• Member Since 20th Mar, 2017
  • offline last seen June 4th

Amaranthine Thought

To learn from the past to make the future, to see mistakes and remedy them, it is our duty to eternally improve upon our past.

More Blog Posts13

  • 300 weeks

    What is best:
    Finish something, even if I must slice and cut things to make it work properly, and see it done, for good or bad?
    Fix something, even at the cost of large swaths of story lost, and progress setback by some ways?

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    2 comments · 376 views
  • 307 weeks

    So, I'm back. I... can try to explain, I suppose.

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    0 comments · 246 views
  • 319 weeks
    Been a While

    So. I'm back, though I've not really left... I'll try to explain.

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    0 comments · 245 views
  • 349 weeks
    End of month thoughts

    September is ending, and October is soon to begin. So, lets get to a story update:

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    0 comments · 318 views
  • 354 weeks

    I can't believe it :pinkiegasp:. The Hag, the heroes, and a few other things has been featured!

    Just wow. Wow.

    Thank you everyone who made that happen, and I am simply overjoyed with it. Featured!

    Amaranthine thought, thinking always.


    1 comments · 316 views

Updates and curious constructions · 2:08am Aug 25th, 2017

First things first.

Collages start soon, and I will have much less time to write my stories. As I have gathered, I seem to be able to write far faster than most, so this isn't a terrible problem. Not the best, but it could be worse.

I have been thinking that maybe I should adhere to an update schedule to smooth it out. Work all week and update during a specific day, most likely implementing multiple chapters. If so, then I think Saturday would be a good day for that.

So, story updates (incomplete stories);

Casca's Glory, my newest tale and born of an odd thought that passed through my head. A rather violent tale, but one that might even contain a lesson about hate. Here's hoping it proves popular.

Once More, With Feeling, an older tale that has gained some steam. I am loving writing this one; the intrigue intrigues me and juggling the... four? Maybe more than four, I'm not really sure, factions in the story is good practice.

Bringing the Magic Back. Well, it could be worse. The story starts slowly, and isn't particularly fast at all. A slow buildup to a more satisfying adventure that took 15 thousand words. I love it, but I can see why others might be off put by it.

New Faces, a story I might as well have called, Surprise, bet you didn't see that coming, did you? It's been a bit of a troublesome one as of late; I am having a hard time seeing what path is ahead for Chosen.

Nightmare, my first and possibly longest running tale. A story that borrows from others I wrote, as well as my own creations. Doing well, but not as well as I would have hoped. Passionate readers, but not many of them. I'm in a bit of a bog in that one as well; it might not continue for a little bit (three days give or take one)

And of course, The Hag, the heroes, and a few other things, my most popular tale. It's a bit of a tangle for me to unravel, but its almost done. Just about ready for me to stamp it closed. If I can just work out exactly how I can do so; Hag's in a bit of an odd spot right now, and it might take some finagling to get her out of it.

And that's it.

Looking at it, I should really wrap some of these up before Is tart new stories, but Casca's glory was just ready for me to begin. And you gotta write, lest the idea gets away from you.

Last bit; if any of you guys have an idea, you can always pitch me it. If anything, I can always find inspiration in nearly anything, and I suppose I can write by request. If you do have an idea, PM me. I'll see it and respond, guaranteed.

Amranthing Thought, thinking always. (thinking hard, thinking fast, untangling knots. I'll get those stories done even if I have to preform invasive surgery on them.)

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