right now. This is waaaay better than the pop music that people play on the radios these days. It's so funny and kind of cute, actually. Now I feel like I really need this song in my mother's car (she would definitely laugh along with all of us)

4626303 I am making the music part of it to sing along with. I will let you know when I post the entire song. Xd

After listening to Tryhard ninja for a while I can find several good beats and rhythm

4626926 I have a good idea of how I want to write the song. I am working on making the music for it now. XD

4627038 I am glad that you are excited for it. XD

Totally! This is a must have for me now

4627094 It shall indeed. XD

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