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I need a new name tbh

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I saw infinity war, and it messed me up. · 12:28pm May 21st, 2018


like wow. What an amazing movie. I would have never expected to see thanos have a semi-compassionate side, and I almost cried when everyone (mostly spider man) died. As much as I blame starlord for beating up thanos and throwing mantis off, which allowed thanos to get the gauntlet back, I can’t, because he had lost so much, and I suppose losing gamora makes his breakdown justified. Anyways, amazing movie, seriously. Infinity war 2, I’m ready for you.

Comments ( 7 )

I agree. Infinity War SHATTERED my expectations. I never would've thought they'd kill off so many characters. Hope the sequel is even better.

There's a pagebreak function.

Comment posted by I need a new name tbh deleted May 21st, 2018


Sorry his death was very emotional.Avengers Infinity War is Disney burning money. Also, it’s kind of Doctor Stranges fault cause he gave Thanos the Time Stone. If Tony died, it would have been a bit unsatisfying, but it would have been an end to his arc.

Did you read the comics? He kills everyone at the start in the original Infinity Gauntlet comic.

I saw Linkara's review of Infinity Gauntlet. So yeah. I know about that.

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