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Twilight Makes a Coltfriend - Literally (in progress) · 9:48pm Sep 11th, 2017

A quick look inside Georg’s brain, inspired by Little Tigress on Fimfiction (MoonlightFan on Deviant Art) who is the artist of the picture below.
Be aware that I may not finish this for a while, so be patient.

Long Description: Twilight Sparkle has always had problems with dating. Although she was the Princess of Friendship, the stallions she had attempted to progress beyond friendship with always seemed to shy away, sometimes at a rapid gallop. Well, this time she has the solution. If she can't find a stallion who will be romantic with her, she is going to make a stallion who wants to be romantic with her.

What could possibly go wrong?

Twilight Makes a New Coltfriend… Literally
The Best Laid Plans… or is it the other way around?

“Twilight!” Spike was getting tired of calling through the thick locked crystal door, but kept it up rather than just chew a hole through it. Again. “Twilight, I’m warning you. Either answer me or… I’ll send a letter to Princess Celestia!”

It was his last and most desperate gambit, which by Spike’s reckoning, he had only needed to resort to three times over the years. Admittedly, this time she had not incited a riot with a cloth doll, but there had been a lot of cloth in the supplies Twilight had carried into her laboratory, as well as what could be interpreted as some deranged cackling from inside.

There had not been any lightning, which Spike viewed as a good sign, but there was a thunderstorm scheduled for the afternoon, so he was trying to hurry.

“Just a minute, Spike! I’ve only got one last stitch. There!” The door clicked and swung open, showing the inevitable result of one princess-level alicorn study session that Spike knew he was going to be cleaning up for most of the next week, and… something else.

“You made a plushie,” said Spike, looking at the pony-sized pegasus doll.

Admittedly, it was a fairly good doll, with neat stitching and proper stuffing so it stood up. Even the wings had been put together with a great deal of care, and seemed as if they could be extended in something fairly close to how a pegasus would fly. He really did not like the shade of blue-green she had picked, but since Twilight had gotten the cloth from Rarity, Spike thought he could get used to it. Plus, it was not radiating the blinding magical aura of a Want-It-Need-It spell, or any other signs that Twilight had gone around the bend in the direction of world domination or evil.

In fact, the huge plushie looked oddly normal, in a weird way, with a dopey, happy expression and ever so slightly crossed eyes. On a scale of one to ten on the Weird-o-Meter, it was probably a two at best, or a negative one when adjusted for Ponyville. It was a little upsetting to the young dragon that his own company was not sufficient, and that Twilight had decided to make a plushie to stand around while she worked, but Spike thought about it for a few moments. Other than possibly making a little more dusting around the castle, it might distract Twilight enough for Spike to spend a little more time with Rarity, which was a good thing. It did bring up one point, though.

“You know, I bet if you told Rarity, she would have made it for you.”

“Him,” corrected Twilight. “He’s the perfect romantic companion. I was thinking after my last date—”

“The one where you set him on fire or the one where he dove through the restaurant window?” asked Spike.

“Spike!” Twilight nibbled on her bottom lip. “The one with fire. Anyway, I figured the reason why my dates keep going wrong is because I don’t have any practice. So…” She waved a hoof at the doll. “Ta-da!”

“You’ve been hanging around Trixie too much,” said Spike. “Besides, how is a doll supposed to help you get dates?”

“Not get dates, Spike. Make the dates more romantic so I’m not scaring off any more stallions. I think I’m getting a reputation,” she added with a slightly nervous fidget. “Anyway, Nimbus here is fully fireproof, so that won’t happen again. And waterproof,” she added. “Just in case. Also lightning-resistant, acid-resistant, there’s an anti-raveling charm built-in, and the cloth won’t fade at all in the sun for years.”

“Now I think you’ve been hanging around Starlight too much,” he groused. “Still, it’s good to be prepared,” said Spike, walking up closer to the doll to get a look at his wings. “So why did you decide to call him Nimbus?”

“Because that’s my name,” said the doll.

It took them both an hour to get Spike out from under the bed.

Comments ( 25 )

THIS MUST BE CONTINUED. :yay: I don't care how long it takes. Patience I have.

I now picture Spike wearing a white collar around his neck, spraying Holy Water everywhere.

There has to be a word for the moment a "person" sized doll starts talking to you, because I would hate to think that Spike's l;ast words were 17 hours worth of pure terrified shrieking.

4665493 The Power of Cadence Compels you...

ok this look funny

I think I would go with him saying
"The Power of Celestia Compels you" would fit it a bit better for twilight everyone else I go with Cadance but not twilight

I wonder how Nimbus feels about all this.

4665533 Between this being Twi's Coltfriend (for the foreseeable future) and Cadance being the Alicorn of Love, I thought it fit.

yea but who do u think twilight would react toward more Cadnace or Sunbutt....

4665561 I imagine Spike's tossing things more at Nimbus than anything...

Ooh, cloth golem. This really underscores the importance of Green Grass in those timelines where he exists. Someone needs to act as an emotional control unit for Twilight, and Spike can only do so much.

Oh god, this will be horrifically glorious!

true true, could always go with luna for the fear/cuddle factor

Twilight knew a simple "come to life" spell 'way back in season 1, so I can't imagine Spike being quite THAT freaked out by an inanimate object moving around or even talking. I'd guess it would be a gradual thing, as he began to learn just exactly what (or who) Twilight had created.

Finish it NOW!!! :flutterrage:

Because holy heck, that's amazing.

Go to Ponyville she said!

Study friendship she said!

Make new friends she said!

“Twilight, I’m warning you. Either answer me or… I’ll send a letter to Princess Celestia!”

I don't think Spike would say that. One of the hardest things in writing fanfics is getting the dialogue right so the character sounds like the character. That's what someone like, maybe, Starlight Glimmer would say. Spike would be more...

:moustache: "Twilight, c'mon! Open the door, or, uh, I'll...I'll...send a letter to Princess Celestia!"

That comes off more natural for everypony's favorite dragon. :twilightsmile:

“So why did you decide to call him Nimbus?”

“Because that’s my name,” said the doll.

:rainbowlaugh: Looking forward to it already! :twilightsmile:

Oh. I like it already...


Well, Georg, if a new idea can get a conversation running this quick I suspect you have another winner on your hooves. The story may be a standard concept but with your ability to make a straight forward concept leap out on non-standard tangents and your skill with making your characters come to life, this will be anything but ordinary.

Oh, yeah.... you can also add my voice to those who say "This must happen!"... but then I am already saying this for Letters, Thoughtletts, Trixie's Pet and several other of your stories! :twilightsheepish:

This is unlikely to end well, but it'll be amusing either way.

4666227 I'm sure Rarity will get things all sewn up, with no threads left hanging. After all, Twilight is looking rather raveled, about three stitches short of an inseam, and that's a sure sign of wrinkles in her future.

As this is a Georg story, part of me suspects the doll was secretly replaced with a changling looking to feed off Twilight, but who inevitable falls in love with her instead.

4666565 Nope, that's been done, and really well with Pickleless Changeling Doll.

Spike, much later: "...This is fine." :pinkiecrazy:

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