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SCP-L3M3R · 4:53am Jan 29th, 2018

So there's a new game out on Steam. And it's free.

It's ghetto. But a fun kind of ghetto.

Props had the brilliant idea of setting it up so that the Noble Jury can all frolic (and die) together.

This was the result:

You can watch the entire stream of our shenanigans here: F'naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

My apologies for my awkward, cringey voice. At least cool people were playing with me that evening.

We might schedule more events like this in the future. It's a work in progress.

In the meantime, come hang out with the Noble Jury and enjoy the fruits of #lemur_arcade's loins (and more).


Comments ( 20 )

I will have nightmares because of that first clip.

This was fun!

I'm disappointed that you sound like such a bro.

I expected pimply, quiet nerd.

Oooooooooh damn it was kickass.

Soooo much fun!

Stop coding games that play out your fantasies. It gets weird after a while.

As long as 683 aint the HR entity. :pinkiecrazy:

That's cool. No, it's fine. It's not like I might have wanted to play with y'all...


Author Interviewer

Is this like, Containment Breach 2 or something? Or just a port to Steam? I have to admit I've never played it because they never used my skips

I think it is a multiplayer version of that scary game SCP Containment Breach. A game I'm almost certain was inspired by that Dr.Who episode BLINK... That episode was so scary I didn't dare close my eyes for a week. :rainbowderp: And with that I did not play this game.

Author Interviewer

Actually, I'm pretty sure the Statue was written before that episode aired... Of course, if you look on the wiki, that's the date it was posted to the wiki, not that it was written. :/ Point being, no, it's based off the SCP Foundation writing site, which is full of tons and tons of weird anomalies, not all of them scary! :D I even wrote a few!


So SCP-173 was originally posted on 4chan in 2007. We do not know exactly when, but do know that it was posted ‘around a month’ before the Doctor Who episode “Blink” originally aired. Blink aired on June 9, 2007.

If one considers how episode production works, episode scripts are written at least a year ahead of time. Or like as the previous season is being aired the next season is being written. So, who wrote what first?

Author Interviewer

Unless the guy who wrote 173 was working on the show, it doesn't matter at that point, it's convergent creativity. :B


Which skips were yours, Prez? Toss some numbers at me.

Author Interviewer

740, 2525, 3145, 2181? I'm bad with numbers, I can't remember shit. :C Have a link instead.


I can see why juggling those numbers might have been an issue! Hot tamale, I thought we were talking like two-four here.

Author Interviewer

I need to write more, I've really fallen behind. :(


I don't know what's happening, but I have downloaded it.


And almost all of your works are in the positive numbers, too. That's not easy on SCP. A good number of the voting community can be really salty elitists with harsh personal standards, yet you kept your head above water every time but the very first. Even then not down by a great margin. That's genuinely impressive. Also, at least you weren't the one responsible for 231, so that's a definite plus!


I also went and downloaded it from seeing this. A big thanks to Skirts from all the new players!

I always end up missing the funnest bits that we do D:

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