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What's that? A new story? · 7:29am Feb 9th, 2018

Your eyes do not deceive you!

Basically, it's an entry into Aragon's Comedy Contest. The submissions, at the time of posting, end in roughly 23 hours... so, yeah. Really last minute.

But I am not the latest! Look out for horizon's entry coming sometime soon.

Anyway, enough of that, here's the thingy:

TWe Learned Something Ancient
Twilight and Rainbow embark on the greatest of all quests! Too bad Rainbow wasn't awake for it... though, that's not the part she regrets.
Matthewl419 · 1.1k words  ·  11  2 · 515 views

...I just realized... that short description, in combo with the tags, looks really, really clop-ish. Well, then....

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