• Member Since 21st May, 2013
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"Late night, come home. Work sucks! I know!"

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  • 10 weeks
    Remember Obscure Spike Shippings?

    Remember when obscure Spike shippings that were met with middling reviews and a lot of confused interest popped out of this account like every few months?

    Pepperidge Farm remembers.

    Remember Spike stories that felt like they could have an entire pop-punk album written based on them?

    Pepperidge Farm remembers.

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  • 180 weeks
    Writing Questionnaire Trend

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    Let's do it!

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  • 187 weeks
    Ponyville Ciderfest Panel

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Blonde Moments Is Done · 11:10pm May 10th, 2018

Oh, my gosh, guys. I actually did it.

After almost a year of work and 110k words, Blonde Moments is complete. I'm literally almost in tears.

I never thought I'd be able to complete a project like this. Whether it be time, energy, work, whatever... I just never thought I had it in me to finish a story of this size. But I did it.

Anyway, I just want to go into a little detail about why I wrote the story, why it turned out the way it did and why this particular story is so important to me. At the end of the day, this wasn't just a story. This was a message to all my friends and hopefully to the readers.

Blonde Moments went through a lot of changes since I came up with the concept. First, there was an ending with Dinky being the focal point, then there was one where Spike and Derpy would get married and have the second half focus on them. But, right around August of last year, something happened in my life that made me change it from the ground up.

As a lot of you know, I was in the hospital for some mental issues. It happens. But, while I was in there, it turned out my psychiatrist was also a trained internist. I've always had bad joints and super flexible skin and stuff, so he was able to check me out a bit and get a second opinion as well.

They're fairly confident I have something called Ehlers=Danlos Syndrome. It's a connective tissue disorder that causes a lot of pain and eventually could cause serious heart trouble. It kinda flipped me out a bit. From what I know, I'm not in immediate danger, but people with this disorder tend to have a good chunk of their lifespan cut off. Frankly, it upset me.

That being said, I realized that I couldn't just mope around all the time. I had to still do something with my life. The more I thought about it, the more I realized that, even if I'm not around for that long, I can still make an impact on my friends and family while I am here. And hopefully, what they remember from me will continue to stay with them after I'm gone.

And I wanted to convey a message like that through the story. Our loved ones don't always have to be there to have an impact on us. If we remember what they showed us and the lessons we learned from them, they'll still be there in a way.

Anyhow, I won't really take up much more of your time, but I wanted to get my piece out there.

Thank you all so much for reading or considering reading. It means the world to me. I love you all and there'll be more awesome stories to come if I have anything to say about it.

Rock On People!


Comments ( 31 )

Congratulations! Finishing a long-form story is always an awesome feeling achievement. Revel in it!

Congratulations man, this is a hug accomplishment! I hope you're doing something inappropriate to celebrate! Looking forward to your next project.

I'm actually planning on doing a TwiDash thing next just to shake things up.

I can appreciate why you ended the story that way, I just kind of wish that you had done one of those duel endings stories all things considered. I see Derpy as one of the more underrated (for lack of a better word) characters in MLP and fimfiction in general so with the backstory you gave her the ending kind of rubbed me the wrong way. I loved the rest of the story but the ending wasn't for me. That being said I will leave my like and favorite on the story and try to be content with the way you ended it

No worries, I totally get it.

Thank you for this explanation. The bittersweet ending may not have been what we all hoped for when we started this tale with you, but I for one am pleased with the result. I'm sticking around to see what else you put out in the future. :pinkiesmile:

Gonna comment here instead of on the story so I don't put up spoilers.

Yeah, I commend you for writing the ending you did, even if I do think you're a monster for it. I'm no stranger to writing stories about real-life occurrences, especially negative ones (look on my page and you'll see it). It's tough learning that your mortality is going to be cut short, and even harder to cope with it. You saw me make a comment or two about my current stuff recently on the story—sorry about that, by the way.

But yes, the message you wanted to convey is a VERY valid one. If we're going to make an impact on the world, we don't necessarily need to be here to do it. Hell, I've been anticipating dying much sooner than I'd like since I was ten, and now I'm likely going back on the heart transplant list (yes, back) and it'll possibly be cut even shorter. Point is, though, the stuff we go through and how we convey what we've learned so that others can know about it as well is a great way to leave your mark. I've seen the "The more you know" thing with the star and rainbow used as a joke a lot, but it really is true. The more you know, the easier things may be in the future if you end up needing to deal with something similar.

On a more personal note, I got a pacemaker on Monday and am now home from the hospital, but if (hopefully when) I end up back on the transplant list, I'll be staying there for a while. For now, I should be able to make my way to EFNW, but after that? Who knows. I'm just hoping I'll be able to finish A Daughter and her Dragon.
What I mean is, I'm in that boat, bro. If ya need someone to talk about impending mortality with, I'm here.

Sorry for the rant. :twilightsheepish:

I really appreciate you reading this and the time and support you've given me. If you want a happier story to read of mine, I would recommend reading Burn Out Our Innocence. It's a lot more cheerful and fun.

Like I said man, keeping you in my prayers.

And yeah, everything I write I tend to base on personal experience in some way. I find it the most relaxing form of writing for me. Gives me a positive outlet for my emotions.

Yep, sometimes life sucks and you find out stuff like that, you know, you might not be around as long as everyone else.

Not to garner sympathy but I have a condition that will greatly reduce my life expectancy, my friends and family are my greatest support, knowing they'll remember me, but I suppose it doesn't matter too much, we all go where we have to go in the afterlife.

So reading a story with a message like that, in the end, is comforting, thank you.

At first, I wanted to hate your guts because of the ending for Blonde Moments. Now, while some part of me still does, I understand it all now. I mean, what you did will never be forgiven and will require copious amounts of cuddle stories to get over, but now? I respect it. There are even some parts that I'll agree with it. I'm not going to say that it was the best end, or that what happened to you should have influenced it, since it is of course your story and you decide how it works. I will say though that I'm in for the long haul. Until you finally keel over, I'll be here, reading on and giving what I can to help improve you and myself.

Congrats, dude! Finishing a long story is something few have the strength or the charisma to do. Good to see you didn't get burned out (like I did)!

I'll be happy to have you along for the ride. :heart:

As a russian, I'm used to fiction that paints a pretty or otherwise immersive picture and then ends with someone dying of a sickness. Either way, I think stories like this are important, lest avid fanfic readers forget how the real world works sometimes. It's surprisingly easy to fall into the trap of thinking that nothing will ever happen to you or your loved ones, and in my opinion it's better to be on some level always aware of the possibility, it hits you much less in that case. I wonder if the point would've been better or worse made if Spike's condition had been foreshadowed more.

Anyway, you definitely managed to show several beautiful relationships (my favorite was the one with Starlight, but I'm biased). And, as either Plato or Einstein probably said, it's better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.

Congratulations on finishing the story. It was a truly monumental task, and you came through.

Your ending surprised me a bit, but in hindsight it feels like a solid conclusion to the tale you told. A tale where you took a lot of time to build up characters we liked and cared for. Good job there.

Good job, dude!

Famous last words

A good point you have there.

Woah you're handsome. Heyheyhey, not in a creepy way but in as a compliment.

I can finally rest in peace if you tell me what happened with the bandanas Starlight ordered

The bandanas? Oh yeah, I'll tell you. You see, it was like— "Huh? What's that Brad?" Hold on, bro, my roommates asking me a question.


Okay, I'm just messing with you. I actually wrote it in a separate doc though because it's kind of silly. But you'll probably find at least some satisfaction from it:

Le Document About De Bandanas

OH MY GOD, YOU EVIL SON OF A- *ahem. I truly hope that you burn in the deepest pits of hell and never come up again. I should have known it was sketchy when I saw my samefrom.net download button

Lol, I couldn't help it!

Anyway, as far as the bandanas go, I dunno. Maybe she was trying to make some new-age, hipster cape or a quilt for Spike and Derpy's possible future baby?

Hey sorry to hear you’re sick but you’re right we don’t know how much impact truly have. I’m glad you finally finished your story kudos to ya.

ouch, that hurts me even more

Thanks for giving me closure, I can finally rest in piece

...Wow, I really need to go out more often. This is the second time I've missed something because I haven't been online enough, or bothered to check my feed.

That said, great job, man! It was really fun doing the cover art for this story, and now I can read it from front to back without having to worry. Muhahahaha!

Keep it up! I look for forward to the TwiDashery (even tho I ship FlutterDash) :rainbowkiss:

Belated congratulations on the accomplishment!

Thanks so much! A year gone by but totally worth it.

Lesson conveyed, yo!

Two and a half years later and god damn it, this ending still rips away at my heart. I love you so much, dude. I say this with zero favoritism. You wrote one of the best stories in the history of this fandom.

A very good story

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