• Member Since 15th Dec, 2017
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A guy who loves movies, comic books, video games, as well as stories with colorful talking ponies in them.

More Blog Posts261

  • 2 weeks
    My Adventures with Superman - Season 2

    Just watched the premiere, first two episodes of the new season.

    And I think we are off to a FINE start with this season! :pinkiehappy: :yay:

    God, I've missed this show. Do yourselves a favor and look into it. This is one of the best Superman things - hell, one of the best superhero things in general - out there in a LONG time. :pinkiehappy:

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  • 3 weeks
    Thoughts on The Fall Guy (2024)

    This was fun. Not an all-time great, but still, a good and stylish way to kill two hours. :pinkiesmile:

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  • 4 weeks
    Thoughts on Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace

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  • 5 weeks
    Primal Jack

    Found this image courtesy of Reddit. It was too good not to share. :pinkiehappy:

    Speaking a little more seriously though, it's interesting to look at this and compare/contrast the two characters' designs and the respective art styles of their shows.

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  • 6 weeks
    I Am Back

    Hey everyone. I'm sorry for being so quiet these past few days, but Internet connections were pretty crappy at both the hotel and at the convention, so I figured I'd just save the big response for when I finally got home and unpacked.

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Thoughts on Avengers: Infinity War · 7:23pm May 11th, 2018

Well everyone, I finally caught up with the rest of the world this week and saw the latest Marvel movie with my dad.

Since then, I've spent a fair bit of time thinking about what to say about this film. I actually tried to think of a more formal review for this, but I couldn't really get it down properly, so I just went with something a bit more informal...

Anyway, my honest thoughts on Infinity War?

I am in awe.

Infinity War represents one of the greatest triumphs imaginable, for either moviemaking or superhero stories. I mean, can you guys have ever imagined something like this ten years ago? When Iron Man first came out, did anyone ever expect that we would later be watching a movie with Thanos the Mad Titan, the Infinity Stones, the Avengers and Spider-Man and the Guardians of the Galaxy all on-screen together?

What a miracle that we got to this point, am I right? XD

Now then, onto some points I want to make on the film:

- I've never been a big fan of Thanos (apologies to a friend of mine who I know IS a big Thanos fan). I was never really tempted to seek out the comics with the Mad Titan in them... but this movie really hooked me on the character. Played by Josh Brolin in an incredible performance, Thanos is definitely NOT your average movie supervillain. He's terrifyingly powerful, but that wasn't the thing that got me about him. No, what stuck with me about Thanos is his personality: he's often affable and almost soft-spoken, even paternal at times. While he clearly enjoys the thrill of battle and commits horrible, horrible atrocities (and at times really enjoys it) there is a certain terrifying nobility and charisma to the guy too. He really truly believes that his genocidal scheme for the universe is the only way to save it... and is prepared to do anything to achieve that goal.

- Two of my favorite scenes in the movie involve Thanos and Gamora. The first of them is the flashback to when he first found her... And the second is when they're on the planet with the Soul Stone. God, what a moment that was... :fluttercry:

- And speaking of the Soul Stone, who expected THAT character to appear as its caretaker, huh? Great work there, Marvel! I did NOT in a million years expect that.

- Other bits of the movie I really enjoyed... just about every action scene, honestly. When a movie stars out with Thanos beating the shit out of the Hulk, it's hard to top that, but they did! :pinkiehappy: I think my personal favorite is either the fight on Titan between Thanos, Iron Man, Spidey, Dr. Strange and the Guardians... or it's when Thor returns to Wakanda to unload thunder and lightning on the Mad Titan's army. Just - holy shit...

- Plenty of good character material here. My favorite would be Rocket Raccoon and Thor... just because I did not expect such a serious friendship to develop between such different characters! But it works! It worked so well!

- I also really like that we got more material with Bruce Banner here. As good as the Hulk stuff in Thor Ragnarok was, it's still nice to see the human half of the Hulk get screentime too.

- Dr. Strange and Iron Man had some great moments too.

- The Vision and Scarlet Witch had some strong material in this film. They were cute at the beginning of their time, and then at the end... :pinkiesad2:

- It was also quite cathartic to see Rhodey shut off his call with Secretary Ross.

- Steve Rogers looks good with a beard. XD Though I'm not as sure about Black Widow going blond. But regardless, they got some good material here... especially in the moment of Steve standing alone against Thanos.

(But GOD, I feel bad for poor Cap, with how the movie ends. That quiet "Oh God" just breaks my heart to think about...)

- Tom Holland offers some good funny material as Spider-Man. My favorite is his Aliens reference to Tony. (I actually am wondering if his "really old movie" comments are just a type of subtle trolling? XD)

But again, that ending with him and Tony...

- I do wish we'd gotten a bit more insight into The Black Order though. Although Tony calling the one guy "Squidward" was hilarious :rainbowlaugh:

- You know we have to wait another two years or so for the sequel? God, Part Two can't get here fast enough...

Anyway, those are my thoughts on Infinity War. Fantastic movie, definitely go watch it! :pinkiehappy:

Comments ( 15 )

(I actually am wondering if his "really old movie" comments are just a type of subtle trolling? XD)

Odds are, probably. It's not that old, is it?

It's been 32 years since Aliens first came out. That is a long time, much as I hate to say it.

But I do think, that Peter probably is having a joke with the whole "really old" stuff there. XD


Oh wow, that is an old movie. Never actually seen it, not one for horror.

Oh yeah, it's probably his way of coping with the general insanity he's being made to deal with. He laughs so that he doesn't end up freaking out. He nearly DIED several times in Infinity War alone, and Civil War, and Homecoming, and the guy's what, 17? ish?

Believe me, I understand that. XD I have some horror films and games in my collection, but generally, I'm not much for the idea of scaring yourself as entertainment.

I actually think Peter might be younger. I don't remember, but I think Homecoming is about him starting junior year of high school, which would put him at about 16, at least that's how it usually goes with high-schoolers in America. Of course, the timeline in the MCU can be murder to figure out, so how much time passed between then and Infinity War is anyone's guess.


Same. I think the most horror thing I've seen is Hellsing Ultimate and while that's gruesome, it's not actively horror, even if the protagonist is a Humanoid Abomination fighting literal Nazis.

At least enough time for Steve to grow a beard. Also if you think the MCU timeline is a nightmare, your head would explode trying to understand Kingdom Hearts. And that's WITHOUT the time travel.

Hah! XD Most of my horror experience probably has to do with playing Resident Evil (1, Origins, 4, and I've been psyching myself up to play 7). Again, not really a fan of scaring myself, which I get from my mom. (This bothers my dad, as he's something of a classic horror buff.)

Oh yes, Kingdom Hearts. I stopped following the series after playing number 2. I understand that it's become a labyrinth of kudzu storytelling that might even test Chris Claremont or Grant Morrison. :rainbowlaugh:


Kingdom Hearts is probably one of the most famous or infamous depending on the way you see it, example of a Kudzu Plot. I watched people play every single game, and it's still all complicated, confusing and goddammit give us KH3 already!

Yep, that's how I understand it. XD

So, last time I tried to make sense of things, there's apparently a whole Council of other versions of Xemnas/Xehanort.

Do I even want to know?


Right, as best I can understand, if a person is consumed by darkness, they become a Heartless. If there's enough darkness in their heart, and their will is strong enough, they retain a body similar to their original one. And if their will is strong enough, they can also spawn a Nobody. Think of Heartless as the soul and the Nobody as the body. That's Anem the Heartless and Xemnas. As for the others, there's the original Xehanort, the old man.

As for Organization XIII, he planted a piece of his soul in each member. Xigbar is already part Xehanort, since that piece has grown enough, same with Saix. Make sense? No? Welcome to Kingdom Hearts.

Okay, I think I almost got it...

...Nope, you lost me. XD


Heartless are ghosts, Nobodies are zombies. Ansem Seeker of Darkness is Xehanort's ghost. Xemnas is his zombie. Via time travel, they've teamed up with main Xehanort.

Before all this, pieces of Xehanort's soul were put into Organization XIII, thirteen super zombies. Most of them died before the soul could take effect. Xigbar, the Sniper guy with the eyepatch, was part Xehanort even before he became a zombie.

Saix was super devoted to Xemnas, and thus it was easy for Xehanort's soul to take control over him.

The reason there's even a council of Xehanorts to begin with is time travel kudzu bullshit. Does that help in ANY way shape or form?

Now I'm just even more confused. XD

Well, part and parcel of the series, I guess?


Yeah. Rule of thumb for Kingdom Hearts, which is kind of a joke is that everyone is either Sora, Xehanort or both somehow. It's confusing, batshit insane, but it's fun.


It's confusing, batshit insane, but it's fun.

That sums up a lot of my favorite stories. XD
(btw thanks for the watch! ^_^)

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