• Member Since 14th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Feb 3rd, 2022


I`m Russian, I`m female, I`m blunter then a bag of hammers and I write pony staff occassionally. That`s about it.

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So I was thinking... · 8:48pm Sep 26th, 2017

Sometimes, I write pretty goods things on the lark and then lose them in the forums. So I thought I`d copy the stuff I liked in the blog, just to keep it handy. Case one.

"...So, just so I`m sure we all understand correctly..." - inquired the princess of friendship, her royal majesty princess Twilight Sparkle, - "The gist of this experiment is that you will play to all of us, as a group, a number of tunes from different human games or their trailers, and hear our respective reaction and opinion on the music played and what kind of game it could`ve possibly came from, then you`ll reveal the game trailer or gameplay footage so we could see how our guesses pan out against actual state of things, correct?"

Researcher nodded briefly, gesturing into the room set with six plush and clearly comfortable sitting pillows, conveniently color-coded to Mane 6 respective colorations. "Yes, your highness, your succint summation is entirely correct." - he proffered wryly, allowing himself an internal chuckle at the brief expression of discomfort flashing across purple face.

The rest of Mane 6 filed in quickly, chatting at low tones as they settled in and prepared to listen.

"...Purdy good voice." - Applejack commented almost from the beginning - a comment she nearly swallowed with her tongue as the primary vocals hit - "Good grief, that just ain`t right!"

"Uh, you sure you put on the right song? This does not sound like a game to me." - Twilight hazarded cautiously - "I was under impression that game music didn`t feature any vocals."

"Not quite true anymore, your highness. Top-shelf projects have enough of a budget to afford real singers to go with their entertainment, nowadays." - technician explained primly - "And I do assure you, it is from a game that I`ve played personally."

Ponies hushed down, though given their splayed ears and twitchy noses, the song failed to evoke any positive emotions. It took them a few moments to shake off the impression as the final notes played. Clearing her throat awkwardly, Twilight proffered - "Well.... From what I could tell from this song, it`s a call to arms, of sorts. The impression I`ve gathered from hearing this... Well, I would guess that the plot of the game in question revolves around something momentous and warlike. A call to resist the invasion, maybe? The singers do sound like they implore the 'free people of america' to fight against the beast, whoever that is. Maybe a nickname for an invading tyrant? That`s my take on what I heard."

Rarity added, nibbling thoughtfully on her lip - "While I agree with Twilight`s take in general, there is some... note in this song. Something... murky. I am not sure how to explain it properly, but I get the feeling that those 'free people' are not without problems themselves. As in, not clearly in the right. Just a feeling."

The rest of ponies merely nodded, though Applejack added after some consideration - "Thar`s also them already fightin` in that song that ah hear. Whatever that game of yours is, it ain`t for foals."

Nodding, technician swapped out the recording. "Very well. The game in question is called Bioshock Infinite, and you will now be shown the trailer that makes use of that song." - he announced - "I`ll be available to answer all your questions after the video."

This time, it took a bit longer then a few moments for ponies to shake off the shock. Finally, Applejack offered for all of them - "What in tarnation`s name was THAT?" Explanations of the plot and mechanics of the game took a few minutes. Finally, the questions were exhausted, though none of the ponies were particularly pleased with the information received.

"So... the majority of the game is all about you as Booker DeWitt trying to get Elisabeth out from between the conflict between two equally cruel and violent groups, neither of which retains the sight of their original goals and ideals in the face of their mutual hatred, only to find out in the end that the whole mess was started by an alternate universe version of yourself? And the solution to this is a daughter-assisted suicide prior to decision that splits the protagonist into DeWitt and Comstock?..." - Twilight inquired slowly - "Pardon my prench, but the makers of this are bucking insane. I don`t even... how... goodness, I don`t even have the appropriate words to describe how utterly alien and inconceivable this was to me... to us."

"Also, Luteces are not nearly the meanyheads as you said!" - Pinkie piped up suddenly - "They like their science but they do ask before doing any experiments." Everyone turned to stare at Pinkie Pie. Then made a clearly audible decision NOT to ask further for the sake of their collective sanities.

Twilight sighed and dragged her hoof across her face. "Next tune, please. And if at all possible, can we get something less disturbing this time? I don`t think our collective composure can sustain two such blows back to back." - she ordered, settling down on her pillow apprehensively to listen to the next song.

This time, due to lack of lyrics and general length of the soundtrack, ponies started hushed discussions between themselves as several new tunes were introduced, one by one. As the track ended, the opinions were already clearly formed and ready to be voiced. Specifically, by pegasi of the group.

Rainbow Dash began with general opinions - "So, we like talked it over, and it seems to us that this game has something to do with traveling. We`ve heard wind wistling in several of the songs, and Applejack swears that there`s a sound of wagon wheels squeaking included in first one. Also, most of them tunes are pretty fast-paced like. I think I liked the one with fast piano close to the end the best of them all. It has this, y`know... winning sound to it."

Fluttershy added softly - "All of those sound like they`d be good music to trot or fly to. Not gallop, mind - trot. Like when you`re going to travel long and need to conserve your strength. I`ve counted and there`s the same beat in every one of them except for the slow one right before the tune that Dash liked."

"Well, as it so happens, you`re partially correct. The game in question is called Vangers, and traveling on wheels is the central game mechanic." - technician proffered helpfully, eliciting a hoofbump between Dash and Fluttershy.

The explanations of plot took considerably longer then the little video of gameplay, though. Ponies, again, were befuddled, although this time by the number of new words rather then by incomprehensibly violent setup.

"The soup of beings sounds absolutely terrifying." - Rarity volunteered after digesting the information - "Particularly so when one considers that softies were factually humans, while crispo were, if I understood the explanations right, something like ants. The idea of mixing both randomly to hopefully spawn forth a new kind of creature is mind-bogging, and given the, ah, looks of the game characters, I do believe I`m well-founded in my terror regarding the aforementioned soup. In the same time, I just have to admire the tenacity of creatures that, by all accounts are literally "the things that should not be" to endure and even thrive in the world gone mad."

Pinkie added thoughtfully - "Though if we were like vangers, then we`d have three princesses." She, again, endured the assortment of weirded-out stares with characteristic Pie aplomb and inflappability.

Technician cleared his throat. "Alright, let`s put on the next one, shall we?" - he proffered, swapping out recordings yet again.

As the song came to close, Applejack coughed. "Well, ah`m relieved. This one ain`t springing surprises like the last one did. Still, it`s kinda... sad?" - she proffered uncertainly - "Sounds ta me like the song Luna might`ve had on her mind back when she done got exiled to the moon." Assorted pony nods confirmed that decision, but no one else volunteered any additional opinion.

"Ah. Well, it`s the song from trailer to Assassin`s Creed: Unity." - technician proffered as the silence grew a little awkward - "I`m about to show you the trailer, so please remain calm."

As before, it took a while for a shock to break off. Taking a good look over her fellow mares and coming to a conclusion that none of them wanted to comment on what they just saw, Twilight decided to bite the bullet herself. "...I have read about that part of human history. French revolution, if I`m not mistaken." - she proffered with a shudder - "Reading about it was terrible. Seeing the events recreated so believably, being offered to participate in that calamity for entertainment... It`s monstrous, I can`t find another word for that. Simply monstrous. If there are any more games from those series... please avoid. I try to be understanding and accepting of the rift between our cultures, I really do. But there are limits to everything, and focusing on one of the most turbulent calamities in human history for fun crosses all acceptable lines."

Seeing the rest of ponies nod resolutely at that, some with wince and some with whimper to follow, technician decided to try and present something less violence-oriented this time around. Or at least, something with plenty of things to do other then chop up opponents into bits and pieces.

The reactions to the tunes were varied. As there was a good variety, it took a while to listen to all of them, and in the meanwhile ponies relaxed some after the impression made by Unity, and began whispering among themselves again. Finally, it was time to voice their opinion, and this time it was Pinkie Pie who volunteered. "There was a lot of things!" - was her unequivocal verdict - "In this game, you can do a lot of things! And find a lot of things. Some of them very silly."

An explanation about Terraria and it`s gameplay followed, and this was the first game that ponies seemingly approved of. Apparently, building one`s own domain appealed to their natures. Applejack summed for everypony - "Ah suppose we all kin approve o`the game that`s all about livin` yer own life and makin` it what you want it ta be. And explorin` the places an` havin` adventures with friends, alright, alright, don`t ya glare at me none, Dashie, I ain`t forgettin` nothing. "

Twilight stretched. "I think it would be for the best if we finish today`s session here. I do need to sleep on what I`ve seen and heard today, and I`m fairly sure my friends need some rest as well." - she proffered,shooting a sympathising look towards Rarity, whom still haven`t stopped shaking after seeing the Unity trailer.

"Ah... Actually, I`ve got one more video to show to you. Vaguely game-related, but no comment is necessary. Just a little something something to take your mind off the heavy topics." - technician offered quickly, slotting the last video into the projector.

"...Well, darn it, Twilight, why don`t you ever do cool magic like this?" - was the blue pony verdict as the short animation rolled to the end. Twilight rolled her eyes. "Because, as you just saw, it can go wrong in oh so many ways." - she proffered - "Though if you do insist, I can demonstrate you the fire breathing technique."

"Wait, wait, didn`t you set my tail on fire the last time you tried that?"

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