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Foxen! · 11:13pm Apr 23rd, 2018

Uh, I mean foxes!

I've got a mama fox in my backyard, and it seems like once a year, on a nice spring day, she lets her babies play near my house.

I think she's showing them off. :heart:

Comments ( 73 )

That was the first thing came to mind for me, too. :rainbowlaugh:

That is really cool! Was there four or five kits?


Snow still hasn't totally melted, but I've been getting Spring things done. Got the plants all repotted. They all survived the winter, but some just barely due to outgrowing the pot and the dirt being really compacted, so made sure to add rough compost and perlite to the new dirt. Drained and restarted the water heater. You're supposed to do that every year, but a lot of folks don't. The water here is a bit heavy on the calcium. Crawled back to open the shutoff valve to the exterior faucet and got the hose out and hooked up. Putting up awnings over my doors. Installing a doorbell. I've been without one since I moved in. This thing plays custom .mp3 files. I'm hoping I can find a recording of someone playing the Zelda Song of Time on marimba or tubular bells.

edit. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GpV1NRHNYUo

Pity they play it so fast. Would have worked better adagio con brio with a pause between each phrase like the westminster quarters or something.

Maybe I'll go with a section of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lCxjNMS3yVE instead. The bell accents work nicely.

I agree, that momma fox is showing her kits to the world.

You've fallen to her plan to make her kits famous!:pinkiecrazy:


That is really cool! Was there four or five kits?

There's five for sure, and maybe six--there was one point (not in the video) where there were four playing near the house, and one for sure near mama . . . maybe a second, too; it was hard to tell for sure.

Cute! Foxes are awesome just on principle (well, to me), and the cubs are adorable.
Momma looks remarkably relaxed for having a den of cubs near people. Or maybe she's just tired. :twilightsmile:

Obligatory hunting fox:

I remember I had a fox with her kits on one of my sites. Her babies were black with white tips on their tails. I was so confused.

D'awww... (Sorry, sucker for foxes.)

(Transcribed from Fox:) "Now, kids. Those are called 'cats,' and they're really good eating, but you have to get them away from the house first."


To save the meat shoot them in the head. Fox is a very fine meal. The younger the more tender.

Exactly what I was thinking of when I came up with the blog title. :heart:



They're so adorable. I just wanted to run out there and hug each one of them.

I didn't, because that probably wouldn't end well for me.

You now have to write a story about them, you know.

I suggest not mane-6, because we have a pretty good idea of how they react to such things.


Snow still hasn't totally melted, but I've been getting Spring things done. Got the plants all repotted. They all survived the winter, but some just barely due to outgrowing the pot and the dirt being really compacted, so made sure to add rough compost and perlite to the new dirt. Drained and restarted the water heater. You're supposed to do that every year, but a lot of folks don't. The water here is a bit heavy on the calcium. Crawled back to open the shutoff valve to the exterior faucet and got the hose out and hooked up.

I've done none of those things so far. But I have gotten my blue minivan ready for the summer (took off the snow tires). Oh, and I've done some cleaning around the house. Not much, but a little bit.

I should probably drain my water heater; I also have water that's loaded with minerals.

Putting up awnings over my doors. Installing a doorbell. I've been without one since I moved in. This thing plays custom .mp3 files. I'm hoping I can find a recording of someone playing the Zelda Song of Time on marimba or tubular bells.

I don't have a doorbell--overrated in my opinion. I'm never home when anyone would stop by, anyways. I suppose I could get one that plays music outside so people could enjoy it while I'm not answering the door. :rainbowlaugh:

Pity they play it so fast. Would have worked better adagio con brio with a pause between each phrase like the westminster quarters or something.

I seem to recall finding some Zelda theme on the theramin. That might be a possibility, although maybe not as doorbell friendly.

What about just something from Ocarana of Time? Like Epona's Song?



I agree, that momma fox is showing her kits to the world.

Not that I can blame her one bit--they're adorable. I watched them for about an hour.

You've fallen to her plan to make her kits famous!:pinkiecrazy:

I'm okay with that.


Cute! Foxes are awesome just on principle (well, to me), and the cubs are adorable.

Totally agreed. My FB avatar is a fox, in fact. Has been for a decade or more.

Momma looks remarkably relaxed for having a den of cubs near people. Or maybe she's justtired.:twilightsmile:

She's probably just tired, and I don't blame her.


I remember I had a fox with her kits on one of my sites. Her babies were black with white tips on their tails. I was so confused.

They're definitely grayer than mama, but I have a feeling that that's just to make them more camouflaged to avoid predators. Or else there's more than one kind of fox around and they're not picky when it comes to finding a mate.


D'awww... (Sorry, sucker for foxes.)

Foxes are adorable. That's one of the best things about my house--there's foxes in the backyard sometimes.


They got along with Capper well enough. At first, anyway.


(Transcribed from Fox:) "Now, kids. Those are called 'cats,' and they're really good eating, but you have to get them away from the house first."

I'm assuming (don't know for sure) that the foxes are part of the reason I was never overrun with feral cats. When I moved in, I had a feral cat, and she'd have a litter every year, and some of them were white, and the white ones for sure probably tended to become snacks for other predators.

One of my neighbors reported seeing an owl take one of them. I thought that was pretty cool--I didn't know owls would eat cats.

What? Fox is a good meal. Not like a stringy cat.

Maybe I should try and catch one and keep it as a pet. I'm sure that would go well.:rainbowlaugh:


To save the meat shoot them in the head. Fox is a very fine meal. The younger the more tender.

If I was going to shoot any animals around my property, it'd be the feral cats. They're probably not tasty, though.

I think they're all gone now, though.

I do like the foxes; they eat things that I don't want around my house. Interestingly, between the feral cats and the foxes, I've lived on semi-wooded property for nearly ten years, and last year was the first time I saw a squirrel on my property.

This is probably small consolation, but the feral kittens I've had on the property in the past have mostly become tasty meals for some cleverer predator. It's the circle of life!

Cat is good just a bit stringy when fried.


You now have to write a story about them, you know.

Cute fluffy foxes? It's basically the CMC, but predators.

I suggest not mane-6, because we have a pretty good idea of how they react to such things.

I think most Earth ponies would tolerate them, unicorns wouldn't, and pegasi would be split about them.


Cat is good just a bit stringy when fried.

I assume the owl (that got one of my feral kittens) enjoyed it.


I love both kitties and foxes. :(

If there's any yard-critters that deserve to be shot and/or eaten, it's friggin moles.

Cat is best in chili. The more they love you the better the taste. Now dog on the other hand is like eating your own children. Finger Licking Good,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

I always loved when the local fox would wander through. I miss those adorable little guys. Had one that used to play hide and seek with people at the park.... followed them around, kept popping its head up then running away to circle around and follow again when they turned their heads.


I love both kitties and foxes. :(

So do I, but there's only so much room for predators on my property. If all of the kittens survived, by now there'd be over 50 of those little buggers on my property--assuming that none of them had kittens of their own.

If there's any yard-critters that deserve to be shot and/or eaten, it's friggin moles.

That's one thing that I don't have, as far as I know. Maybe foxes eat moles.


I always loved when the local fox would wander through. I miss those adorable little guys. Had one that used to play hide and seek with people at the park.... followed them around, kept popping its head up then running away to circle around and follow again when they turned their heads.

Foxes (and some other animals) that have gotten acclimatized to people are often fun. Usually, my fox is really skittish--when I do see her, it's from hundreds of feet away, and typically as soon as she sees me or any suspicious motion, she's gone. Aside from that time of year when she lets her kits play near my house, I mostly only get a glimpse of bushy tail disappearing into the woods.

Meh. Just give 'em a reason to stay and they do.
I've got that couple of cardinal that keep comming in my backyard every years. That brid feeder is most likely why.

I admit I am a bit jealous, birds aside, the only animal that keep coming into my backyard are kamikaze squirrel, fat racoon and skunk.

What about the non-equine students?

Lol, looks more like its a, here you watch them, I'm getting some sleep.


ahh, that's cute. I always get baby quail and geese at my parents place (don't really get much where i'm at now)

Awwww. Now that is cute :yay::yay:

Thanks for sharing!

My goodness those foxes are cute. I would be jealous, except I've had indoor/outdoor cats so eh. (Kitty is an indoor-only cat now, but there was a while when she was allowed out)

I have a pair of doves in our backyard - they nest in the same tree every year. Even though at this point the tree is mostly dead, it's their tree and they've only nested elsewhere once, so far as I know. Unfortunately I never thought to take pictures until this year, and that was after the chick(s?) left so nobody's there anymore.

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