• Member Since 10th Apr, 2014
  • offline last seen April 11th

Luna Farrowe

Hello, dear listener. Enter freely and of your own will. (Podfic narrator on hiatus; any pronouns)

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Hearthswarming Tales: The Cold Hand of Mercy, chapter 1 · 6:13pm Nov 26th, 2017

I forget how I came across this story. Fic recs? Possibly. It was earlier this year, when someone close to me passed away, and I dove into pony to find some sort of comfort in the midst of things. Somwhere along the line, I found this fic, and, me being the odd, macabre duck I am, it helped.

It has a sad start, to be sure, but it felt right for the season. Why probably won't be clear until after the new year ;3.

Here's chapter 1.
Deep thanks to Kitty Wish and Cygnus for their parts in its creation.

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