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KR Chrome

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  • 58 weeks
    My Little Pony Tell Your Tale

    So, I know that G5 had a rocky start with the first movie and then the Make your Mark Series, but I feel the Tell Your Tale minisodes are getting good. I like the 2D artstyle, not to mention the storylines. Also, 5 minutes per-segment is pretty good. And with all that content, let's hope it carries over to the main MYM series instead of being non-canon. Truth be told, I kinda prefer TYT being a

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  • 263 weeks
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    Enough with Anon-A-Miss

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    RWBY Fanfic Fan Forum

    OK, so I've been a fan of Coeur Al'Aran's RWBY fanfics for quite some time now. That is why I've started a fan forum, but I need some help. I need to make it known so please help me spread the word. Here's the link and the name: https://www.fanfiction.net/forum/RWBY-Fanfic-Fan-Forums/215192/

    RWBY Fanfic Fan Forums.

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The Numbers Don't Lie Anon-A-Miss Edition · 2:04pm Feb 19th, 2018

Comments ( 5 )

If you guys ever have any ideas, please post them here or we can chat on the document. I'll share it with you upon request.

It won't let me go in


Are you sure, coz you may need to make a share request? Or, give me your gmail address so I can include you.

I opened the link to everybody.

Here's what I got so far...kinda stuck on what to do next.

(Based on a fic by: shortskirtsandexplosions. Basically, the premise revolves around an ancient Equestrian artifact known as the Wand of Walling which has been activated. Now everyone in Canterlot City has gained a ‘lie meter’ above their heads. How would this affect the Anon-A-Miss situation?)


The Diamond Dawgs--a trio of brothers who were fond digging around Canterlot High with their shovels--were at it again. No matter how many verbal warnings they got from Vice-Principal Luna, they could not help themselves and just kept on digging. But, in order to avoid another reprimand which could include detention, the Diamond Dawgs decided to do it at night. With no security guard, the three could dig to their heart's’ content.

Two of the big members of the Diamond Dawg Brothers--Rover and Fido--were digging by the horse statue where the portal to Equestria was. Odd that nobody seemed to investigate it because of its magic. Since the last time Twilight was here, the portal was kept open in case Sunset Shimmer ever felt the need to return to Equestria.

Anyway, back to the Diamond Dawg. Spot was not digging. Instead, he was holding a metal detector and it seemed to have found something interesting by the horse statue. He instructed his big brothers to dig until Rover’s shovel hit something that felt metallic.

Thinking they struck gold, Fido and Rover continued to dig and dig until they found something shiny hidden in the dirt. They tossed their shovels aside and used their hands to dig all the way toward their treasure.

Fido was the one to pull it out of the ground and the three Diamond Dawg Brothers stopped to admire it. It looked like a long metal rod, but it was no normal metal rod. It was carved. There were three grimacing unicorn faces on the surface of the rod, stacked on top of each other like a totem pole.

“What is it?” Fido asked.

“Dunno,” Rover answered.

“Lemme see!” Spot went to grab it, but Fido kept a firm grip on it.

“No, it’s mine!” Fido refused.

“I found it!” Spot insisted.

“We did all the work!” Fido snapped back at his little brother. The two pulled at the mysterious item, arguing and fighting. Rover soon joined in the tug-o-war, but only to end it.

“Let go!” Rover shouted.

“You let go first!” Fido snapped.

“Yeah, you both let go!” Spot agreed, snapping.

They argued as they pulled at the item, but then it started to glow green. The three Diamond Dawgs cried out in shock and released the rod as it felt to the ground, the green glow around it intensifying.

“Is it radioactive?” Fido asked. Spot and Rover could offer no answers as the mysterious rod’s glow became bright and blinding. All of a sudden, it released an explosion of green energy which spread out in a circle, sweeping over Canterlot High and all across the city in a single swoop. The three Diamond Dawgs, freaked out, screamed and ran away, leaving behind their unburied treasure as it lay in the hole in the ground.

None of the Diamond Dawgs noticed the 0’s which now hovered over their heads like halos, nor would they realize what their actions had caused.


Chapter 1:

“Alright, girls! It’s time for an age old slumber party classic! It’s time to play ‘Truth or Dare’!”

The Rainbooms, consisting of six girls, were in Rarity’s room for their usual sleepovers. They were a girl band in Canterlot High, not to mention the school’s own heroes.

There was the aforementioned Rarity, Canterlot High’s top fashionista. When it came to style, elegance and fashion, she would always know what was in and what was out. Some may see her as vain, and oftentimes she might act a bit conceited, but she had a generous heart.

“Oh, I have so many dares!” Rainbow Dash rubbed her hands eagerly. This girl with blue skin and rainbow-colored hair was none other than Canterlot High’s top athlete. She was captain of all the sports clubs and had the talent and skill to back up her position.

“Let’s keep them tasteful, Rainbow Dash,” Rarity warned.

“Boo! Boring!” Rainbow Dash jeered.

“Yeah, boo!” Pinkie Pie joined in. The pink girl with fluffy hair was Pinkie Pie. She was a girl who enjoyed parties and she also enjoyed organizing them. She loved attending them and making sure everyone had fun. She was also a talented baker. “Lighten up, Rarity! Truth or Dare ain’t fun without risks!”

“Yeah, you tell her, Pinkie!”

“Now, now. This here is Rarity’s slumber party, so let’s respect her rules,” Applejack spoke reasonably. The blonde and freckled cowgirl wore her stetson everywhere, and it looked like she also wore it to bed even in pajamas. This girl was not just as competitive as Rainbow, making the girls rivals at athletics, but she also had a good honest heart.

“Come on, Applejack! There’s so much fun we can have with Truth or  Dare,” complained Rainbow Dash.

“Nope,” Applejack denied, shaking her head as she quoted her big brother.

“Yes, Applejack is right. I know Truth or Dare is a chance to get into some risky business, but I feel like we should not crossing any lines tonight,” said Rarity. She was thinking of Fluttershy, the shyest member of their group, who seemed so nervous she was nearly hugging the stuffing out of the stuffed rabbit toy she had brought with her.

Fluttershy had butter yellow skin and long pink hair that was a shade lighter than Pinkie Pies and also straight. Often she would hide behind her large pink locks to avoid any stares. She was not always so extroverted like Pinkie Pie, but she did enjoy spending time with her friends. Her friends had been trying to get her out of her shell, bit by bit.

She was not too keen on Truth or Dare, but she was eager to play if things didn't go too far.

“Yeah, I’d be careful about playing Truth or Dare,” said Sunset Shimmer. “Maybe I’ll use what I learned in this room to mess with you all.” She meant it as a joke. Sunset Shimmer was a teen with orange skin and hair the color of red mixed with yellow. Originally, she was Canterlot High’s top bad girl, but after the Fall Formal, she decided to change for the better. It took hard work, since most of the students believe she had not changed, but at least she had her friends at her side.

She was not always comfortable mentioning her past deeds, but she was able to just look back and leave it all behind to move on. Sometimes the girls would mention it, but there was no offense intended.

The girls were having a slumber party to cheer Applejack up. Recently, some MyStable user called ‘Anon-A-Miss’ had somehow learned about a childhood nickname of Applejack’s and had spread it to the students of Canterlot High. It was Piggly Wiggly, and the students had fun making ‘oinking’ noises in Applejack’s presence. It was upsetting and annoying. After a week of suffering through all that, it was nice of the girls to throw another slumber party so that Applejack could take her mind off the matter.

Still, something was bothering her. It was something Applebloom had suggested. She glanced over at Sunset Shimmer who had popped another piece of marshmallow into her mouth. There was no way one of her friends could’ve been responsible for spreading that nickname, but then only the girls in this room and her family knew about the old Piggly Wiggly.

Rarity set some ground rules for their little game of Truth or Dare. They would not ask any questions that were too personal or issue dares that were too humiliating. It would all be pure and wholesome.

Rainbow Dash thought that was lame, but she was pretty much vetoed. The girls sat in a circle on the floor, with a bottle lying in the middle, some eager and some nervous about their game of Truth or Dare. For this game, they would take turns spinning a bottle. Whoever the bottle pointed to would be asked a question they would have to answer truthfully or to complete a dare issued.

“OK, so we’ll start with clockwork order, starting from me,” Rarity started as she took hold of the bottle.

“Alright, fine,” Rainbow Dash huffed. She had so many fun  dare ideas, but she would have to keep them to herself.

Rarity smiled and spun the bottle. It went around and around and around, with Pinkie Pie’s eyes following its rotation. Its spin soon slowed down before it finally came to a halt in front of Fluttershy.

“Oh, my,” Fluttershy blushed.

“Well, Ms. Shy. Guess I’ll just have to ask: Truth or Dare?” Rarity challenged.

“Um...truth?” Fluttershy answered with a hint of uncertainty.

“Oh, well...” Rarity’s eyes narrowed as she asked her question. “Is your brother, Zephyr Breeze, adopted?”

Rainbow Dash groaned.

“Seriously? Out of every question you could ask, you ask that?”

“Just wondering, darling. So, Fluttershy, can you answer?”

“Zephyr is not adopted,” Fluttershy answered with a sigh. “Trust me, he’s my brother.”

“Yeah, I can vouch for it, even if he does not take after his parents,” agreed Rainbow Dash. “Dude’s a bit of a slimeball, but he’s still Fluttershy’s little brother.”

“Unfortunately,” Fluttershy mumbled.

“Yeah, he tried to ask me out on a date once a long time ago,” Sunset Shimmer added. “I told him I wasn’t interested, but he would not stop bugging him, so I threw him into a dumpster to make my point.” She noted the way the others were looking at her. “Look, I’m sorry about a lot of things I did in my past, throwing Fluttershy’s brother into a dumpster is not one of them.”

“Yeah, I’d give this to Sunset. Even I’ve been tempted to do some nasty stuff to Zephyr,” Rainbow Dash agreed.

“OK, so with that mystery solved, I guess it’s your turn, Pinkie Pie,” said Rarity as she offered the pink party-lover the bottle.

“Oh, sweet! This will be so much fun!” Pinkie Pie spun the bottle and it spun fast like a blur. It was a miracle that it hadn’t flown off the carpeted floor. The bottle’s spin slowed down before it eventually came to a stop in front of Sunset Shimmer. “Oh, Sunset Shimmer! Truth or Dare!”

“Dare! Try me!” Sunset Shimmer crossed her arms.

Pinkie Pie pulled out a can of whipped cream from her poofy hair and handed it to Sunset Shimmer.

“I dare you to eat whipped cream from your hands, and make it look sexy!” Pinkie Pie challenged.

“Do you always carry a can of whipped cream with you?” Sunset Shimmer asked quizzically.

“Only for whipped cream emergencies! Now, eat it! And make it sexy!”

Sunset Shimmer shrugged. The first thing she did was to pull off her pajama top, revealing a black tanktop with her cutie mark emblazoned on it. Then, she sprayed the whipped cream across the fingers off her left hand and began to eat it, digit by digit, in a slow and teasing manner. She even let out a moan of satisfaction with each lick and she also sucked on her fingers.

Fluttershy blushed, fanning herself as she watched the display. Nobody blinked as they watched Sunset perform Pinkie Pie’s dare.

And once Sunset Shimmer was finished, she smiled.

“So, how was that?” she asked.

“That was perfect!” Pinkie Pie cheered. “Wow, I had no idea you could make eating whipped cream seemed so sexy!”

“Well, I did keep Flash wrapped around my finger for a long time,” Sunset Shimmer confessed and then her mood dropped, remembering how that relationship ended. She might’ve been using him to raise her popularity, but she did kinda like him. It was a bit complicated. Right now, they were trying to be friends even with all the excess baggage.

“...Alright, so after that very interesting display, I guess it’s your turn, Applejack,” Rarity said as she wiped her handkerchief across her forehead.

“Alright, here we go,” Applejack reached for the bottle but then paused as her eyes went up to the window. “Um, girls?”

“C’mon, Applejack! Spin the bottle!” Rainbow yelled impatiently.

“Yeah, spin! Spin! Spin!” Pinkie encouraged.

“No, look out the window!” Applejack pointed. It was Sunset who first turned to look out the window and she saw an emerald glow in the distance. Soon, the girls crowded around the window to see what it was.

“Ooh, shiny!” Pinkie’s eyes sparkled.

“Hey, isn’t that in the direction of the school?” Rainbow inquired.

“Oh, my! What do you think is happening?” Fluttershy asked, panicking inside.

Before any other comments could be made, the green glow they saw pulsed outward and rushed toward them. The group leaped back as the green pulsed washed over them harmlessly, save for a tingle that Pinkie Pie felt. Then, as soon as it happened, it stopped.

“OK, I have to ask, what the heck was that?” Rainbow demanded.

“Magic, I believe,” said Rarity.

“Well, I know that! But what did it do?”

“You’ve got a halo, and you’ve got a halo, and you’ve got a halo,” Pinkie pointed at each girl. Pinkie was always so random, but sometimes she was worth listening to.

“Pinkie Pie, what are you doing?” Sunset asked.

“Pointing at everybody’s new halos,” Pinkie answered.

“Wait, halos?” Sunset’s eyes went up above Pinkie’s head and there floating over her was a big white ‘0’. She did a quick scan and saw that everybody had the same number ‘0’ hanging above their heads. “Well, guess we know what that magical pulse did.” Everyone soon noticed the 0’s.

“Wait, so it just put 0’s above our heads?” Rainbow waved her hand over her head.

“Are you sure it’s nothing dangerous?” Rarity asked worriedly.

“What could they mean?” Fluttershy asked anxiously.

“I’m sorry, but I’m not familiar with this magic,” Sunset confessed. She might’ve studied a lot of forbidden magic before she left Equestria, but she had never come across anything that would cause this phenomena.

“Well, maybe it’s nothing to worry about,” said Pinkie Pie jubilantly. “It’s just some numbers. If it’s nothing else, let’s get back to the game?”

“You seriously want to get back to Truth or Dare even after this?” Applejack pointed at the 0 hanging over her head.

“We can’t let every magical mishap ruin a good slumber party,” Pinkie Pie smiled like nothing was out of the ordinary.

“Maybe I should write about this to Twilight when I get back home,” Sunset suggested. “She might know what it is.”

“Well, if there’s no problem, then let’s continue! Applejack, it’s still your turn,” Pinkie said.

Applejack cocked an eyebrow,  but seeing as the pulse had not caused any negative effects. They soon sat back in a circle and Applejack took hold of the bottle. She soon spun it and it went around and around before stopping, pointing at Rainbow Dash.


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