• Member Since 7th Oct, 2011
  • offline last seen 11 hours ago

Compendium of Steve

The One Who Writes. Intermittently, Without Fail.

More Blog Posts83

  • 6 weeks
    Happy 420

    Here's a little something half-baked for such a groovy day.

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  • 74 weeks
    Special Christmas Post!

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  • 108 weeks
    So yeah, Space Wars Day or whatever

    Honestly I've been checked out on Star Wars for a long time: longer than before the new trilogy came around to sour it even further. I mean I technically still write Star Wars, though it's nothing that can be accepted by any ol' fan. For one thing, the Ssi-Ruuk are regularly represented, and another is that they're not presented as their original selves. Still a shame they're so under-utilized in

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  • 125 weeks
    Positive Vibes

    So something curious has just happened: I just got done watching the South Park Post-Covid two part special, and it has put me in a very positive and hopeful mindset. Yeah: South Park of all things giving me the feel-goods. Like legitimate fuzzies about things working out.

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  • 133 weeks

    Hells to the yeah: Season 2, and it's coming in early December, baby! Right alongside Stone Ocean at that, hoo-yeah!! Just the thing to perk me up after a day of work, I tell ya.

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Hey Guys wassup?? · 3:13am Mar 27th, 2018

Hey Guys wassup?? So I've had some glasses of wine to loosen me up for season opener but figured since I'm feeling goood I'd just go and do an drunk post instead to even the edges as it were so then here it is! Hey how's it going with all you few, maybe dozen or less or so people who still pay heed to my silent inactive self? I've been doing great! Freshly-minted wizard here as of a few weeks ago, and I got to climb a mountain for my troubles. Camelback, 1,280 feet, double diamond deifficult and I made it top and bottom in one peace, so anyone can do it! Heck, there were even families with their kids tackling that humpalumpagus. This was in Phoenix btw. Also went to a local anime con the other day, won big at a King of Tokyo tournament, real swell fun times. So like, I had oriringally planned on doing a sincere post about stuff, but what does sincerity get for a little writer like me? It's like crying out to the abyss, which as we all know is your mind. And who likes talking to themselves? I certainly do! Internally, of course. It's so fun and wild and imaginative and I get a bunch of my silly ideas out of it. Tihnking, reflecting on the world, past experiences, joys and hearthaches and all kinds of things. People often fear the depths of their own minds as they fear the dark. But it's still you, your buddy! You need to be best buddies with yourself, cuz in the end, with all the ups and downs, you and you are still in this and you gotta work together to make it work. Sure you don't have the same manic spark you had in high school where you can pump out novellas in the span of a month or two; sure you don't have that highly-raised position you have always coveted and desired and wanted and long for even to this day; the world is vast and beautiful and full of random wondrous moments that add depth and color to your perception. You may be stuck in one place for a good chunk of your life but it doesn't mean you have to be limited by it. Your mind is boundless and can make just about anything enriching. Plus time goes on for a long time and certainly good fortunes may come. Confidence is on the rise and so are endeavors. Still mayn avenues to go, options to be had. They're there for me, and they can be for you guys too. Just gotta... just gotta... keep going... Looking at that big blue C of mine, I don't relly have that much in terms of regrets at the moment. I still made something of myself. A legacy, a fun dynasty, even if it's just for myself. I only wanted to share that with others, have discourses, be as talked about and respected and infamous as those classic video game villains of yore. The same ones that left an impression on me; that inflamed my imagination; made me excited about making a presence, having fun, making things astounding and remrkable and unforgettable. Those villains who made the destination so worth it, who made the world so much more intersting than it already was... the Robotniks, Bowsers, King K. Rools, the Big Bads old and new. How they made the journey so interesting, and how their defeats brought much prosperity and contentment. I just want to leav that impression. Just want... k, enoug wine. Getting, kinda fuzzy.

Might watch and do season opener impressions later, or tomorrow. Guess I'll see. Still, be good to one another. I should be grateful these words aren't merely echoes. Such a good feeling, knowing that someone's listening. Too often underappreciated.

Good night, all.

Comments ( 7 )

Alchohol the elixir of the soul... or so I've heard, ya know, since I'm teetotal.

Mad respect, good on you. Not all that good to judge anothers' dictations or beliefs, especially yours. One of, one of my faithful readers. So ready a response, I thank you. One of the resonse I make these posts. Why, when I've semi-retired, why do... meh, let's leave it as it is. Swell night to you.

You to man, you always have oddly interesting stuff to say, g'night.

Author Interviewer

They have King of Tokyo tournaments? O.o

At this con they did. Two of them, and I swept the FLOOR in both (and I never even played the game before :3)

Author Interviewer

Nice! :D I've only ever played it once, a long time ago, but I recall it was fun.

Very much so. Especially when one of your opponents is wearing a black body suit. Talk about a poker face, amiright?

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