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The Donald Came To Phoenix (Where I Live) · 2:57pm Aug 23rd, 2017

Donald Trump came to my city yesterday. The Phoenix Convention Center where he gave his speech was so full that the line wrapped around the building like three of four times. There were lots of support from the local Latino, African American, and other ethnic communities. The local news interviewed Latinos for Trump, African Americans for Trump, and some other minority group organization that support Trump here in Arizona.

I ended up watching the speech on TV because, well, that thing was broadcast EVERYWHERE. It was like you couldn't go anywhere without hearing about Trump being here or some television program talking about his visit.

His entire rally was about unifying all Americans and trying to help people find jobs, lower taxes, and do other things that benefit the American population.

As I mentioned, his rally basically aired live everywhere across the city (like at every restaurant and stuff). You couldn't really escape watching it.

In his speech he talked about the importance of border security because there were many people who had told him stories about their daughters, sons, and other family members getting murdered by illegal immigrants. Donald also said he wanted to make the process for legal immigration easier (with merits) so people could easily become American citizens without having to feel like they need to sneak in.

So Donald made it clear that he is a big supporter of legal immigration and wants to help those people become American citizens. He is mainly trying to put an end to illegal immigration (which is usually gang members, cartels and other people who end up murdering people in neighborhoods or doing other things which lead to crime).

Oh, and also, he talked about Charlottesville and how he repeatedly condemned the actions of the white nationalists (like 5 times) and that it was never reported on (which he is right). Some news reporters actually confirmed his story (from CNN and a few other outlets).

At one point he pointed to press core at the back of the convention center and called them fake news for reporting wrong information about his message to the American people. He also publicly shamed them for causing division between people when he is trying to unify the country and make a better America for everyone. Which was kind of funny.

The news stations/ press core will probably drag him through the mud for a few months for that comment alone. :’)

Antifa and some protesters were at the event (there were not as much as the Trump supporters though). Antifa apparently was in trouble for rabble rousing and causing a general public nuisance. Which should come to a surprise to absolutely no one. The other protesters were peaceful though. Things went pretty smooth thanks to the hard work by local law enforcement (I have some friends who are police officers for the city of Phoenix and they did a great job as well).

Anyway, I’m a Trump supporter but most of what I saw was on the television or from afar as I didn't get to attend the event. It was an interesting experience seeing Air Force One on television and just experiencing everything in general. So don’t shoot the messenger. I’m just reporting what I saw. :P

Peace out.

Comments ( 50 )

I don't really care either way. The only issue I have with him so far is his loose attitude toward professionalism and poor decision making with what comes out of his mouth and such. It's just kinda embarrassing.

4645473 Yeah, he should kind of pull back on some of the things he says. But then again, his core supporters seem to appreciate that he shoots from the hip and has no filter. So I guess it is a good approach for his rallies as well as when he is addressing his core supports.


I feel all this stupiidty and all this protesting is pointless. Also its easy to tell most of them most of those proester's are paid to go and do it.

Every time Donald Trump said CNN was trying to turn away from him, my mom and I thought, "But you're on CNN."

4645477 Yeah, the majority of the protesters are paid to show up at these events. A lot of them work for multiple organizations, and actually protest multiple things (such as environmental causes and so on).

Oh snap, Trumperton.


Of course but sometimes sadly the protest are fake as well just to get a recation from the left. As well as the far right. It's amazing to me how its so easy to see through that.

4645480 I watched the broadcast from the perspective of the local news station, and they pointed their camera to the back where CNN was. CNN was really uncomfortable when Donald Trump pointed at them and kind of handed their butts to them for misreporting the whole Charlottesville thing. I think some of the reporters from there ended up walking out (because Donald called them out on their BS) so that was what he was referring to. But there were some CNN people who stuck behind and even backed up his points on Charlottesville.

4645486 Yeah, it is sad that people have to fake all of this stuff in the first place. :L But I guess that is just the way that politics works these days.

Man, fuck Antifa. I hope the Don really does declare them a domestic terror organization.


Fact-checking President Donald Trump’s campaign rally in Phoenix

President Donald Trump defended his response to the violence in Charlottesville, Va., during a campaign rally in Phoenix, on Aug. 22, blaming the media for distorting or omitting his full comments.

"The media can attack me, but where I draw the line is when they attack you," Trump said. "It’s time to challenge the media for their role in fomenting divisions. And yes by the way they are trying to take away our history and our heritage, you see that?"

We fact-checked several of Trump’s claims.

Trump reads his first statement on Charlottesville, leaves out "many sides" comment.
Trump blamed the media for not properly covering his initial statement on the violence in Charlottesville, Va., on Aug. 12, and proceeded to read portions of his initial remarks.

"This is my exact words. ‘I love all the people of our country’ …. They (the media say), ‘Is he a racist?’ " Trump said.

But Trump did not read the portion of his comments that were criticized by Republicans and Democrats for not explicitly condemning the racist, anti-Semitic protesters.

Here’s what Trump said in that first response to the chaos:

"We're closely following the terrible events unfolding in Charlottesville, Va.. We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides, on many sides. It's been going on for a long time in our country. Not Donald Trump, not Barack Obama. This has been going on for a long, long time. It has no place in America. What is vital now is a swift restoration of law and order and the protection of innocent lives. No citizen should ever fear for their safety and security in our society. And no child should ever be afraid to go outside and play or be with their parents and have a good time."

"CNN, their ratings are going down."
Trump is wrong.

CNN is at a five-year high in several key categories, according to data provided by the Nielsen Company.

"Wages haven’t gone up in a long time."
Trump repeated a line from his Aug. 15 press conference with reporters at Trump Tower. It’s False.

His point is significantly out of date. Wages have been increasing for the past three to five years, depending on the measurement you use.

"Economic growth has surged to 2.6 percent … Remember I said we’re going to try and hit 3 percent, we’re already at 2.6 percent, maybe I’ll have to increase my offer."
Trump actually promised 4 percent GDP growth during the campaign. At the presidential debate in Las Vegas, he said: "And I actually think we can go higher than 4 percent. I think you can go to 5 percent or 6 percent."

The GDP indeed grew at an annual rate of 2.6 percent between April and June, according to the Bureau of Economic Analysis, more than double the rate at which it grew in the first quarter (1.2 percent).

"This was the scene of my first rally speech. Right? The crowds were so big, almost as big as tonight."
Trump is known to exaggerate his crowds, and he exaggerated the size of that crowd that first came to see him back in July 2015 at the Phoenix Convention Center.

Then-candidate Trump described an audience of 10,000 to 15,000 to 20,000people coming to see him for his July 11, 2015, speech.

But the city fire department said capacity for the ballroom where Trump spoke in 2015 was 4,200 people. The doors were closed at 4,169 attendees, said Phoenix Fire Department spokeswoman Shelly Jamison.

For the record, the 2015 Phoenix rally was his second campaign event. Trump held a campaign rally June 17, 2015, in New Hampshire.

"The only times they show the crowds is when there is a disrupter."
This is False.

This often repeated claim doesn’t take a lot of effort to debunk. The media has documented Trump’s crowds through stories, social media, photos and videos.

As Trump spoke Tuesday, we watched as CNN showed the crowd at the Phoenix Convention Center.

"Arizona is a disaster in terms of the price increase in terms of insurance. 116 percent increase."
The basic numbers are easy to confirm: Those increases are indeed accurate for 2017 compared to 2016 within the Obamacare marketplace. Arizona has by far the largest increase in the nation.

The caveat is that for many people on the health care exchanges, federal subsidiesare offsetting those premium increases.

"We’ve also obtained (a) historic increase in defense spending."
That’s False. The defense spending increase Trump laid out in his 2018 budget is not an unprecedented change, regardless of whether it includes war-related spending.

Trump’s proposed base spending cap for 2017-18 defense spending is $603 billion, a 9.4 percent increase.

There have been 10 years since 1977 when the base level has gone up by more than that, and in some years, the increase more than doubled Trump’s.

In 1981, President Ronald Reagan hiked the spending cap by 24.9 percent and by 20.4 percent the following year. More recently, President George W. Bush bumped spending by 10 percent in 2009.

It’s also not the done deal Trump described. In order to actually increase defense spending, Congress will have to appropriate the funding and raise the budget cap.

Border "down 78 and almost 80 percent"
Border apprehensions have gone down under Trump, but not by that much.

When Trump falsely claimed something similar in July, we found that the closest number to 78-80 percent would be based on cherry-picked numbers of the highest number of apprehensions, in November, to the lowest number, in April.

The latest figures from U.S. Customs and Border Protection show that in July there were 18,198 apprehensions at the southwest border, a 46 percent declinefrom July 2016. While apprehension numbers are low under Trump, they began increasing in May.

The New York Times, "they practically apologized."
It’s False that the New York Times apologized to Trump.

A Nov. 13 letter to readers from the New York Times’ publisher and executive editor mainly thanks readers for their loyalty and says that the publication will "rededicate" itself to the high journalistic standards it has employed thus far.

Nowhere in the letter did the authors write anything like an apology. Nor did they say that the organization’s overall coverage of Trump was "bad."

Says CNN "fired Jeffrey Lord, poor Jeffrey. Jeffrey Lord. I guess he was getting a little bit fed-up and he was probably fighting back a little too hard."
Trump’s claim ignores the reason behind the dismissal of Lord, a regular pundit who defended Trump. Lord tweeted the words "Sieg Heil!" to Angelo Carusone, the president of liberal watchdog group Media Matters.

"Nazi salutes are indefensible. Jeffrey Lord is no longer with the network," CNN saidin a statement.

Thats honesty really cool. Good for you! I don't get myself caught up in politics and I consider myself neutral when it comes to both political parties.


Yeah Its why when I see all this stuff I tend to say to people who buy anything on both sides I just say. Yess buy whatever the news says enjoy being a zombie.

Ain't that the truth.

4645502 That political fact checking article is right about some things, but not everything I noticed. That is why it is important to do additional research into these things.

Here are some things I noticed that were not completely right.

Trump mentioned the many sides thing at the rally. And he said that it was in regards to any and all hatred and bigotry shown to anyone in any circumstance. So that fact check wasn't completely accurate.

CNN ratings actually have been going down. Here is a site that confirms that: http://www.theblaze.com/news/2017/07/08/cnn-begins-to-reap-what-they-sow-as-their-ratings-nose-dive-to-embarrassing-levels/

He didn't say wages when he was referring to the increase; he was talking about the stock market and its influence on people's wages. And he is right; the stock market hasn't been this high in a long time. But the stock market does fluctuate month to month/ year to year. Which is something to note.

I have seen a lot of Trump rallies on TV (for historic purposes or general interest in politics) and many times they don't show the entire crowd. So his statement was actually true. Also Trump does have rather large crowds at his events. It wouldn't surprise me if he exaggerates the numbers but if you look at the crowd sizes (or even read articles about the number of people in the crowd) he does in fact draw a large number of people to his events.

I live in Arizona and I can confirm that the health insurance situation here IS a disaster. It might not be exactly how he worded it, but for example, my mom and I are in debt for 5 years of not being able to buy health insurance because we were too poor. Which is A LOT of money we owe to the government; for something that should be free for everyone.

When he was talking about a historic increase in military funding, he was actually talking about the increase within recent history. He did mention that there were other presidents who had a high budget set aside for the military as well. So that fact isn't entirely accurate either.

The border is actually down 45% or something. But I believe he got the 80% figure from added that from a previous statistic. Basically it was a combined statistic from many different months or something. The way it was worded was weird, but it is technically not false. A more accurate statement would have been 'this month or over the course of the last few months border is down 45% but when combined with previous statistics would be closer to 80%'.

The Jeffrey Lord incident was actually pretty interesting. He tweeted what he did to mock Nazis and fascists; two things he finds to be morally wrong. I believe that Lord is also of Jewish decent which the mainstream media seems to conveniently forget as well. The mainstream media, of course twisted this story for their own benefit. There is more about this here: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/jeffrey-lord-offered-position-bannon-led-breitbart-news-article-1.3432301

The New York Times didn't apologize to Trump, but it did apologize to its readers for not accurately reporting the polls, so Trump was referring to how they apologized about the polls to their readers, and in turn apologized to him (by extension) for their mistake. Although it was worded to fit into his speech more.

4645492 I'm not the biggest fan of Antifa, mostly because of the trouble they cause wherever they decide to protest. I think the organization would benefit from changing its mission statement and lobbying for positive changes in the government, rather than provoking people into fights and causing disruptions to the people/ general environment around them.

4645508 I am the same way. I'm not really a side of one fan or another. I like to do research into specific issues that are relevant to me or I can see being relevant to helping people in the country in a big way. But I never judge something by one side or the other. I look at both sides and make my own informed decisions about an issue.

4645511 I always do a lot of research into everything I read. It always helps to look at multiple news sources/ other sources in general and draw a conclusion based on the information you read from many different sources.


I do as well. It's why I started saying to people that tell me i am raciest for being realistic. All this stuff happen 100's of years ago. All of the slaves are dead or some still live. To me its very silly to say oh we deserve compastion for everything. if that is true then they better go to africa and force them to do the same. Since thats were alot of that started. It's just amazing to me at how silly that talk is getting.

Ah yes 100 years ago that happen tearing down statues and such is not going to change our history in fact that is a way to try to ignore history. You can only learn from it.

4645534 History is always a tricky thing. There are certainly things that every country in the world has done in the past that they are not proud of. For example Austria's treatment of the aboriginal people in the past was not very good. Africa has had a long history trading slaves, even among local tribes which still goes on within certain parts of the county to this day. I could list something wrong with literally every country in the world until the cows come home but it would take too long.

The important thing is that we look at these global issues and attempt to change them. We obviously can't change the past, but we can work to make the future better for everyone. So that is what we have to do.


I feel that all this stuff on the far right and far left need to be toss aside. Also both parties should be treated like terror groups. Anyone who uses violence to prove their point is not worth the time.

4645540 It is never good to use violence to prove a point. If you do that, you are no different than the people you are accusing of causing 'violence'. In other words, you become the thing you hate, to fight the thing you hate. And that never ends well.


I agree when all this stuff happen I said to my friend be ready for the SJW whinner's and just white people to complain that statues of the civil war are up. Then I said they will complain that the Gettysburg movie exist. If you watch that movie it shows history also I know folks who played in it. Since were I used to live Michigan alot of the cannons and guns in it are from collectors and reincator's of Michigan.

4645544 They also want to remove the statues of Washington and the other presidents. :L


Also Mount rushmore because they dare had slaves oh no...I am like um...so?

4645550 Well if they remove all of the statues, maybe we could replace them with giant cats and dogs and other cool animals instead. :P

4645554 You have to admit; dinosaurs wearing top hats and monocles put in place of the presidents at Mount Rushmore would look really cool. :P


Or the face of ZOD

Oh my goodness! :pinkiegasp:

You live in Phoenix, Arizona. That's awesome! Oh boy it must be really hot living there. :pinkiehappy:

Oh right the Trump part of the blog. Well glad you had a chance to see it, rallies are usually fun. Especially with an unorthodox speaker. Hope you enjoyed the show.

4645617 I do live in Phoenix and it IS hot here. :P I'm still not used to it after living here for five years. <_<

And yes, the Trump visit was very interesting indeed. It's like the whole city was turned upside down the whole time he was here. Which was kind of amusing to watch. :P

You have merely experienced the heat but to truly master it you must be born in it. Perhaps one day the heat shall accept you as on of her own acolytes. :ajsmug:

It sure seems like a fun thing for the whole city :pinkiehappy:
But also horrible to be bombarded by politics without a chance to escape :fluttershysad:
We sure live in some interesting times :derpyderp2:

4645634 I hope that I will get used to the heat one day. Right now I am just burning up. T^T

He is a bit vulgar sometimes and should more properly consider his words but other than that he's not really bad.

4645648 I think his off-color statements are typically made to cater to his fan base, which appreciates that he doesn't talk like a normal politician. He should probably keep that type of delivery for his rallies and such and not bring them into the political realm. But then again, that is a lot of what people appreciate about him. So perhaps he could find a balance between the two delivery styles in some other way.

Holy shit, you're picking apart PolitiFact? Not bad. :ajsmug:

4645683 I question everything I read on the internet and in general). It is always good to do a lot of research into a subject to get a complete, informed opinion on a topic. :)

I do as well. I watch a lot of different sides to things.

As far as CNN's ratings going "down," their numbers are still up overall. Their average viewership dropped in a very brief window of time, but as they said, Q2 2017 went well. Numbers are numbers, and their weekly viewership was pretty poor in the article (a month and a half ago!), but their average is still pretty far up there, and they've been getting more overall viewers (as expected--the population is increasing). You can pick out a bad week and say their ratings are going down, but quarterly ratings are much more telling on the life or death of a station.

4645688 Fair enough on the CNN point. I have a feeling that their numbers will continue to drop though (more than they continue to rise), depending on the topics they choose to cover. It isn't just about Donald Trump. There have been other things CNN has been caught doing, including straight up reporting false news. If they continue to report false news, they might lose a lot of viewers who don't find them to be as credible as other news sources.

The best thing about Donald Trump so far is that he makes these outlandish claims, then they end up being true. The whole claiming fake news thing is one of those. Claiming Obama wiretapped the White House is another. The Russia investigation ended up being a huge nothing, and every single conversation with Russian diplomats that was scrutinized revealed exactly this.

Prior to all of this happening, Trump hadn't whipped the media into their rabid frenzy of anti-Trump 24/7 coverage and caused them to start putting out poorly researched articles on the daily. He hadn't gotten accurate statements from the Obama administration concerning surveillance of the White House. He hadn't gotten in-depth accounts from every single person he'd ever be associated with 2 years down the road on what their ties to Russian interests were. It's pure dumb luck that CNN is that stupid and took the bait, that the state of surveillance is that blurred, and that his business ties exonerated him from every single Russia-related accusation that could be thrown at him.

For him, it all just works somehow. And I find it not only hilarious, but also quite interesting. It's as if the moment we point our magnifying glass at some uncomfortable truth that shouldn't be true, it ends up being true. With the exception of the Russia thing, which was just the media trying to fulfill Clinton's legacy of being in literally everyone's pocket.

4645707 I don't think all of that was a coincidence. It seems like the media played straight into the hands of some plan. Or maybe I am just reading too much into things. :P

Very true. people didn't really want a politician

4645762 That is a lot of the reason he got elected in the first place. People were tired of the same old politicians who were too politically correct and were all talk with no action. So they voted for Trump who they viewed as being very anti-establishment.

People wanted change, and he was the only one who would give it.

4646038 This is very true. :)

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