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I am an Anti-Brony, I hate MLP, so why am I here? Read this...! https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/769267/if-im-an-anti-brony-why-am-i-on-this-site

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  • Tuesday
    OOOHH!! This Project! (Haven't slept well)

    (Day 32)

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  • 7 weeks
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Advice is Failure! (Flurry Heart's Death scene) · 1:35am Dec 2nd, 2017

For those who can't stand gore, do not read this (and it's all talk about story plotting)

As you know, I am working on a fanfic called https://www.fimfiction.net/story/390095/friendship-is-failure-10--teen-titans-the-end-of-ends.

The plot is very simple: A great evil is destroying all worlds and killing all life, and eventually comes to Equestria.

The enemy, "Count Logan" demonstrates his cruelty and power by killing Discord, but then there was a case of Flurry Heart.

The plot was simple: Flurry Heart escaped from the safety of her loved ones, and foolishly attempted to attack Logan, but he intercepts her, twists her head and pulls it off like a cork.

(Yeah, sick I know) Keep in mind, this is GORE fic, there has be scary and sick deaths like that (A baby or not)

Instead I was advised not to do, and scorned for even thinking of doing it!

I warned the adviser: "Even if I don't do it, nothing will change

To which the adviser objected and suggested that "Yes it will. People will not scorn you as much"

So I tested the theory, and I posted it with a initial DIFFERENT PLOT.

Alternate plot: Logan never pulled off Flurry's head. Instead, Flurry and Shining Armor both perished in a gas explosion as Equestria began to crumple (Seconds away from total destruction) so they were killed anyway, I didn't have Flurry's head pulled off.

And guess what, I STILL got scorned for it anyway. People gave me grief for even THINKING of having flurry's head pulled off. So the adviser was WRONG... I followed the advice, I initially didn't make Flurry's head get pulled off, and SURPRISE... NOTHING CHANGED!!! I still got scorned for it, I still got grief...

Therefore the advice from the adviser did no good! I still got scorned even though I didn't post Flurry being beheaded at the start.

Now then, let's look at the advice form another point.

The adviser advised me NOT TO POST IT (Getting deities and religion talk involved)

Could that have meant, "don't post the fic/chapter ENTIRELY"

That advice is just as awful as the "Don't pull Flurry's head off": The story is already in motion, I can't just leave the chapter BLANK. The fic has to continue.

even if I didn't write the fic, nothing will change, I still got scorned, and plus that means I let people push me around and tell what to do and how to make MY STORIES the way I WANT THEM!!

Plus, if I had taken the story down, or just posted a chapter of not pulling flurry's head off, I would be very angry: I let people push me around, I didn't get to do what I wanted, and if anyone tried to say NICE things about me for not pulling Flurry's head (they wouldn't anyway cuz I proved they still scorned me) I'm afraid I'd just have to scorn them and be grumpy and angry about it, not wishing to accept praise "for being a weakling and taking bad advice that didn't work anyway"

So there, the advice was no good AGAIN!!

I DON'T have Flurry's head pulled off: I get scorned.
I DO have her her head pulled: I STILL get scorned

I DON'T post the story: I get scorned
I DO post the story: I still get scorned.

Either way, nothing will have changed. I told this to the adviser, the adviser did not listen, and then the adviser turned on me, even though IT WAS THEIR advice that failed/would have failed in the first place. (I got scorned no matter what was done)

So I changed the chapter, which DOES have Flurry getting her head pulled off...

Now, here's my defense (And if you deny this, then people are more ridiculous than I thought)

1: This is a rated M fic, IT HAS GORE IN IT... and it's SUPPOSED to have horrific scenes like that. Be it a baby, a todler, a kid or an adult... There's BLOODSHED!!

2: Count Logan and his minions are trying to "Destroy all Worlds" that means they are also plotting to "KILL EVERYONE" so more than just one little baby is going to be killed. (It doesn't matter at all how Flurry Heart is killed. In the end, SHE'S DEAD!! It's as simple as that. ALL OF EQUESTRIA has been destroyed, and only the mane 6 Cadance and the royal sisters are left) Even the adviser gave more FAILING advice and suggested "ever heard of a heroic sacrifice" That does not mean anything... THE BABY IS GOING TO DIE REGARDLESS!! (Again, the advice failed)

3: My plot of killing Flurry Heart in the fic, as well as destroying all worlds DOES NOT make me a baby murderer, a sicko, and it does not describe me as a person. It's just a fanfic. A fictional story. These are CARTOON CHARACTERS, not living beings. I don't care what you people may think (As a hater puts it) "They may cartoons, but they are real to me. They resemble living beings" BIG WHOOP!! They're STILL... NOT... REAL!! I can do as I please with them, It's MY STORY. and it does not make me some kind of sicko, or baby murderer...

(Or as a friend told me last night) Otherwise, By that same Logic anyone who ever written anything about killing, death or anything would be a murder, and it doesn't make a difference how they portray it .

He's right, it makes no difference whatsoever how it's portrayed.

See all that? It makes no difference HOW it's portrayed it's still done. Yet when I make things like this, I get scorned for even coming up with an IDEA of plotting it for stories (It doesn't matter how it's portrayed or why)



So if I deemed sick and stupid for making scenes in my stories, aren't all these movie makers and book writers sick too? does make them sickos and murderers and insane people?

...Wake up people! It's just fiction! You still have a problem with it? Sucks to be you then!

So, to conclude, this is why I usually refuse advice...

The advice is either...

-Will not work
-Will only make things worse.

And it looks like I've proven it did. The adviser (Like most people I've dealt with) have given horrible advice that doesn't work even if it's tried (I tried it, and it failed miserably) I initially didn't make Flurry's head get pulled off, and things didn't improve.

People are not concerned with Writing Justice, they are only concerned in bullying and egging people on, (Heavily proven by the people scorning me for NOT initially posting it but rather just THINKING of it, and for over-blowing things about FICTIONAL CHARACTERS in a FICTIONAL STORY)

I'm not the one who's in the wrong here. They are... which is why I wash my hands at their advice. I am not interested in any advice that...

-Will not work
-Ruin things
-The people don't even want their OWN advice taken anyway.

That's the way it goes, and those who deny all this and scorn me for all this still... WOW! Way to prove me no right there is no actual justice around here.

Until Next time, Mykan signing off.

Comments ( 7 )

Hmm. Well, your right about it being a fanfic. We all make own fanfic and story depends on who is writing it.

Comment posted by tomhur deleted Dec 2nd, 2017

It's just a fanfic. A fictional story. These are CARTOON CHARACTERS, not living beings.

over-blowing things about FICTIONAL CHARACTERS in a FICTIONAL STORY

Sorry if I offend you for asking this, but isn't Cadence, a character you constantly torture just because she's married while all of your other couples aren't, also a fictional character in a story? So why are you hating on her so much? Shouldn't that also follow the logic of "it's just a fictional character in a story"?

Not meaning to offend you, just wanted to know your logic.

I guess they scorn you on flury being killed because she a baby...yeah i know i know.
Strange as it is, in the Movie IT a little boy dies as he gets his arm ripped off by a killer clown, who lured him close enough to do so.
it's protrayed the being called IT has done this many times adults, young old doesn't matter it causes deaths of many differely aged people.
In the movie and the bok, one of the characters metnions a poor mother found her baby stuffed in a tiolet or mop bucket, was made to look like the poor baby got too curious and had a bad accident, but IT was responsible and the reader knew.

It's horrible and terrible, but it's the monster/villain, and is a fictional story. It's udnerstandable.
But sounds like you have nothing but haters and trolls targeting you.

I'm sorry that happened to you, but better get used to it.
Not everyone likes you're fics, i admit I'm not a fan of them ethier, but respect what you write and express.
But others hate you're fics and thus why they look for any reason to scorn you, or troll you, they just actting like immature jerks.

they don't have to read you're fic, nobody forcing them to read you're fics, and if you give enough wanrings on content and they still do read them, well it's was thier choice.

They just looking to hate and troll.


I'm sorry that happened to you, but better get used to it.

Oh, I'm used to it (2008... maybe longer)

Well you see it’s not as much that he killed a child, it’s the circumstances of WHY he did so and how he executes it. You see the difference there is that IT is supposed to be an unsympathetic monster and his murders are supposed to be seen as horrible and a reason why they need to get rid of it. He’s the bad guy, and he’s treated as such. Here Count Logan killed a child not because it’s supposed to show how evil he is or to do a character death with maturity and to do such themes justice, it’s supposed to make a character he hates suffer, which is an AWFUL reason to kill off a child, let alone a character, what makes that worse is he hates said character for petty reasons, essentially he hates her because she’s in a happy relationship and his preferred ships aren’t, as if losing your child is a portionate punishment for that. And the killer in question, Count Logan, is supposed to be SYMPATHETIC, even after he remorselessly killed a CHILD and the reason he turns to villainy is very unsympathetic, essentially he didn’t get together with a girl he liked and in fact we’re the girl in question is treated as if she’s wrong for this as if he’s entitled to her which he isn’t. Those comparisons simply don’t work, IT is an unsympathetic monster and they present the murders in a mature fashion while Count Logan is supposed to be sympathetic in spite of his actions and he doesn’t portray death in any meaningful or mature manner, it’s just a way to make a character suffer. And this is pretty much why people hated this moment, it wasn’t done for good reasons it was done for terrible and honestly disgusting reasons.

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