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Fireheart 1945

"Defend your clan, even with your life." - Warrior code, Warrior cats novel series. Also, if you don't like that I post Christian blogs, then please either do not subscribe/watch me or complain.

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I was shocked to learn about this... · 4:54pm Aug 25th, 2017

(Disclaimer; not my videos, and I don't want people trying to loan me money.)

No, I am NOT racist. This would be just as bad on the other foot. And I do acknowlefge that there was apartheid in which the black majority suffered under white control that was much more harsh than the Jim Crow laws in pre-civil rights America. I'm no white supremacist; I believe that all people, regardless of color, are equal. If anyone commits a crime or does something wrong, they should be punished under the same law and not be given a pass because of color.

But honestly, this is shocking. I'd heard of animosity between Boers in the description of a video which you can find here. In the description, you'll see;

As the British tried to do a hundred years ago, the black majority government is now trying to suppress the Afrikaner nation's culture - and in fact all traces of their history.

Public funding is being withdrawn from Afrikaner monuments, even though Afrikaners contribute more than their share to tax income. Millions are being spent on changing the names of towns, streets etc. while little is done to maintain infrastructure.

The new generation of Afrikaners had nothing to do with Apartheid, yet they are faced with a bleak future, suffering under racial discrimination in the form of affirmative action.

Although this excludes them from jobs and promotion beyond a certain level, it also stimulates entrepreneurship and innovative thinking.

I used to think that this description was just white supremacy in motion, and that the maker of the video was a racist himself, even though I enjoyed the video (being interested in the Boer War, also known as the South African War). But seeing these and other videos, I'm not so sure about that anymore.

I know I might lose followers over this. I'm prepared to accept that risk to get this out there. Racism under any form is bad, but even though blacks have suffered under whites doesn't give them the right to murder white people and, worse still, get away with it. It would be just as bad if white people, or people of any "color" did the same thing. If some people yell at me over this, then so what? It's more valuable to get the truth out there.

May God go with you all, and may this evil be defeated and peace restored between the peoples.

Comments ( 3 )

Preach it! This is totally correct! Racism is racism---you shouldn't hurt a black person cuz they're black, or a white person cuz they're white!

You shouldn't hurt anyone actually for any reason other than physical defense really.

All racists are assholes.

In some African cultures, apparently albinos were considered evil spirits

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