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A brief bulletin as to why I haven't updated in a bit · 11:21pm Mar 16th, 2018

I am usually a pretty private person. Whenever I see an author, esp. a less-than-famous one, tell their life story in what I imagine is a tearful, heartfelt voice, a small part of me rolls my eyes in exasperation. It's not because I enjoy seeing the suffering of other, or because I don't care about people, it's simply because the transition from spoken word to blog post leaves a sort of a disconnect. I can't tell them it's all okay. Theyu can't see my face as I offer them reassuring hugs. And I can't see theirs. There's little I can do for them, so heart-to-heart blogposts are always met with an "oh boy here we go" sort of awkwardness. There's only so much I can do to help, and there's only so much they can do to get their point across.

With this all in mind, I find myself in a bit of an odd spot. The few of you who noticed I haven't updated the stories I've needed to or added new ones or done anything might be a little concerned. Or, so I tell myself. I was raised to be cynical, but a part of me still hopes you give at least half a damn. Don't be like me, kids, and read tear-jerking stories with a tiny voice in your head chanting "no one cares, suck it up".

Life has been... hell. It's getting better, but it'll take a while. There's no easy way to say this... I ran away from home. I'm living with my girlfriend a few states away. I'm safe, andhappier here. If you have questions, comments, concerns, or particularly horrible puns, I'm always happy to respond.

Stories will be a bit delayed, due to life being a bitch. Love you all!

Report Silent Whisper · 426 views · #journal
Comments ( 10 )

To clarify: I kind of ran away, and kind of moved out. A weird mix of both.

*Hugs the Whisperling*

The important thing is your safe and in a happier place.

Glad that you're in a safer, happier place now! *gives you lots of hugs*

I love you right back, silly Whisperling. Glad things are getting better for you.

I love you right back. Glad things are getting better for you.

*Hugs you tightly*

Glad to hear that you’re better.

Enjoying the new state's weather?

it's hot. and it's winter. Going from Colorado to Arizona was a little weird. Wish I owned more than one pair of shorts.

That's quite the dizzying difference. You'll have to get your wardrobe up to speed before their real heat hits.

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