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Review #116 - Cold Light · 6:30pm Sep 28th, 2017

Oh boy, I've been reading this one for awhile, and it just finished up... SO NOW I CAN REVIEW IT!!!! *screams of utter delight.

Oh, and warning now, crazy long description.

Cold Light by Scrambler and Shadows
Three years ago, ponies discovered Amaranth, a desert world of ancient, abandoned technology and countless mysteries. It has become the frontier for the unscrupulous, the adventurous and the dispossessed. Salvor airships ply the skies, pirates prey on the weak and idealists seek to unify the disparate.

Three months ago, Scootaloo left Equestria for Amaranth. She hasn't been heard from since.

Now Sweetie Belle searches for her lost friend, to find her, tell her the truth, and bring her home. But as she does so, she stumbles upon a great and terrible secret sought by a number of dangerous and powerful creatures. A secret that explains the shared history of Amaranth and Equestria and could spell the end of both worlds.

First off, AIRSHIPS!!!! Freakin' airships. It's all airships. And then, and then, there's shipping! (Ha, a pun). Anyway, Scootabelle shipping, to be exact. But it pulls it off so very well, it's impossible not to like it. I'd say that this one is, on the most basic of levels, exactly what it promises: an adventure romance. There is an element of mystery, but it's the kind where the heroes don't know much, so the reader doesn't know much. I don't know, it's just so amazing I'm lost for words. Like, Sweetie Belle is in Amaranth, looking for Scootaloo because she's in trouble, and so she has to overcome basically every character flaw possible. But this overcoming is not a main point of the story, it's super subtle and hard to recognize that I can only name general areas for it. And only some parts of it are not actually troublesome because SaS is a better writer than that. Then there's Scootaloo, who tries very hard to not have Sweetie find her because she doesn't want her to get into the same trouble she's in. And so it's this weird love fight between them; Sweetie chasing, Scootaloo running. I mean, it's hard to even describe the awesomeness. So, just know it is.

Except for the weakness, which, honestly, I would say is the ending. So much is going on that it's kinda hard to follow, then everything just kinda... works out in 1k words. I read it four times, and I'm still not sure how Sweetie won.

Recommendation: Highly Recommended. (Well, first off, airships! Then, I love EVERYTHING but the ending. The ending is my only complaint. So, go read this. Right now. I mean it).

Comments ( 3 )

Thank you! It's nice to have finally finished this, and I'm glad you enjoyed it.

I often seem to have a problem with endings.:unsuresweetie:

Your welcome! And if you have a problem with endings, that just means you have to write more stories... right? Right? Or is it me just wanting more stories?

I certainly do. But right now, I fear, I don't have the time to write them. At least not in ponefic form.

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