• Member Since 2nd Feb, 2016
  • offline last seen March 29th

Blood Angel

In the process of writing an OC warfic. It may take some time to complete as I also have real-life obligations as well.

More Blog Posts4

  • 316 weeks
    Master Codex of Karalia 2: Karalia's World Standing Compared to Other Nations and a Map of the Vesperian Continent

    Welcome back to my Master Codex of Karalia series!

    First thing's first, I want to apologize for being gone for such a long time.

    Now that we're done with that, let us begin.

    I will be ranking countries based on their aptitude in my alt-universe.


    #1: Changeling Empire
    #2: Principality of Equestria
    #3: Lummox Empire
    #4: Republic of Karalia

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  • 330 weeks
    First Chapter Ready!

    Wrath of Angels' first chapter is ready and available for reading!

    Thank you for your patience with this!

    Hope you enjoy reading it!

    Leave comments, whether positive, negative or questions, to your hearts' content!

    0 comments · 211 views
  • 335 weeks
    Wrath of Angels

    Man, I received a ton of OCs to work with ever since I posted those blogs. I want to thank everyone who contributed but I also want to let everyone know how this is going to go.

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  • 352 weeks
    Master Codex of Karalia 1: A Basic Introduction

    As I am going to be dark for a while, I wanted to leave at least something on my page before I go. If you must know, I will be getting ready for college in Seattle after leaving the Air Force. I will be in Arizona until school starts (I believe in January) and I will be dark that entire time.

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Master Codex of Karalia 1: A Basic Introduction · 1:31am Sep 8th, 2017

As I am going to be dark for a while, I wanted to leave at least something on my page before I go. If you must know, I will be getting ready for college in Seattle after leaving the Air Force. I will be in Arizona until school starts (I believe in January) and I will be dark that entire time.

So this codex here is just lore/fun facts about an original faction I created for my own alternate universe MLP stories which may one day be released.

In the off-chance that anyone wishes to use this faction for their own stories, just inform me first (I would love to see how other people would write them) and you're good to go.

I created this faction to be versatile as they can fluidly switch between protagonists, antagonists, or even neutral.

Once I get back online, there will be additional codex sections in the form of blogs.

Codex of Karalia 1: A Basic Introduction

Official Title: Republic of Karalia

Government: Republic

Capital City: Kalinigrad

Main Government Building: Republican Palace

Current Chancellor: Chancellor Apex Splittail

Senate: Two hundred members, eight from each province.

Provinces: Forty total

Wealth: Incredible funding but strained due to excessive military spending, a slight surplus.

Economy: Trades with many nations, largest trading partner is Equestria.

Exports: Seafood, precious metals, assorted minerals, first and second gen weapons, first and second gen military equipment, ammunition, military advisors.

Imports: Farm-grown foods, entertainment, assorted natural resources, magical energy.

Total Population: 69,872,944

92.8% - Ethnic Cyrandelli ponies

4.6% - Zebra Immigrants

1.6% - Pony Immigrants

1.0% - Other Immigrants (Gryphons, Saddle Arabians, etc.)

Major Cities:

Kalinigrad (Capital)















National Issues: Changeling invasions, Wars with neighboring Saddle Arabia and Ustio, Overpopulation.

Industrial Power: Abundance of both commercial factories and military weapons factories.

Controversies: Penchant for Territorial Expansion, Jingoistic Tendencies, Advocates Extermination of Changelings.

Relations with Foreign Powers:

Equestria - Neutral, after Chrysalis assaulted Equestria, Karalian diplomats have been vigorously attempting to convince Equestria to join Karalia in their crusade against the Changelings, citing having a common enemy in the Changelings.

Equestria has so far continuously refused, citing Karalia's blatant and excessive cruelty and brutality toward the Changelings as a race.

Crystal Empire - Same as Equestria.

Saddle Arabia - War over territory and resources. (Despite early Karalian victories, the war here has bogged down into a stalemate).

Ustio - War over territory and resources. (Consistent Karalian victories but slow progress due to rough terrain).

Changeling Empire - War of extermination and territory. (Consistent repulsion of Changeling offensives whilst inflicting severe casualties, otherwise a stalemate due to Karalia's inability to mount a meaningful counter-offensive at this time).

Kingdom of Vikoria - Neutral

Other Powers (Dragons, Yaks and the like) - Neutral

Foreign Opinions of Karalians:

Only ponies that regularly eat meat (fish and other seafood).

Strong military, and advanced military tech.

Great quality weapons and ammunition.

Very Imperialistic.

Crusade against Changelings is seen as genocidal, and ethnic cleansing.

Have been called "The Equestrians' grim and aggressive cousins"

Their country has been dubbed "The Military Republic of Karalia" or just "Military Republic" in many foreign circles, and foreign government officials.

Military Power:

All military personnel: 4,340,000 (at full strength)

Combat personnel: 2,000,000

Support personnel: 1,400,000

Auxiliary personnel: 880,000 (Includes Immigrant Auxiliary Korps, Conscript Cadets, Mercenaries, Local and Provincial Militias)

Special Forces personnel: 60,000 ( 40K of these are actually shock troops in terms of functionality).

Weapons and Equipment: Third and Fourth gen (Special Forces and other Elite units).

Specialties: Siege Warfare, Defensive Warfare, Attrition.

Grading the Karalian Military:

Infantry: Strong, large numbers.

Armor: Decent

Artillery: Very Strong, elite crews.

Anti-Air: Very Strong, elite crews.

Air: Strong

Special Forces: Decent

Logistics: Strong

Intelligence: Very Strong, designed to sniff out Changeling agents and disguises.

Naval: Very Weak, under-staffed and outdated equipment, relegated to defending coasts and port cities.

History of Karalia:

Fifteen hundred years ago, the city-state of Kalinigrad sat in relative peace alongside the Cyran River which flowed down from the Aubreian Mountain Range.

The ponies that lived here fished in the nearby river and multitude of streams that surrounded and even passed through their city.

Streams filled with fish were not the only things that surrounded the fledgling city-state.

The Changeling Empire, at the height of its power, claimed all of the plains that surrounded Kalinigrad. It wasn't long before the Changelings decided to raid and ransack the peaceful city. The Changelings' goal was to harvest the citizens and add them to their slave farms that they used to drain the life force of those held captive.

The ponies of Kalinigrad, while reeling from the initial raid, decided to fight back. That was all they focused on. They built walls for their city and began to fashion their own unique weaponry. Many citizens were eager to join or support the newly formed Kalinigrad Defense Forces.

Thus Karalia's first taste of militarism drove them even further down the path of conquest.

After ten years of successfully repelling Changeling assaults on their walls, the ponies realized that their food stores would only last them so long. Looking out into the surrounding lands, they only saw plains.

Perfect farming land, and packed to the brim with their mortal enemies.

The success of the first invasion of Changeling land was to be decided at the battle of the Cyrandelli Plains.

Ten thousand Kalinigrad ponies against an upwards of fifty thousand Changelings.

The Karalian victory here was due to the superior strategy, the effective use of the ponies' more versatile arsenal of weapons, tight formations, and the poor organization and leadership of the Changeling forces.

At the cost of only twenty-three hundred of their own, the Kalinigrad ponies inflicted over thirty thousand losses and forced the surviving Changeling soldiers to rout in the two days of battle.

After the crushing victory over their oppressors and the acquisition of the Cyrandelli Plains, the city-state of Kalinigrad renamed itself the Imperium of Cyrandelli.

After forty years of peace and the death of the first Emperor, the new Emperor ordered the Imperial Army to continue to extend its borders.

The Imperial Army was at its peak and the Cyrandelli economy was booming, while the Changeling Empire was straining under the pressure of a massive civil war of different Changeling Queens attempting to rule the Empire for themselves.

The Emperor of Cyrandelli took advantage of this and his gamble paid off.

More Changeling lands lay beyond the plains and in a two hundred year campaign dubbed "The Great Purge" the Imperial ponies had cleared out hundreds of miles of territory and butchering tens of thousands of Changelings in the process.

The Imperium even managed the secure a western coastline that had been previously under Changeling control, allowing them even more fish to eat and a port with which to trade from.

The success of The Great Purge was due to the impeccable timing of it.

Enjoying their new territories and the Changelings too busy killing each other to care, a six hundred year golden age of peace, known as "Karaliana" (translates to "Victory for Peace" from Old Cyrandelli).

Their economy flourished, quality of life improved, their population exploded, and their coast and territories expanded further as they seized lands largely abandoned by the Changelings during their civil war.

Karaliana ended when a new Emperor came to the throne, an Emperor known to be dogmatic to a religious cult and enforced this cult on the citizens of Cyrandelli. When the majority of the citizenry panned the new religion, the new Emperor grew furious.

He increased taxes for citizens that did not practice his religion, harassed businesses that did not conform to the new religion, and forced all members of the military to conform or be discharged.

He formed a secret police force known as the "Dark Skittari" and they became the enforcers of the Emperor's will.

They assassinated religious leaders of other faiths, public speakers criticizing the new faith began to disappear, whilst zealotry for the new religion was rewarded by the government.

Before long, a rebellion had formed and was subsequently crushed by the Imperial government.

Restrictions were placed on citizens after the first civil war, and repression in the Imperium was rampant.

A hundred years later, a second rebellion was crushed and it seemed that the Imperium of Cyrandelli was there to stay.

But fifty years, a third rebellion had been prepared, this time, things would be different.

These new rebels realized that both of the previous rebellions failed due to the intervention of the elite Dark Skittari, whose power quashed each rebellion before.

So the rebels, made up of disgruntled citizens and former Imperial soldiers, created their own elite force to counter the Dark Skittari.

They dubbed them, the "Blood Skittari".

With this new force, they are finally able to overcome the Imperium of Cyrandelli and a Blood Skittari trooper personally beheaded the Emperor during the storming of the Imperial Palace in central Kalinigrad.

A new Republic was formed in the ashes of the Imperium of Cyrandelli and the "Republic of Karalia" was born.

Three hundred years of a new "Karaliana" followed and the new republic re-built itself into the grand nation it once was.

Two hundred years ago, the Changeling civil war finally ended and a new queen took the throne. Then, they laid their sights on their old enemy. An enemy whose borders, economy, and population had grown since the last time they've met.

The ponies of Karalia were under Changeling attack once again.

Up until present day, this new war against the Changelings has been constant for the past two hundred years and is seemingly never ending. The new Chancellor believes that the additional resources found in Saddle Arabia and Ustio will provide the advantage that Karalia needs against their mortal enemy.

After these two nations refused to sell these resources for a reasonable price, the new Chancellor saw no other options than to take the new resources by force.

And that is the basics of the History of Karalia.

More lore and information will be added in future blog posts. This one is only the beginning. Like I said before, if you wish to write a story about or including Karalia, let me know. I would love to read it.

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