• Member Since 28th Nov, 2012
  • offline last seen Saturday


Do not let perfection be the enemy of good.

More Blog Posts7

  • 202 weeks
    Sometimes The Void Yells Back

    It's been a while.

    Rumors of my demise are largely almost certainly probably false. Maybe. On to the rambling nonsense:

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    6 comments · 424 views
  • 341 weeks
    Nobody kills me but ME!

    It's been a loooong time. How have you been?

    Seeing as it's been nearly four years since my last blog post, figured it was due time for another one.

    So, lets get into the nitty gritty. Kinda.

    >Where have you been?
    Here and there. Mostly lurking.

    >Have you been writing?

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    3 comments · 635 views
  • 523 weeks
    There's no fence on this fence!

    As some of you have probably figured out, I'm slowly getting back into writing. If I can manage to finish a couple of my other stories, I'm going to start work on new projects that I've had sitting for a while. Some of which are as follows:

    >A first contact story
    >A rewrite of 99

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    10 comments · 1,087 views
  • 553 weeks
    Squishy. Squishy squishy squishy.

    I'll be honest, for those of you that this is news to, this blog post will likely be an unpleasant one for you.

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  • 558 weeks
    But Which One Makes the Prettiest Noise?

    So. Just did something I hoped to never do. 99 is canceled. My apologies to those of you that were interested in it or expecting it to be updated.

    Multiple reasons, mostly related to characters being in character. Namely Twilight.

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Nobody kills me but ME! · 6:58am Nov 27th, 2017

It's been a loooong time. How have you been?

Seeing as it's been nearly four years since my last blog post, figured it was due time for another one.

So, lets get into the nitty gritty. Kinda.

>Where have you been?
Here and there. Mostly lurking.

>Have you been writing?
Yes and no. I've been pretty inactive with writing for some time now, and I'm not 100% sure as to why. I've had the internal debates, I've had the external debates. I've even tried watching writing advice videos on youtube, for all that it's done. Still I'm left unsure as to why I stopped writing.

>So, are you back? Is this the end times? Can zombies/ghosts/ghouls even write?
Maybe, maybe, aaaand probably.

>Can we expect any updates or new stories from you in the near future?
I wish I could say for certain. The best I can give you is a tentative 'we'll see.' The absolute worst kind of answer, seeing as it's not really an answer.

>Do you have plans to finish any of your current stories? Or to start new ones?
Isn't this like the above question, just with mixed up steps?
Oh well. I'd like to do plenty of things, but if anything I'll probably stick to smaller short stories, like I posted earlier today. Er. Tonight? Timezones.

That, unfortunately, really sums up a lot of what's been going on with me over the past few... well, years. A whole lot of uncertainty, lots of non-answers and frustration. I try not to rant about things like this too often; but I feel like I owe some people here at least some kind of explanation. Nobody likes the person that just up and disappears without a word; and I feel like my readers deserve better.

I'll try and make a more cohesive blog post entry thing sometime later, see if I can clear up any of these oh-so-helpful non-answers. If there's something specific you'd like me to cover/rant about - leave a comment! Or send me a message! Or just think it to yourself and don't tell me - I'm not your boss.

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Comments ( 3 )

Dynamic Entry remains one of the bes HiEs out there.

Don't sweat it too much, man. I know what's it's like to totally lose motivation, especially for this stuff. I sat on a finished story concept for two years before finally buckling down and writing it, and I hated damn near every minute of the writing process for it to boot! But the thing is... the result was the best thing I ever wrote, and I'm so happy I finally did it! It was all worth the blood, sweat, and tears.

Yeah, this is a hobby, and yeah, it's supposed to be fun. My rule was always that if I wasn't having fun anymore, I'd stop. But writing's not easy, either! Anyone who's been in the game for a good amount of time can tell you that. Like any talent, if you want to cultivate it, and if you want to put out something you're really proud of, you've gotta give it everything you've got, and sometimes what it takes to do that is the complete opposite of fun. In the end, I couldn't totally live by the rule I made for myself, but it's each individual's call. As you said, only you can kill you.

Think about it some and do what you feel is right for you. Good luck out there!

Happy to see this from you, even more so for what it means.

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