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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic - Season 7 Episode 24: "Uncommon Bond" (SPOILERS) · 4:08pm Oct 21st, 2017

In which Starlight gets jealous of Twilight, but at least manages to not destroy Equestria over it this time.

Hi Sunburst! We haven't seen you in what, 23 episodes? Starlight is super excited to see him coming for a visit. She won't shut up about it! Seriously, she won't shut up.

Starlight seems to have forgotten that there's about a 20+ year gap in her friendship with Sunburst and she doesn't actually really know him anymore at all--a fact which quickly becomes apparent as soon as he's on the train platform and mentions being excited to go antiquing, a hobby she had no idea he was into.

While Sunburst is geeking over antiquing, Twilight shows up, and the plot of this episode quickly kicks off as Starlight is bored out of her mind while Sunburst and Twilight rapidly bond.

"I probably have more in common with Twilight than anypony in Equestria!" -- GOOD GOD MAN, DO YOU REALIZE WHAT YOU'VE JUST DONE?! You've just torpedoed one ship and launched another at WARP SPEED!!

So anyway, Starlight gets obsessively neurotic about wanting to have her oldest friend all to herself, like purple unicorns do, and it gets super awkward and super uncomfortable. Like you do.

Oh, and Trixie shows up. Like she does. And guess what? Sunburst bonds with her over showpony magic almost immediately.

Starlight decides to take Sunburst to see the mirror pool--and they run into Maud.

Take a WILD GUESS what happens.

Starlight goes back home in a funk, Twilight talks to her and encourages her, and Starlight....does what Starlight Glimmer does: she writes a spell that literally recreates her childhood memories with Sunburst AND TURNS THEM BACK INTO FOALS!! When Sunburst doesn't want to play and yells at her, Starlight reverses the spell and runs off, upset and hurt.

Sunburst runs around Ponyville trying to figure out what he even DOES still have in common with Starlight. With the help of Trixie and Maud, he makes a grand, silly, stupid gesture to show that he does still want to be friends with Starlight.

At the end, when Sunburst leaves Ponyville, he has something...very ominous in his blind buy barrel...surely we won't be seeing THAT again soon, right? Like...maybe next week? :trixieshiftright:

I'm gonna give this episode a 9/10. I'm knocking off a point for this being the first time Maud and Trixie have directly interacted and it being completely understated.

Season finale next week!

Report MythrilMoth · 1,060 views · #season 7
Comments ( 19 )

I'm gonna give this episode a 9/10. I'm knocking off a point for this being the first time Maud and Trixie have directly interacted and it being completely understated.

That's only because the fandom went nuts for Trixie and Maud. Maud was probably away from the rock farm in the show when Trixie was working there, and Pinkie never told her about Trixie.

I admit the Trixie and Maud interaction understatement is fair for losing a point. Fun episode overall.

I kinda like the magic trick montage, especially towards the end where their tricks basically fail or we see exactly how they pull them off.

This is among the best episodes of the season, and of the series.

And it only made me ship Starburst harder than I ever did before.

In which Starlight gets jealous of Twilight, but at least manages to not destroy Equestria over it this time.


Huh, does the opposite for me.

Behold, the Nerd Horse Dating Simulator!

Makes me wanna ship Sunburst harem.

This was a fun episode.

Oh, we're LIKELY to get harem fics out of this.

They do realize only males can get cucked, right?

This one was okay. Not the best, not the worst of Season 7.

Wait a minute. Starlight cast an age spell? I thought only the highest level unicorns could cast spells like that! Not even Twilight can cast that spell, for Celestia's sake!

(Well, she can probably do it now, being an alicorn and all, but my point still stands.)

I'm gonna give this episode a 9/10. I'm knocking off a point for this being the first time Maud and Trixie have directly interacted and it being completely understated.

Of course it was understated, this is Maud Pie we're talking about here. She's cooler than frozen cucumber in liquid nitrogen.

Also, I'm rather sure Trixe would rather not reminisce too much about the time she did back breaking manual labor in order to buy an EVIL amulet that made her distrust wheels of all thing (which she'll never hear the end of, if only because Dash won't shut up about it).

They very likely had their reunion, such as it was, off screen.
<Trixie> "Oh, hi Maud. You're living here now as well?"
<Maud> "Hello Trixie. Yes. I am." *Stands and stares unblinkingly at Trixie.*
*Awkward silence intensifies.*
<Trixie> "I'm...going to go see what my wia- I mean go see what Starlight is up to. Bye."
<Maud> "Goodbye."

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