• Member Since 4th Aug, 2013
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Mister Horncastle

British voice actor, filmmaker, gamer, and proud author of The Titans' Orb. | Join the TTO Facebook Group!

More Blog Posts12

  • Saturday
    Official Titans' Orb Facebook Group

    Good morrow my dear readers!

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  • 1 week
    The Titans' Orb: Rising Storm - Rewrite

    Salutations my beloved readers! :twilightsmile:

    With The Titans' Orb rewrite now complete, (and fully released in just a few more days), I have now officially begun work on rewriting the second book, The Titans' Orb: Rising Storm!

    Hooray! :pinkiehappy:

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  • 4 weeks
    The Titans' Orb Remastered: COMPLETE!

    Hello all, I bring exciting tidings!
    I have at last completed my rewrite of The Titans' Orb! :pinkiegasp:

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  • 8 weeks
    A Personal One: Continued

    At the time of writing this blog post, it is the 2nd of April, at 9 o'clock in the morning.

    I am in a hospital, sat alone in an empty room, while my husband Phoenix is undergoing surgery on the floor above me. Having never had surgery before, the poor lad was terribly nervous, and has only had about two hours of sleep.
    I couldn't be more proud of him for his bravery and his spirit.

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  • 23 weeks
    A Personal One

    To my dear readers,
    Good day to you, and I hope you are well. :twilightsmile:

    2023 is coming to a close, and boy what a year it's been...
    Though I don't know your own experiences this year, mine have certainly been wild; from losing my Google Account & YouTube channel by way of a bot hack, to developing flu-induced pneumonia and almost dying, my 2023 has been utterly mental. 😵

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Happy New Year Ladies & Jellyspoons! · 11:10pm Jan 1st, 2018

2017, what a year.
What a bloody year.

I can easily say this year has been my most eventful in all 19 years of my life.
Believing in connecting with my followers, I thought I'd list all the crazy shizzle I've been through this year so you might know a little more about the author you love! :heart:

So, here we go!

  • I've been at the centre of a court case. (Don't worry, I wasn't the accused, I was the victim :pinkiesad2:)
  • For the first time, I've gone to another country all on my own. I flew off to the USA all by myself.
  • I went through a pretty painful breakup, (two year relationship, yowch...)
  • I met someone... (↑contradictory right?↑) ((It was months later))
  • With 'said' someone, I travelled all of the UK with her on a journey of self-discovery.
  • On 'said' journey, I discovered that I could achieve more than I give myself credit for.
  • Battled severe mental health issues which have almost taken my life on numerous occasions, Depression and PTSD to be specific...
  • Survived 'said' battles so far... Woohoo! 💪
  • Two of my family sadly passed away, there are only 3 people in my bloodline left, my mother, brother, and I. (I need to breed before the Horncastles die out... :rainbowlaugh:)
  • I was offered a role in the upcoming "Han Solo: A Star Wars Story" movie. (Being in the USA, I had to turn it down, but still, I was offered a role in STAR WARS for crying out loud!!!
  • I had the pleasure of meeting my first Titan's Orb fan IRL, bumped into me in Costa Coffee and asked for a selfie. I feel special.
  • While travelling the UK, I suffered from a heart attack while in Scotland. My heart has been playing up for the past 2 years after a very unfortunate overdose on painkillers, I get chest pains from time to time, and in Scotland, the ol' ticker decided to try kicking the bucket. :pinkiegasp:
    Thankfully, there was assistance at hand, and I didn't die. MORE TITAN'S ORB CHAPTERS! WOOOO!

How's THAT for a year...?
2017 has certainly given me a handful.
Despite all the craziness that has gone on, I can happily say I'm going into 2018 with my head held high, and with a loving, supporting woman at my side to keep me strong. Who knows what this year will bring...?
All I know is that I'm 20 years old on the 9th of January, and that's f00kin' TERRIFYING!!!

I hope you all have a simply splendid year, and I would love to hear your stories of 2017 if you wish to share them, I want to connect with you all, and hope you'll stick around to enjoy The Titan's Orb while I slowly pump out chapters.
(sorry for the wait between each chapter, as you can see, my year's been pretty hectic...)
Adios my friends!

- Callum Horncastle :heart:

Comments ( 2 )

Dude, let me just tell you, you are awesome. I'm sorry for all the bad things but at least you came out a stronger person. And I'm happy for all the good things that have happened to you. you are the best writer in my personal opinion, the only other fanfic I have read that is almost just as good as Titans Orb is the fic, FIM: OTR, friendship is magic off the record. which was a long time my most favorite fic ever, now the things you have written have tied, and even gone beyond. But thats what I think, I hope your journey thorough life is a good one, with any obstacle small enough to get over. ( I'm not too good with words, so some of what I type may seem weird or awkward:twilightsheepish:) anyway, hope you have a January my good man, would love to meet you just like that other lucky person, haha. anyway, bye for now! :twilightsmile:

In regards to my previous comment, I think I have said the same things before, which I apologize for

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