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Super Trampoline

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PSA: Avoiding Spiked Drinks · 2:00am Jan 1st, 2018

Horizon has blogged about a BronyCon party where several women were unfortunately slipped roofies (I was there, but left before I realized what had happened, only that something was vaguely wrong EDIT: I’ve been informed it was a different party. That or I got the person’s name wrong). In light of this and the fact that tonight is New Year’s Eve, here are some safety tips. Get the whole thing HERE, but the highlights are:

How do I know if my drink has been spiked?
Most date rape drugs take effect within 15-30 minutes and symptoms usually last for several hours. However, if you pass out it will be hard to know the full effect. You may still feel some of the symptoms of a date rape drug after a night’s sleep.
Although your symptoms will depend on which substance has been used, they usually include some of the following:

  • lowered inhibitions
  • difficulty concentrating or speaking
  • loss of balance and finding it hard to move
  • visual problems, particularly blurred vision
  • memory loss (amnesia) or "blackouts"
  • feeling confused or disorientated, particularly after waking up (if you've been asleep)
  • paranoia (a feeling of fear or distrust of others)
  • hallucinations (seeing, hearing or touching things that aren't there) or having an "out of body" experience
  • nausea and vomiting
  • unconsciousness

How to avoid drink spiking
If your drink has been spiked, it's unlikely that you will see, smell or taste any difference. Some drugs, such as GHB, may taste slightly salty or smell unusual.
If you start to feel strange or more drunk than you should be, get help immediately.
Binge drinking, where you drink lots of alcohol in a short space of time, can increase the risk of having your drink spiked or being the victim of a sexual assault.
Try to avoid drinking too much alcohol, especially in unfamiliar situations. You could lose control, make risky decisions and become less aware of danger.
The following steps may also help prevent drink spiking:

  • Never leave your drink unattended and keep an eye on your friends' drinks.
  • Don't accept a drink from someone you don't know.
  • Consider sticking to bottled drinks and avoiding punch bowls or jugs of cocktails.
  • Don't give out your address to someone you've just met.
  • If you think your drink has been tampered with, don't drink it – tell a trusted friend or relative immediately.
  • Before going out, let someone know where you're going and what time you expect to be home.
  • Make plans for your journey home.
  • Avoid taking expensive equipment with you or anything that could be a target for thieves.
  • If you are travelling abroad, be aware of the local area and where you can find help.
  • Some bars provide plastic stopper devices, such as lids to put on bottles, which can reduce the risk of your drink being spiked. However, these stoppers won't stop you consuming a drink that has been spiked with additional alcohol.
  • They may also provide kits to test your drink, but these don’t test for every kind of drug and often don't work.

What should I do if I think my drink has been spiked?
First, tell someone you completely trust, such as:

  • a close friend
  • a relative
  • a medical professional
  • the police
  • If you aren't with anyone, call someone you trust and get to a safe place. Ask to use a phone if yours has been stolen.
  • If you need urgent help, call 911. Be wary of accepting help from a stranger and don’t leave with someone you don’t know.
  • If you feel unwell, someone you trust should take you to your nearest emergency room. Tell the medical staff that you think your drink has been spiked.
  • Arrange for a trusted friend or relative to take you home and stay with you until the drugs have fully left your system.
  • Report it to the police as soon as you can. They may ask you to provide blood and urine samples.
  • Most drugs leave the body within 72 hours of being taken (the date rape drug GHB leaves the body within 12 hours), so it's important to be tested as soon as possible.

Please stay safe, and Happy New Year!

Report Super Trampoline · 343 views · #PSA
Comments ( 1 )

Thanks mate! But our New Years went roughly 3 hours ago (In England)

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