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Enigmatic Otaku

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Some Bad News And A New Video · 6:32pm Nov 29th, 2017

Hey everyone, some bad news.

This is anonpencil (no, I didn't forcefully take over Enigma's account or attack him or anything). Enigma asked me to come on here and tell you guys what's going on in his life. The gist of it is that things have gotten pretty bad. Due to money issues and family issues, Enigma has been forced to move into a situation he really REALLY doesn't want to be in. This situation not only offers a barely-livable place to dwell, but also no Internet at the moment. He doesn't know how long that will last.

During that time, he will be basically absent from both FimFic and the Barcast podcast. It genuinely broke my heart to hear this from him. He'll still be writing on his phone as he's able, according to him, but he won't be able to upload or talk or do any of that stuff until he gets Internet back in some capacity. He's working on it as best he can, and he'll be missing all of you in the meantime.

Now comes the part he didn't ask me to write. Enigma isn't going to ask for a bunch of help, but if any of you want to offer assistance, he does have a Patreon. I know I give him shit about it for funsies, but seriously, if you want to help, I know an extra dollar or two each month would help him eat and maybe help him get out of this situation. YOU CAN DONATE TO IT HERE.

Enigma, if you find a way to read this whole thing, know that the Barcast misses you already, and we can't wait to have you back. You have my number, don't hesitate to text. We'll see if we can send you a pizza sometime soon. :heart:

OKAY, with that out of the way, Enigma also asked me to pass along the newest Brony video done by the amazing Invisible Davis. It's wonderful and clever as usual (even though it doesn't have me in it, psh).

Give it a watch!

Until then, know that Enigma definitely misses you all. I mean, he gave me access to his account just to let you guys know what's going on! He'd risk me causing mayhem, just for you.

I hope he gets back here soon.


Comments ( 23 )

I hope things get better soon. He’s a key part of this podcast and honestly a great writer and person. I really hope he’s safe.

Also, just posting to confirm that, yes, I did write all this for him, yes it's legit. I'mma probably screenshot this comments section and text him the images so he can see what everyone says. Feel free to leave messages of encouragement, we are in touch over text.

Believe it or not, us Barcast folks? We actually really do care about eachother. We're a messed up little family, and we're all pulling for him. :heart:

We're all praying for ya Eniiiiigmaaaaa n' shit, hope you can get back to us soon fam :heart: Until then, dragon tiddies n' such. Stay strong dude! <3 We'll be waiting for ya to retuuuuurn~

Love you Enigma, even if we don’t say actually say it often. You’re awesome on the podcast and general. Really talented too. Stay safe, alright? Because if you die or anything, we’ll kill you. Hope things get better for you soon. :heart: Stay strong, man. Stay strong.

I hope things go his way, we will miss him for the time being

Oh wow. Good luck to him then. Stay strong, dude!

Best of luck, Enigma dude!

I'll be sure to make that pineapple cake when you come back.

Pencil... I said that i could read from my phone, not write. :duck:

Dude shhhh you’re suppose to be suffering-
Good luck dude! I super feel for ya, I haven’t had working toilets for years where I am.

Sometimes, if you’re lucky, you can find something that flushes waste but not toilet paper, poor people strats~! I get a 20 or 30 bucks occasionally when I’m lucky, so I’ll try to throw something your way.

WELL I DUNNO MAN. I wasn't sure if you'd have the data or battery life for it, you know?! I don't know how your phone goes. :P

Glad you're able to see the support though.

Ah, dammit. I'm sorry to read. :( Hoping things pick up for you, Enig. Fingers and toes crossed.

I know we haven't talked much, but the brief interactions I've had with you have been great. When you come back and read this message someday, just know we're all rooting for you, and that we can't wait for more awesome memories to come.

Only got a chance to talk to you once on a story a while back, but I hope your situation improves, Enigma. o7

Yo, man, that thing about crossing your toes is impressive. :0

Enigma, take care of yourself.

I am a humble man of many talents.

We love you, Enigma! Hopefully things start to get better for you soon.

Hang in there, Enigma! We're all pulling for you :twilightsmile:

Site Blogger

We've never talked or anything but I really hope things improve for you as soon as possible. Good luck and stay safe!


Don't worry.

I'll take care of the babies.


Take care, okay?

I'll miss you.


Ugggghhhh, fine I'll give you some money, Sheeesh.
Does enigma have a paypal or anything?

(Also, joking. I hope things actually improve Enigma :c)

I hope it turns out well for you. There’s people who love you and you should remember that when hard times come. So don’t give up because we won’t give up on you.

P.S. I’ll wait for you my sweet prince.❤️

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