• Member Since 7th Oct, 2011
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Compendium of Steve

The One Who Writes. Intermittently, Without Fail.

More Blog Posts84

  • 6 days
    Happy Pride, Everyone!!

    Another June, another time for people to celebrate. But this isn't Pride Month. This is Pride Lifetime, Pride Existence that we're celebrating. Even when the corporations put away the rainbow flags and hollow sentiments, that doesn't mean you should pause your awareness, your support and your experience as well. Make every day colorful, fab and, above all else, full of love.

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  • 7 weeks
    Happy 420

    Here's a little something half-baked for such a groovy day.

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  • 76 weeks
    Special Christmas Post!

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  • 109 weeks
    So yeah, Space Wars Day or whatever

    Honestly I've been checked out on Star Wars for a long time: longer than before the new trilogy came around to sour it even further. I mean I technically still write Star Wars, though it's nothing that can be accepted by any ol' fan. For one thing, the Ssi-Ruuk are regularly represented, and another is that they're not presented as their original selves. Still a shame they're so under-utilized in

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  • 126 weeks
    Positive Vibes

    So something curious has just happened: I just got done watching the South Park Post-Covid two part special, and it has put me in a very positive and hopeful mindset. Yeah: South Park of all things giving me the feel-goods. Like legitimate fuzzies about things working out.

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Welp, it's that Time again! · 7:19am Sep 21st, 2017

That was certainly something. But now, we move on to:


Celestial Advice: Well well well, a season opening that isn't a two-parter. Oh what expectations to be set! Now, as for the actual episode itself, basically it's the follow-up afterparty for the season six finale. And galldarnit they really are setting things up for the Starlight Glimmer show. Thank you for voicing what us cynical fans have been going on about, Discord. Good hearing Thorax's sweet shy voice. Down to the nitty gritty of it, not that bad an idea of pondering the time when you have to let someone or something go. Was genuinely pleased at Celestia and Twilight having that little heart-to-heart towards the end. But really, this whole thing is feeling rushed, and that worries me. Twilight's ascension was rushed, and now Starlight Starbright's advancement to friendship expert is feeling just as rushed. Also, "strong, good and loyal"? Yep, that's totally what the cult leader who enslaved a dozen or so ponies just a year or two ago totally is. Just trivial stuff, y'know. So overall, nothing amazing, and could have really done without Twilight's fantasies. Literally took up a third of the episode when it could have been used for better things. Like more bonding between Celestia and Twilight. You know, emotional stuff. Moving on.

All Bottle Up: Oh gosh golly gee is this going to become the Trixie Show too??? Honestly, not too opposed to that. And "actual" magic? Didn't you conjure up lightning at one point? But yeah, hoo boy did they make her abrasive in this episode. Like, super abrasive. Unbearably abrasive. Definitely in need of a heaping of that LITERAL METAPHOR. So yeah kids, remember that it's okay to vent your anger, otherwise you become a hollowed-out shell of your former self. And Trixie Glimmer ship confirmed!! (Was there any doubt?) Mane 6 segments were unnecessary. Middling, I do say.

A Flurry of Emotions: Pony Ba-bies, will ruin dreams for you. Pony Ba-bies, they'll wreck all your s***, too. So a baby episode, whoopee. Big ol' ball of fluff. Before I forget, B.A.E. BAE. Oh yeah, Twilight is total bae material. Or at least, had been. Back in those simpler times. Those early days... Oh right, the episode. At first was gonna say "you're not a bad aunt, you just had other stuff going on, not your fault", but then that got appended at the end. Whole thing was kinda unfocused with cutting back between Twilight and Shining and Cadance, like with the last episode and its two plots-but-not-really-plots. Is this going to be a trend? We'll see. Anyway, cutesy episode, all filler no thriller.

Rock Solid Friendship: Maud Glimmer ship confirmed! Canonical harem inbound! Pinkie Pie, why you got to be so irritating? Pinkie Pie, why you got to be so stupid? Probably the alcohol talking, or more objective thinking, but Maud has grown on me quite a bit. Becoming a doctor, actually being funny. Aside from being friends with our lord and savior light pink Mary Sue, she's got it going on. But why did they have to make Pinkie so painfully ignorant to make Madeline Daisy Pie (glad they got that canonized) to sell this episode's lesson? I mean, yeah, don't be overbearing in your friends'/relations' business, but did they have to do it at the cost of established character traits? I mean this is about as bad with Yankee Doodle. So lacking in social graces, even though she's this great party planner who is everybody's friend and can understand others. Sigh. Moving on.

Fluttershy Leans In: Oh my god that is not a dream board, that is a collage. A collage. Dreams are more like vague roadmaps or paintings, but what you got are a collection of knickknacks and paddywacks and give a dog a bone. Oh you poor sweet summer child. No wait, there's a picture beneath all that, nevermind. And how can those trees be drab? They're vibrant, you f***in' pompous philistine ugh I swear this man pony has no imagination at all. Assertashy Activate! Guess her character arc is done then, eh? Yeah, really not much going on with this episode. Or maybe the wine's making me woozy. May need to fix that. In the meantime, let's move on to the next episode. Oh, and nice callback to the feudin' episode btw.

Forever Young! Oh to be, Forever Young!: See, this is why it's important to communicate. To make some effort to stay in touch. Maybe not all the time, but every once in a while. Just so you have some grasp on the changing landscape of the world. To know that things don't stay the same, and to adjust accordingly. To not be bogged down by complacency or indifference or hate. So easy to sink and snuggle up into your own routine that you don't take into account everything else around you. Things grow based on their environment. Animals survive because they're aware of the current and changing dangers. We as a species need to keep doing the same, be aware of the impact or lack of impact we make, and adjust accordingly. I invite you all to touch base with someone you know, just to say hello. I might give my sister a ring, or maybe one of my high school chums... That went into a weird tangent. Anyway, alright episode. Chamomile tea helps a lot.

Parental Guidance (No I'm not doing that pun it's stupid, I mean seriously >:( ): Wow, I suddenly got Thousand Year Door flashbacks, to when Mario got blasted off to the moon. That's certainly a way to get to Cloudsdale. So yes, the episode that confirms RD's parents (still waiting on Scootaloo's, hrmmm). I enjoyed this pair. And my god, those wing animations, so dynamic and all over the place. Loved it. Not a fan of Rainbow having to apologize to her parents because, you know, that's a reasonable reaction to all the invasive, distracting things they were doing. Yet Rainbow is the bad guy for laying down the law. That whole mixed messages/poor delivery thing. Ignoring that, an amusing episode. I'm beginning to sober up and I have things to do in the morning, so just one more episode tonight.

Hard to Say Anything: I really should get myself a pirate hat. Maybe something that corresponds with my Flash Gitz. Spyrate, brilliant. I should make a Flash Git who uses that title. Have him all purple and real sneaky-like, heh heh. Pretty amusing episode, as most Big Mac centric episodes tend to be by my observations. Although that whole sleeping beauty kiss thing, yeeeeeeah... dubious consent much? And at the end of it all, we have a confirmed love interest for Big Macintosh! That's right: no Fluttershy, no Cheerilee, and definitely no Marble Pie! The big guy is shacked up, I'm so proud!!! So yeah, fav episode so far. Not the most amazing, and it's no Brotherhooves Social. Ohhh no, not by a wide margin. One more thing: that Feather Bangs! He Bangs! Oh ba~by the way he woos! He Woos! I go crazy! Cuz he looks like a douche but he sings masterfully, like every boy band in history!

And that will be it for tonight. Things kinda dragged to a crawl, and my roommate kept coming by to talk to me about stuff. Which wasn't so bad, as these episodes weren't really attention grabbers. Hopefully the next ten/eleven will be better (doubt it). Now off to sleep. Hope you enjoyed what little I had to offer, and until next time!

Comments ( 6 )
Author Interviewer

Well that was fun. :D

what the heck is that video, though? D:

You no like the new format for the intro? Just thought I'd mix things up :p

Author Interviewer


It seemed odd. :B

That's most ladies' reaction to seeing my face for the first time, yuh XD

Author Interviewer

I also wasn't sure it was you. :B

Well now you know. And knowing's half the battle ;)

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