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Cosmic Cowboy

I'm a linguist. I like ambiguity more than most people.

More Blog Posts69


Diving into EQG (Hubris ho!) - New Off-Site Project? · 4:32am Jun 20th, 2018

Here for you to overlook is the obligatory "I'm Alive!" comment to open up with.

Lately (i.e. since I ran out of Adderall and after looking over my old projects for work), I've taken to making perfunctory stabs at continuing and/or starting various stories of mine. (Anyone still hoping for a Binary Suns sequel? I have the beginnings of a first page drafted. Let me know if anyone cares.) As it turns out, tossing some of these old ideas into my mind-dryer at once somehow mutated them together into one entity (you're welcome).

Thus, I've decided to undertake a rather huge project: I'm going to start a MLP:FiM/EQG action webcomic, in the style of Silver-Age Marvel. If it all works out, it'll be the sort of thing I would count as one of my all-time favorite internet discoveries (if I wasn't the creator), and I hope other people feel the same way.

A few of these component ideas mentioned above may have been teased in past blogs; I don't remember. I was planning for years to turn The Immortal Game into a webcomic, going back and forth between making it a manga or a Silver-Age superhero comic. I also had this idea for an EQG superhero fic that I once wrote a tentative first page for. After reading through the classic Thanos/Infinity arcs from the 70's and 80's today, I had an epiphany.

For those of you familiar with those comics: picture the soul-searching, universe-hopping, highly-stylized runs of Doctor Strange, The Fantastic Four, and Adam Warlock---starring Sci-Twi, as she learns magic from Princess Twilight between dimensions. And I have villains. Oh boy, do I have villains.

I think I can do it; it would definitely take a lot of practice and preparation before I'm ready to post anything, but I can handle that, as long as I know people are looking forward to this and it's not just me acting on a whim.

No, the one problem is that I know next to nothing about Equestria Girls.

I just never really got into it. From the beginning, I always found it a little too. . . cringe-y. I couldn't raise my pride bar enough to allow for juvenile highschool cliches on top of my pony pink-ness, I'm sorry to say. I can't even remember if I ever actually saw the first movie all the way through, and I know I haven't done as much for the rest of it. I don't even know how many there are, now. And I can't very well ignore the established canon and do my own thing, can I? Well, I could, but then it wouldn't really be a (visual) EQG fanfic, now would it?

So it's finally time to bite the bullet and do the thing I've been dreading for a couple weeks now: binge-watch everything EQG.

I plan to put out, if not an in-depth review, then at least a reaction blog after each movie and short I see. I think I'll use those blogs to report all my notes on continuity and established universe rules to you, you people who are actually into these movies. Hopefully you can point things out to me that I didn't notice, and we'll have some nice discussion about the whole thing, too.

Now, tell me what you think about this whole enterprise of mine. Are you excited? Any tips or advice or offers of help? Am I a lazy bum who will never get so much as a panel finished? You tell me!

(I am still keeping Minoan Crisis on the back burner; I'm a couple pages into the next chapter. I kind of reached the end of my detailed-planning-rope, and writer's block stymied all my efforts to free-write onward for a long time. My eventual trilogy has not yet been abandoned!)

(Likewise, I still have plans to continue my grammar blog series. The class is long over, and my notes on the next entry are actually wildly unhelpful, so I pretty much lost track of what I was about to say. When I remember it again, I'll let you know!)

(ATM, I'm planning to post the eventual comic on DeviantArt, even though my username there is outdated and annoys me and can't be changed easily, since that seems to be the place for comics like this, and I'm already set up on it. Alternatively, I suppose I could do Tumblr instead, or a dedicated website, though I have much less experience with the former and zero know-how about the latter.)

Comments ( 4 )

Hoo boy, a comic? This one sounds ambitious! I'm looking forward to whatever the results are.

And it's good to hear that The Minoan Crisis is still in-the-works, after a fashion.

The first movie is poop soup by itself.

The second movie is wonderful. I even can tolerate the first movie given the second movie.

The third movie is good fun.

The fourth movie is decent fun.

Sunset Shimmer is the greatest, though my avatar is one of the best faces in MLP.

Woo boy.

Sorry to be pessimistic, but the webcomic you're describing would be a 4 year, 40 hours a week full-time job to complete. At minimum.

Are you sure you wouldn't rather tweak the story a bit to be original characters so you have a chance at this being self sustainable? There are webcomic sites that now allow for original comics to have their creators be paid.

Perhaps draw 20 pages out and see if it still sparks you. Consider it a pilot episode to see if there's enough interest. By all means, follow your dreams. But you gotta be able to eat too.

You know me so well!

But, unfortunately, no, this really wouldn't work if you took out the parallel-world-full-of-pony-doppelgangers thing. The bright side is that the plan is not to make a full time job of this. I'd release two issues a year, all at once, in February and August, I think. That would give me a little extra time before the first real release (Feb 2019) to do all the preliminary stuff, not to mention plenty of time between regular releases to not only get all the drawings done, but to get them just how I want them (hopefully. If I really get into it and I have extra time, I can work in advance or even do some spin-off stuff.

The issues would be pretty episodic more than volumes in a multi-part arc, and they may vary in length. I think I might either find someone to make a motion comic out of it or release it all as one image, so I don't flood people with 20+ DeviantArt notifications at once.

So yeah, I'll definitely be taking it at a safe pace. But it'll be something to look forward to months in advance!

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