• Member Since 20th Jul, 2017
  • offline last seen Aug 17th, 2022


Someone who just wants to live his life with the friends he made along the way.

More Blog Posts20

  • 126 weeks
    A Belated Statement

    Hey guys, it's me again. Long time no see, eh? I'll admit, I've been a bit...ashamed to come back on after such a lengthy absence. But there are quite a few reasons for that, which I'll get into.

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  • 327 weeks
    My First Blog Response (Celestia Have Mercy on Me)

    I...normally don't do these kinds of things. I usually think they're not something worth my time. As in, at all. I know many others have made blogs responding to this individual in the past, but I feel like it's time I addressed this. Also, spoilers for the latest Death battle, so here it is if you haven't seen it.

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    89 comments · 2,137 views
  • 328 weeks
    Starfleet Redone is back! (Outdated)

    I'm sorry for the wait, and I promise it won't be as long this time. Nothing can beat a wait of over half a year, that's for sure. So to make up for it, chapter 3 is up and raring to go. Also, I'm still working on the TV Tropes page if anyone wants to.


    You know, if you're still interested at all.

    2 comments · 502 views
  • 331 weeks
    Where I've Been...

    I think it's time I owed you all an apology for my absence. I'd been too ashamed of myself to face any of you after this, but I feel it's time to finally come clean... I lost my drive to write in the worst possible way, in the most embarrassing of ways.

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  • 353 weeks
    Rainbow "Danger" Dash and the Legendary Conflict Ball

    Spoilers for the latest episode. And yes, I saw it when it was leaked; I don't exactly like being kept out of the loop.

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My First Blog Response (Celestia Have Mercy on Me) · 1:53am Mar 2nd, 2018

I...normally don't do these kinds of things. I usually think they're not something worth my time. As in, at all. I know many others have made blogs responding to this individual in the past, but I feel like it's time I addressed this. Also, spoilers for the latest Death battle, so here it is if you haven't seen it.

You watch yet? Good. Overall, I figured Raven would beat Twilight, and I would have normally been fine with that fact. That is, if it weren't for one Dakari-King Mykan. You probably know him, and some of you are probably sick of seeing this guy pop up. But I have to vent.

Long story short...I was afraid of shit like this:

Now, I had a fear in my gut...I feared that should Twilight lose, this exact scenario would happen: Mykan would pretty much hold it over everyone's heads for the rest of his living days.

I wasn't just right, but he more than surpassed my expectations. He got up and sang a song about it. Not only that, but he thinks Death Battle supports his ideals. Instead of, you know, doing whatever research they can?

This death battle seems to support my other ideals and theories as well. (but this is just my opinion)

-Twilight doesn't know everything!
-Twilight may have great IDEAS to do things, but doesn't have the power to pull it off
-Twilight and her friends only beat their enemies because THOSE guys were even wimpier than they are
-MLP CAN BE molded and skewered into DBZ or Power Ranger like stuff, they just proved it

You are aware that Wiz himself outright states after the battle that the reason Twilight lost was because she was less durable, right? In terms of overall magic, they both had many ways to end the fight. Also, good job on admitting that you just mold MLP to whatever you see fit.

Most of Twilight's feats are not FRIENDSHIP, it's magic tricks (Including moving the sun and moon)

Still on that, are we? Mykan, you are aware that friendship creates magic, right? It's even in the title. "Friendship is Magic". In the MLP universe, friendship is a type of magic. Something you wouldn't understand because you don't believe in such power.

Anyway... Twilight's dead, just like I made her dead in my fic... YEARS before this happened.

Once again, he refuses to see the facts. According to a live commentary, Ben and Chad both left the fight ambiguous so little girls wouldn't be scarred for life at seeing a pony kill or be killed. Yes, you can interpret it as her dying and I have no issue with that, but he never even gives mention to the fact that you never see her body, just an impact crater. For all the viewer knows, Twilight could have just suffered amusing injuries a-la "Feeling Pinkie Keen". That was the whole point: to lessen the blow.

But of course, Mykan being Mykan, he wanted pony death. And when he felt he got it, he might as well have done this:

I couldn't even properly enjoy the Death Battle because, in the back of my mind, I knew he'd stoop this low. I knew he would act this way. I knew he would hold it high above his head like some big accomplishment. I come to Death Battles to be entertained, to see who would win even if the research isn't always sound. I wouldn't have minded Twilight losing for very long (I'd still be miffed about it, but I'd still accept it as a well-drawn, well-acted fight where both parties did what they could, even if one far outclassed the other). But because I knew of Mykan's existence, it was the biggest thing that was eating at my subconscious. And now that I see the reaction for myself? I can see my fears were not unfounded.

And now, to do the most autistic thing I can think of: roleplaying as Twilight and Raven themselves.

Raven: "Michael Mikulak, was it? I can see you're quite entertained with that little outcome. Like a drunken frat boy celebrating his favorite football team's victory. What you may not realize is that Death Battle is not representative of me as a person, but as a fighter. I don't take kindly to what you've done...I fell to the darkness many times myself, but I always came out a stronger person because of it. I don't hate these ponies whom I cherish so much...the only one I truly hate in all of this is you for how you took it. You acted like a petulant, spoiled child in spite of you being in your 30's at current. I love these ponies, and my friends, the Teen Titans. Including Beast Boy, by the way. And these bronies have showed more care for the outcome and their favorite ponies than you could ever hope to achieve.

Twilight: "And now, for my piece. Mykan, I've done my best to accept and tolerate you. Even though I absolutely loathe what you've done to me and my friends, I was still willing to just leave you be. But upon seeing you dance on my proverbial corpse like a madman, I've seen you for who you are. The things you've gone through in the past cannot hide you from who you've become. I wish I could have saved you back then...but now, I can see it's far too late. It's no wonder 90% of users on DeviantArt and FiMFiction can't stand you. And frankly, it's a wonder I'm even responding to you after that; the fact that you immediately jumped to the idea of me dying is more vindictive than anything else I could have ever seen from you. I thank all the bronies who wondered if I was okay, and I hope you all enjoy the latest season of FiM.

And now, at long last, my piece. I avoided even getting involved back in this drama for months. I wanted to put the past behind me and move back on to doing my fic and attending my classes. But ever since the Death Battle was announced, I knew this would be the result. And lo and behold...I was entirely fucking right. Mykan acted worse than he ever could have, was even less of a good sport than ever before, and he'll accept anything that was in his fics, intentional or otherwise, regardless of direction taken.

I still feel sympathy because of his past; no one should ever have to live through what he did. And yes, the power of belief can be real; you just have to work for that power. His intentions used to be misguided, but now they're just straight-up malicious in every way due to either dumb things he had no control over, or some trolls introducing him to a show he wouldn't have liked to begin with. He would have found out anyway, but that's another story.

The fact of the matter is that this blog is everything wrong with Mykan in a nutshell. His ego is the size of a Wailord, he'll shove his "reality" in people's faces, and he's a complete and utter child about all of this. He's over 30 years old, yet he seems stuck at 10. He likes to act all rational when talking about his works, but then he'll basically turn into the Storm King when things go his way or not. And you know the worst part? He made me unable to enjoy MLP like it was supposed to be enjoyed. He made me afraid of what he'll pull from each and every episode, the movie, all fan materials, and since he's a fan of Death Battle, this very fight. Knowing that there's someone who wants to make his presence known so badly that he'll basically leave his mark everywhere possible...it--it just makes me feel dirty for even liking FiM in the first place. If someone like this existed in the Gravity Falls fandom, I'd feel equally bad watching that show.

That is all, then. Have a good day, and may you all stay forever kind.

Comments ( 89 )

Oh my gosh*hugs you* no one should never feel afraid for watching something they like to watch. I never knew Mykan has such a effect on you. I too knew that if Raven wins, Mykan will likely gloat on her victory*despite his dislike of her*. I accepted how it went and acknowledge the result no matter who wins. But you Mykan, act so filled venomous towards Twilight, to the point you would likely dance on her corpse. Your venomous actions and hostility is making one and maybe more people not enjoy this fandom has it supposed to. And Corn, don't let him get to you. He isn't worth it. Always remember that no matter what he does, he will never effect the Canon of the show. He can write as many bad ends for MLP cast he wants but those are just possibilities. But they never effect what truly happened. I hope you and everyone have a great day

Hey man. Don't let one immature asshole ruin a great show for you. I still love MLP for what it is despite Mykan. And you should too my friend.


*all the hugs* Thank you both...oh, so much...

Thank you for this.

I'd like to thank Raven, Twilight, and yourself for each saying your piece.

Yeah, Raven was my prediction for the victor, but knowing how a certain someone would react was what soured my enjoyment of this episode.

I do appreciate Death Battle leaving Twilight's fate ambiguous especially considering how certain people view the MLP fandom.

Your welcome 😊😊😊 don't let his hate taint your enjoyment

Agreed. If they truly hated the show, they would have had Twilight all bloodied out on the ground.

I promise not to let that happen again.

*hugs* Everything's gonna be OK, buddy. Don't let one bad apple spoil the bunch.

Thanks, man.
*hugs back*

Not to mention how he seems to ignore the prior two Death Battles with ponies in them.

Can someone please write up real, non-parody Death Battles between the cast of FiM and the cast of Starfleet Magic?

Uh, dude, maybe it's my computer's screen but I can see the words in Twilight's speech that are supposed to be censored.

"my proverbial corpse"
"me dying"
"I was okay"

Yeah, not spoilering other colors again.

No, no, no, I mean that, even with the censor bars, I can still see Twilight's words.


Yeah Rainbow Dash beat a Giant RObot that could turn into a jet. How has he not complained about that yet? I know he isn't into transformers but you'd think he'd at least be sore over the fact a pony beat a giant robot.


You're welcome buddy.

Knowing him, he just loves rubbing pony losses in everyone's faces.

Actually, I think I recall him complaining about Rainbow Dash (def)eating Starscream.


Oh. Must have missed that rant.

I can't remember.

Either way, once again, the dude's just biased.

Look, don't let it get to you, Corn.
First, let me start by saying you're better than him. The fact that you actually continue to like the shows and defend the meanings behind them rather than turn on them and twist them to suit personal preferences shows that you are able to understand and appreciate things that are different to what you are accustomed to, a vital skill in basic sociability.
And as to Mykan, this is just another example of just how delusional he really is when it is painfully obvious to anyone not suffering from textbook narcissism that were the creators of Death Battle to actually read his fics, they'd probably have Lightning Dawn beaten by Yamcha!
DBZA's Yamcha!
Honestly, I just treat this with a mixture of eye-rolling bemusement and eyebrow-raising amusement to see such massive ego combined with such low ambitions produce an individual who will take such violent pleasure in these victories that aren't merely indirect but imagined.
Among anything else, if Raven could defeat the show's current portrayal of Twilight Sparkle in a duel written by unbiased and very creative writers, what chance against her do Grand Ruler, Lightning Dawn or Count Logan possess when they are no longer defended by perhaps the only man on earth who could relate to such men?


Can someone please write up real, non-parody Death Battles between the cast of FiM and the cast of Starfleet Magic?

I am actually seriously considering that. A sort of RWBY-style fic.
I'm juggling several fics at once at the moment though but I'll get around to it.

Yeah, I've read both of those.
Quite good fun. :pinkiehappy:

Oh my god that's brilliant! I'm gonna do that right away!

Wait, scratch that; if I did, I'd have to read more of Starfleet Magic than I'd have to.

Anyway, thanks for your support.

Didn't Mykan posted a blog of info about Lighting?

*massive hug. * Pinkie, cupcake.

Pinkie : Here, to help. *Winks*

First of all, I have to laugh at some of Mykan's retorts here. "IT is possible to do DBZ style fights". Brother, o have been doing that since day 1. Hell, Twilight’s fight with Raven was "What if Akira toriyama had magic users". But, ignoring me...we have dozens, if not hundreds of fics where Twilight pulls that iff. I"m reading one now called the immortal game, but it ain't the only one. Moonstone cup, duel, and several more have it. The same can be said of power Rangers stories. There is even some for the freaking Lunaverse.

I also had to laugh, because he took it seriously. Look, I love death battle almost as much as everyone here...but it isn't the final say in who would win or lose a fight. I myself have tons of disagreements with some of the fights (see people vs voltron...why didn't they get out if the zords). If Mykan is really using this as his source, then it's just silly.

Besides, he should think about how there is a world of difference between his Raven, and the tt Raven. The real Raven is appearently so powerful, that she outclassed a god ( Phenoix) and one of the most powerful mutants on the planet (Scarlet Witch). So what chance does a group of losers who rely on luck, dues ex machina, and informed attributes to win have. Let me remind you that they have been out ran, out strenght, and outclassed by people who have no real reason to win.

I am a little mad that he took away something that should be fun away from you. I sincerely hope that my badass scenes of Twilight fighting will make up for it. If not, then I have tons of reconmendations for you. Including one fun take on the battle that is still in the feature box.

I just love the idea that they both had ways of ending the fight quick. That's basically saying Twilight had a fighting chance over miss I ear suns for a living.


I would love to see that.

Nailed it right on the head. :P

Also, thank you.


Does this pervertedly sentimental reprobate know the definition of hypocrisy?

Nope. All he did was prove how barbaric he was about the whole thing.

He's just mad because you're doing his stories better than he actually could.

I doubt he's capable of comprehending that.

If you have anyone to blame it is me as I was the one who showed him that Video.

Don't beat yourself up I was planning to show him that video too

Well, at least you got him to make a total ass out of himself.

Come to think of it, why do you still socialize with him after the Flurry Heart incident?

I still think that there is at lest some sanity left in him and also I want to understand why he is the way he is and from what I have been seeing through my talks with him on chat and with PMing him, I am getting a bit of a clear picture.

Dude, it's nice of you to have faith in someone, but at this point he's really not giving anyone any reason to see him as more than just a bully. He even snaps at people who are genuinely nice to him.

He called someone on this site a slut IN PUBLIC. just because they didn't like his story. At this point, is there really any point in defending him anymore?


I always wanted to believe he had some form of humanity in him. He even allowed his friend to hang out with me when it turned out we got along. So he's not beyond some humanity.

I just wish he was, I dunno...a billion times more mature.

You're talking about the guy who demands people meet him on chatzy and then rage quits and runs off like a coward when everyone pokes holes in every single one of his complaints.

Let's not ask for miracles.

Hey, I never said wishes always come true. :P

Mykan just downvote spammed this entire blog, didn't he?


Hey I think you guys all do better than he could. Except for me...I don't do too well because I suck :'(.


Don't blame yourself. He was gonna watch it sooner or later.

Hey, you do a fantastic job. :)


Who's Yamcha exactly?

Dragon Ball character, usually the one at the back end of most jokes, actually gaining more and more popularity in recent years?

Oh right. I don't know anything about Dragonball.

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