• Member Since 19th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen February 24th


Admin for various groups, occasional vectorer of screenshots, and writes stories like Cubic Zirconia, among other things.

More Blog Posts91

  • 208 weeks
    An Old MFAB Second Chapter Draft

    You know, I never continued Magical Filly Apple B, and I suspect I never will, but I do have a fair amount of an old draft lying around for the second chapter.

    I remember I really felt like I needed to go through and revise Twist's familiar's accent, as it was getting rather out of control. I was having trouble with Twist's lisp, a bit, too.

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    6 comments · 414 views
  • 334 weeks
    Familiarity Signal Boost / JWI excerpt

    Just thought I'd provide a signal boost to Fervidor's new story, Familiarity.

    Scootaloo's life changes forever when she meets Fang, a strange magician who is not what she seems. As the two grow closer, secrets are revealed. What does it mean to be a familiar?
    Fervidor · 69k words  ·  153  8 · 2.6k views

    I'm tagging this with Just Winging It, since there are some elements in common, and I think people that like it might also like Familiarity, from what I've read so far.

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    0 comments · 521 views
  • 336 weeks
    Convention Safety

    While I should probably do a post on having updated Cubic Zirconia, in this case, I'm doing a signal boost on horizon's latest blog, as it is a subject people really should be aware of:
    The elephant in the equine room


    0 comments · 393 views
  • 349 weeks
    I'm All Right

    Just a quick note, as it occurred to me that some people may remember that I live in Las Vegas.

    I'm totally fine. The only time I went out yesterday was to the grocery store, and thankfully I was not where the shooting occurred. First I knew about it was this morning, when I went into Facebook, and it asked me to confirm that I'm alright.

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    6 comments · 486 views
  • 356 weeks
    Yeah, I suck... (re: writing, or the lack therein)

    I was just looking, and Cubic Zirconia hasn't been updated in almost a year. I promise I haven't forgotten about it.

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Yeah, I suck... (re: writing, or the lack therein) · 10:03am Aug 13th, 2017

I was just looking, and Cubic Zirconia hasn't been updated in almost a year. I promise I haven't forgotten about it.

Mainly I just haven't been doing much writing. During the week, I never feel like I have time for it, and then I end up not setting aside the time in the weekend for it. I'd also blame the two hours of overtime I've had basically every monday for at least a year, but really, I know other people are able to make time for these things. I've always been really bad about procrastinating. I did schedule some time off in a few weeks, so there is some hope.

While I want to complete Cubic Zirconia, my motivation for the current section I'm in hasn't been high. I'd seriously think about posting a summary of where I'm going if I wasn't still planning to complete it at some point. I'd be more interested in a chapter or two down the line. I hate thinking about how much if left, in theory, too. I should think about abbreviating some of the later things to come.

I've mentioned before having about three and a half thousand words written of the next chapter, and that's still true. I could potentially publish it at the point it's at right now as a chapter, even, though I'm probably want to polish a bit, and there's a spot I should really think about and revise.

Given that I've gone this long, if anyone is interested, this is my current draft (Chapter Title tentatively "Easy Does It"), and commenting is enabled. Feel free to read it as a sneak peak, let me know of issues, and if you think it's ready to post. Hopely that'll motivate me to get moving on it a bit.

I also have 3.2k of the next chapter of Just Winging It written, incidentally. That just ends abruptly, though, and really needs more written before I could post it. I actually do feel like working on Just Winging It, I'll admit, because I feel like I could probably wrap things up in a few chapters.

Magical Filly Apple B, well, is probably dead at this point, though if I ever get motivated enough, I might finish off the second chapter I had, which had some really weird good bits, and post that. Wish I could tag multiple stories in a blog.

Otherwise, I'm doing all right. Had some excitement twice in the last month with water from my water heater and a/c leaking into my living room. The water heater's been replaced, and the water from the a/c was leaking from the part that belongs to the apartment above me and has been fixed. It seemed to stop actually cooling the place down, which is bad when it's tending toward 105 F outside, but I think they may have fixed it a day or two ago. That or it randomly started working again.

Been playing various computer games, too, and watching lets plays, which I suppose doesn't help with writing time either. I feel like I'm getting rather out of shape and need to start exercising, since I practically never even leave my apartment these days. (Especially with working at home.)

Anyways, felt I should at least post something regarding progress, even if it is lack thereof, and anyone that really wants to read more can go comment on that draft, and hopefully kick me into gear a bit. (And it's entirely possible that I might be persuaded to share the unpublished bits of Just Winging It and Magical Filly Apple B...)

Comments ( 7 )

Oh man. Part of me wants to jump at the chance to help make this a thing, especially given my knowledge and experience at editing, but the other part of me doesn't want to solidify this as the new chapter if it gets changed.

Oh hell, I'll just do it. I did it for Black Equinox.

Don't worry about the long wait time. It happens to all of us. Just make sure you're writing for you, and you'll be alright.

Thanks. I'll admit two of my big concerns in the back of my mind were not having had anyone read the chapter before publishing it, and, or course, the length.

To be honest, I rarely rewrite enough for things to be too different between versions of a chapter. It's usually adjusting phrasing, fixing the odd grammar mistake, adjusting things to be clearer or sound better, etc. Rewriting dialogue so it sounds more like Applejack saying it, that sort of thing.

I'm writing for me, but I'll admit, some of the things that are yet to come feel like they are already written when they aren't. That's one trouble with me writing everything in order. OTOH, experience has told me that if I write a scene for a future chapter, I'll end up rewriting it when I get there...


I think you should publish what you have so far. If this part of the story is giving you problems and you want to skip to the next part you could do a montage chapter and then start the next arc to go where you want. Diamond needs a bit more polishing of her character growth and that could end up slowing down the rest of the story. So skip it for now and use a flashback if it suddenly becomes important.

Where is "Easy Does It"?

Know the feeling.

There's a link to it in the paragraph where I said its name, but it's also here.

Main trouble is it's sort of like this next part after what I linked to is wrapping up loose ends, then I'm time-skipping a day or two, doing the Grey chapter, then time-skipping a few weeks, having something major happen, and putting us in the second part of the story.

At that point, going back in flashbacks might be a bit odd, And I don't really want to permanently leave Silvy and Diamond at the spot with each other they currently are at.

Publishing what I have now once I've got it more polished up is what I'm leaning towards, though. I just feel like I do need to tackle the schoolyard afterwards.

At least I'm in good company, then.,


Heh, I can't believe I missed that. Sorry.

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