• Member Since 25th Jul, 2013
  • offline last seen Aug 25th, 2023


Virginibus puerisque canto. - Horace | O tempora, o mores! - Cicero | Ex Africa semper aliquid novi. - Pliny The Elder

More Blog Posts54

  • 332 weeks
    Uganda Knuckles is just new-school blackface comedy minstrel bullshit, don't @ me.

    Big googly eyes and huge lips were a staple of racist caricatures of black people. I imagine most people will pretend it isn't, but as a thought exercise, just google "racist caricatures" and you'll see the ancestors of the uganda knuckles shit that the internet is patting itself on the back over.

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    5 comments · 625 views
  • 333 weeks

    We are currently experiencing the worst economic crisis since the great depression, but it's okay because the invisible hand of the free market is going to gently caress us while our New Empire accelerates its decline.

    Apparently we have reached the part where Trump goes bankrupt and then runs away.


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  • 333 weeks
    "Communist countries are bad because death squads!"

    My child, you can get summarily executed by paramilitary death squads right here in the US of A and people not only enjoy this, but they routinely vote for MORE death squads with MORE heavy weapons and military equipment.

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  • 333 weeks
    Fash the Pony Fiction: Or, How Things Work

    Good evening.

    I take a brief repose from my task of writing to report that things are not entirely good on the Home Front of the Front Lines of the Revolutionary Vanguard Party of the People here in the Military Empire of the United States (Occupied Turtle Island Territory).

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  • 351 weeks
    Irma Makes Landfall; Richard Branson devastated over loss of luxury home

    Irma has made landfall on Floridian soil. The damage is exactly as bad as we imagined. It seems like an exact repeat of Harvey if not worse, with heavy flooding and high winds. Once again, it looks like you can sail your way down the streets. Looks like the oceans swallowed up Miami.

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    9 comments · 420 views

Uganda Knuckles is just new-school blackface comedy minstrel bullshit, don't @ me. · 3:12am Jan 24th, 2018

Big googly eyes and huge lips were a staple of racist caricatures of black people. I imagine most people will pretend it isn't, but as a thought exercise, just google "racist caricatures" and you'll see the ancestors of the uganda knuckles shit that the internet is patting itself on the back over.

Challenge for white people: make an actually funny original meme that isn't just Stepin Fetchit or Mammy Jemima, but with a hip new millennial internet flavor.

This is the shittiest meme of 2018 already.

Comments ( 5 )

Due to your mention, I looked at some pictures of Uganda Knuckles. I'm not seeing what's particularly black or African about the depiction, other than the word "Uganda." Am I missing something? Or is there a picture which I haven't seen?

Idk, man. The meme takes quotes from a Ugandan movie, and the director of said movie loves the meme. Obviously some people take it too far and go full KKK with it, but I think the meme on its own isn't that bad.

You seem fun.



Perhaps I can explain.

I have an oculus, and one of the Virtual Reality places I go to is called 'VRChat'. It is a large collection of... worldlets... basically small slices of worlds... that people build, and that you can go explore and exist within. For a long time, when I first started visiting (about two years ago, maybe?) Ugandan Knuckles was everywhere.

I should elaborate - in VRChat, one of the things you can do is to seek out and 'wear' avatars. There are avatars of everything and anything - from life-sized Godzillas to tiny little kittens no bigger than your fist. All of these can be inhabited by users. I visited a party in a virtual Hollywood mansion, where a sixty-foot tall anime girl danced with Jaws (from the movie), all while dozens of other people were existing as every character from movies and anime you can think of. So, Ugandan Knuckles is such an avatar.

This used to be spammed. I would be visiting some world and suddenly a Ugandan Knuckles would show up. Most either imitate a specific voice, or (rarely) use a soundboard with recorded statements. The voice is always a very badly-performed pseudo-South African accent. It's rather offensive.

The statements said are "We are looking for de wae! Is dis de wae? Do you know de wae? I know de wae! We must find de wae!". When this is not being stated, other phrases are: "I am from Uganda! In Uganda we have de Ebola! De Ebola is our Black Ugandan Power! We spit on you! We spit de Ebola upon you!" This will be followed by a great deal of very wet, very stomach-turning spitting sounds.

Now imagine the world filled with dozens of users, all being Ugandan Knuckles, all doing this. Together.

Now imagine all of this being focused on some user who just happens to be inhabiting the body of an anime girl - and it is quickly and physically shown that 'Da wae' is always - always - the path that leads between her legs into her vagina. Imagine these cartoon avatars all trying to pretend to rape the user while shouting "We have found de wae! Dis is de wae! Follow her! She possesses de wae!"

Now imagine that the anime girl is actually a fourteen year old girl trying out her father's VR set - and she isn't happy about this at all.

These are all (very) white boys doing this (you can tell when they break character and start laughing or make super racist, often white supremacist comments), and they think it is just the nicest possible way they can spend their time. Fuck these assholes forever, is pretty much my point here.

That is my (very unfortunate) experience with 'Ugandan Knuckles'.

Happily, the fad has mostly faded away from VRChat now. Thankfully. Only occasionally do I see one anymore.

But the utterly loathsome bags of human shit that had been the character back when... as far as I know... they still own VR sets, and they still likely are everywhere, all around.

And that thought is not happy.

Ugandan Knuckles is the greatest meme ever made, and nothing will ever change my mind.

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