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'Visions are worth fighting for. Why spend your life making someone else's dreams?'

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How you can help stop the destruction of Net Neutrality (Updated with a 6th option) · 2:02am Nov 22nd, 2017

I normally avoid doing blog posts about anything political, considering how charged the political climate is these days, but because this is an issue that affects everyone regardless of their beliefs, I believe it's worth making an exception for.

If you've been reading news outlets today, you may have seen that Ajit Pai, the head of the Federal Communications Commission here in the United States, announced that the FCC will be voting to end Net Neutrality on December 14th. If that happens, internet providers will be able to charge extra for certain sites you like to visit, such as video streaming sites like Netflix, Youtube, instead of having to offer equal access to all of them as per current law. Granted, there's no guarantee that they will do this, but history shows that - with few exceptions - companies favor increasing their profits instead of being fair to consumers.

In other words, repealing Net Neutrality is a big win for a few companies, and a loss for everyone else. If Net Neutrality goes, we may end up with a 'Pay to play' situation that has dogged the video game industry at late, only it will affect what we do everyday, and not just our leisure time. The potential is even there for providers to make it almost impossible to access sites they don't like, thus making it more difficult to groups to organize, organizations to spread their messages, and impede the free flow of ideas that democracy prides itself on. Or, as actor Mark Ruffalo said on Twitter:

'Taking away NetNeutrality is the Authoritarian dream. Consolidating information into the hands of a few controlled by a few. Dangerous territory.'

But it's not too late to stop it. Poll after poll shows that the majority of American citizens oppose repealing Net Neutrality (a fact that Mr. Pai is apparently ignoring), and there are steps you can take to stop the vote, or, at the least, be one of those who can say that they took action to oppose it.

1. Call your Senators and Representatives

It's not as intimidating as it sounds. Use this website (or this one for representatives) to find your senators and representatives in Congress, and then call them up. You will either get their voice message system or an aide, at which point you can use this script:

"Hello. My name is __________, and I’m a resident of ____________. I'm calling with regards to the FCC’s recent announcement that it plans to dismantle Net Neutrality. Because I support a fair and open Internet for everyone, I ask that _____________ contact FCC Chairman Ajit Pai and demand that he abandon his plan to overturn Net Neutrality and Title II oversight. Thank you”

2. Call Mr. Pai's office

Like option 1, call Mr. Pai himself and leave a message. Here's his office number:


And here's a script to use:

"Hello. My name is __________, and I’m a resident of ____________. I'm calling to express my support for Net Neutrality, and my disapproval that the FCC is trying to kill it, as I believe it favors corporations over everyday citizens and their ability to access information without having to pay for it. I ask that FCC Chairman Ajit Pai abandon the plan to repeal Net Neutrality, and preserve and open internet. Thank you.”

3. E-mail Mr. Pai

Here's Mr. Pai's e-mail address:


And here's a script you can use:

"Hello. My name is __________, and I’m a resident of ____________. I'm writing to express my support for Net Neutrality, and my disapproval that the FCC is trying to kill it, as I believe it favors corporations over everyday citizens and their ability to access information without having to pay for it. I ask that FCC Chairman Ajit Pai abandon the plan to repeal Net Neutrality, and preserve and open internet. Thank you.”

4. Call the FCC directly and lodge a complaint

Call 1-888-225-5322, and then select options 1, 4, 2, and 0. You will likely be put on hold for quite a while (I was on hold for about 15 minutes). When a representative takes your call, say something similar to the following.

"Hello. My name is __________, and I’m a resident of ____________. I'm calling to register a complaint about proceeding 17-108, the Net Neutrality repeal, as I believe it favors corporations and their profits over everyday citizens and their ability to access information without having to pay for it. Thank you.”

*I recently called the FCC again, and was told that the period for further public comments has been closed*

5. Register your comment on the FCC's website.

This summer, the FCC had an open commenting session on Net Neutrality where the public could register their opinions, and is doing so again. I didn't know this until I called the FCC in option 4, where I was told we could comment on Mr. Pai's plan that he announced yesterday.

To do this, go to this link, type in '17-108' (without the quotation marks) in the first field, press enter, and fill out all the subsequent information, making sure to press enter after you're finished with each bar.

6. Spread the word

This may be the simplest, but it's no less effective. Inform everyone you know on social media sites about what's happening, and give them the information in this post about what they can do to oppose Mr. Pai and the FCC.

It doesn't matter which party you belong to, or what your political beliefs are; an open internet is vital to all of us, and to turn it into an online toll both where prices can be raised, and certain areas blocked off at will, will hurt everyone outside of corporate penthouses. Please, take ten minutes to help stop that from happening.

Report Greenback · 562 views · #Net Neutrality
Comments ( 5 )

How can I help as a non-American?

As a bonus round, if you think this doesn't affect you because you don't live in the States: It still does, when you consider how much of the Net's infrastructure and major websites are Statesside.

I'm afraid I don't know. You could try calling the numbers and writing the e-mail listed above and say that you live outside the US, but I don't know if your messages would be counted. However, it would show that there are people outside our borders who think this is a bad idea, and every little bit helps.

don't worry friend, President Trump the populist man of the people will never allow this injustice to stand :twilightsmile:

My blood pressure is starting to rise again when I see Jack Hammer in another thread not understanding that there are monopolies that already can do whatever they like, and like it or not, nothing short of a legal order is going to make them wat to break up.
I can't tell if that's sarcasm or not anymore.

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