• Member Since 19th Jul, 2013
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Pony Author, Writer of Foal Stories, Storyteller, Equestrian Analyzer and occasional Pony Artist. You can support the stories I tell on Patreon to get nice rewards or tip me on Ko-fi (LINKS BELOW).

  • EWish for a Mother
    Every filly had a wish. Normally, a loving and caring mother was not one of those wishes, but Brown Sugar's life wasn't normal. Some wishes required a sacrifice to become true, but could a sacrifice bring Brown Sugar the mother she wished for?
    Fluttercheer · 16k words  ·  76  6 · 1.7k views

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Wish for a Mother: Brown Sugar's Awesome Achievements! + Sequels in the Future · 5:08pm May 20th, 2018

Somefilly is a very happy filly right now! It's now more than three days ago that I released "Wish for a Mother" and the results have been overwhelming and breathtaking!
When I wrote it, I did not expect a very good reception of it at all, perhaps a hundred views across the first three or four days and a hoofful of upvotes and favourites, maybe one or two comments..... Background ponies aren't treated with much attention by the fandom anymore these days and Brown Sugar has been seen in only four episodes, the last of which was in Season 5, so I was mentally prepared for this story to live in the shadows.
What happened instead blew my mind and it gave me back a little hope that the old background pony writing spirit of the fandom can be revived.
Here are a few statistics about the story:

Views: 477 (334 views after 24 hours)

Upvotes: 49 (42 upvotes after 24 hours)

Downvotes: 2 (1 downvote after 24 hours)

Comments: 30 comments in total; 20 comments by 12 different readers, 10 author responses (20 comments after 24 hours; 14 comments by 9 different readers, 6 author responses)

Favourites: 35 (28 favourites after 24 hours)

Total Bookshelves: 230

Feature Box: Twice! 11 Hours and 56 Minutes on May 17th & 49 Minutes on May 18th

These are remarkable achievements for a background pony most have forgotten about or maybe never paid attention to in the first place.
And, of course, such amazing results motivate me to write more!
While doing research about Brown Sugar, her mother and her friends in preparation of writing this fic, I managed to discover many interesting traits of all these ponies, which I detailed in my Character Introduction Series for "Wish for a Mother" that I launched before the release, and will create a nice dynamic in fics about them.
The plan is to write more fics for Brown Sugar that go into detail about her life and the ponies that are a part of it, which will eventually form a growing Brown Sugar Anthology.
Before this happens, I will have to work through a backlog of planned and announced fics that are already on delay and after these are out (and the frequency of updates for Tempest's multi-chapter fic has been decided), I want to write two fics for Silverstream to finally write something for Season 8.
With all of this, it means it is probably going to be a few months until I will write another fic for Brown Sugar. But the sequels will definitely come and I hope you will be holding out until then!
Once I have concrete infos about more Brown Sugar fics, I'll notify you with another tagged blog entry. See you for more Brown Sugar goodness in a few months at the latest!

Comments ( 5 )

Looking forward it.

Huh, I’ve never notice she was a background character till u pointed that out. I agree it’s nice to see background characters get a wonderful story and can’t wait to see more of these in the near future.


Brown Sugar is one of those background ponies who didn't do much during their appearances. But she is one of the first, five year old ponies we have seen in the show, back when "For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils" aired so I always figured she would get more attention by the fandom, but then neither her nor her same-aged friends did.
If you are curious about her appearances, here's a little compilation:





Not many good screencaps of her either, sadly, but this should give you a little overview.^^

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