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I don't know what you're talking about, I've always looked like this.

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Happy Freedom Chicken Day to my Murican readers · 11:30pm Jul 4th, 2018

Comments ( 37 )

Who needs Trump memes when Alex Jones exists?

I used to listen to Rush Limbaugh. For laughs. It was comedy to me how ridiculously over the top he is. Then I discovered he was not only bring serious but there were SO MANY people who honestly thought the way he does. Now he's just sad and a little frightening and I don't listen any more.

Thanks. Best of luck to you too with your national problems...

"awesome, a new Handy blog"

'Sees title and video'

So how goes the writing of Angry-Irishman-MacHammerVamp?

USA needs help, like all the help. like the type of help that starts with a mirror and a intervening in a lock room with friends, family, and love one.

Same could be said for most countries these days. Look at the cuck of a Canadian Prime Minister. Can't even be a good example of the masculine man in Sweden these days without criticism. Try to be a man and go to the public pool in Austrailia by yourself and you'll be suspected for being a predator. Not even gonna start on the shiria law nations and regions...
London is baning knives. How are folks gonna eat steak?

This guy is a bit over the top and this video had me in histerics laughing, but he wasn't wrong about Obama, and for a number of reasons it's a bad idea to try to disarm the American populace whole sale

Thanks handyman I hope you have a good day too.



The man, the meme, the legend,

Speaking as someone who is ever so vaguely right of centre (understatement of the fucking century) and who listens to conspiratard media for shits and giggles, I never listened to Rush Limbagh, and from what I understand he's a pure neocon shill. Nothing is lost from not listening to him anymore.

Ireland is so ridiculously corrupt its not even funny. I'd call us a bananna republic if we grew any, but we don't, so I guess the proper term is Potato republic. I would have called Italy a Tomato republic but those guys finally found their balls, so I have to give the Italians a modicum of respect, no matter how much it stings my pride to do. Here have this handy map for the Tomato and Potato republics of Europe, we're all fucked here!

Get back here you.

I have as of right now two versions of the first parts of the next chapter and am thoroughly confused.

Its amazing how much energy that angry man has.

Lol, you think America's only bad now. You've been going down this path for half a century, Trump on the Right and the insanity of the left are symptoms, not causes.

That Aussie bit is news to me, but I could well believe it based on some things Oz friends have said. But I've been blackpilled on the state of the world before the internet came up with terms for it, it just gets worse the more attention you pay.

That damn fool thing in the Balkans...


I will, I will just... stuff I guess.

Yeah, and that's why every town in the Southwest USA during the late 1800's required people to turn in their guns to the Sheriff's Office when they came into town. 'Cause, you know, that allowed crime to flourish — not! The famous Gunfight at OK Corral in Tombstone was over some out-of-towners refusing to obey the law.

I would point out that nothing Obama did restricted gun rights in the slightest, except to try to enforce the laws regarding keeping guns out of the hands of convicted violent criminals and people with severe mental problems.

For all their "Obama's gonna take our guns!" rhetoric, he suggested nothing of the sort.


I should be offended by your thoughts of Italians... if it wasn't true.

4895295 4895081

Its amazing how much energy that angry man has.

Something, something, super male vitality...


That damn fool thing in the Balkans...

Hello there Otto, how're you today?

Honestly, I'm not sure if that's an Extra History reference or a general history reference, but either way it does seem to be a rather eerie comparison.

I just feel it's the start 1984 with black mirror.

On that note, I'm stationed in Germany as of last week, so I am in the potato by your map.

Beautiful. Simply wonderful. *Wipes tear from eye* God bless America.

I grew up in the Southwest. I didn't know that pickup trucks didn't come standard with back-window gun-racks until I hit college! Where I lived you could walk outside in the morning and be met by a coyote or rattle snake. We had a gun-rack in the dining-room with three rifles on it (one flint-lock from 1850), I would never suggest that you shouldn't have a rifle at home for protection, if you feel it is necessary.

On the other hand, who the hell needs a concealed pistol in an ankle-holster to go SHOPPING at Macys?" We're supposed to be civilized here!

That was the issue in Tombstone. "Leave your weapons at home when you're shopping in town. Or with the sheriff if you live out of town and need the protection for the ride in."

How has Trump used racism? Most if the actual racism I'm seeing is coming from non-whites.
Mass deportation of the non-tax paying ILLEGAL immagrants with violent criminal histories is a must. If you come here and obey the laws and wish to seek citizenship, cinsiderations might could be made.
Granted, these tarriffs might be a setback on the road to making America great again.
Hitler was a pshychopath racist. There's precident to be very wary of violent muslims with violent religious prerogative.
Mass immagration of undocumented persons, many of whom may be violent, is one of many problems.
I don't know about special id's...
If there were more armed citizens who could handle the responsibility that comes with carrying firearms, more mass shootings could be stopped before they got out of hand. More potential Mass shooters might think twice.

On using racism, I will point out that the left, Dems, and Obama and Hillary specifically have a strong track record for race baiting and using racism.

The Lunatic nutjobs willing to go out with a bang one reason the Civilized law-abiding citizens should be allowed to defend themselves through whatever means necessary. I will grant that not every law-abiding citizen would be fit for carrying a gun everywhere ( a lunatic trigger-happy former co-worker comes to mind) but when a significant portion of the population is packing hate the criminal element might be more hesitant to act.

Wait . . . Security Guards don't have guns? Where I grew up they all did -- including the local Macy's store. In fact, they had to show they knew how to use firearms properly to be a security guard.

As for guns in schools . . . I almost joined the Rifle Club at my school. They had a shooting range in the basement. I had already qualified for the Rifle Marksmanship Badge in Boy Scouts, so I wasn't that interested in doing it again after school.

The problem is that the more people who you allow guns, the more likely you are to have someone with a gun who has poor impulse control. If you look up the numbers, in households with guns, you'll find you are ten times more likely to be shot to death by a family member than a criminal. And if you're black, you're ten times more likely to be shot by a policeman than a criminal.

Playing those odds, I'd rather restrict gun ownership.

Most people of color (aka colored people) that get shot by police are in fact acting stupid at the time. How to greatly inprove your odds: don't commit crimes, cooperate with the officers and remain calm and respectful. If you were not doing anything wrong, just cooperate and answer their questions in a clear and concise manner. If you were doing wrong, you know it, and got caught, that's your fault and you should shut up and cooperate you criminal you.

Also, thr whole thug life crap needs to stop. Nobody likes a thug and police are understandably more nervous and trigger happy with fools acting like violent thugs.

Correct. But if a WHITE person had acted in the same manner, NONE of them would have been shot. That is the problem.

Also, black people are not always being "stupid," as you put it. For example, A black man in a toy store holding a plastic TOY rifle in an aisle of such toys is shot and killed by the police seconds after they see him (true story). A white man with a REAL rifle in Walmart is carefully approached and talked to (also a true story). Black boy sitting on a swing with a toy gun in a playground is shot to death within five seconds of a policeman seeing him. White children with toy guns play in the park all the time without any problems.

Oh, yeah. Doing THAT stuff is truly stupid.

4895300 You've made allot of claims that strike me as dubious, but I'd rather not get sucked into a debate on guns on a pony fanfiction website. I prefer to keep those kinds of debates where they belong; the Youtube comment section.

I recall an account of a Native American villiage peacefully handing over their guns to federal troupes before being gunned down, men, women, and children. This is a major reason the Founding Fathers wanted guns available to the citizens, to protect against a tyrannical government. It's in the constitution.
Btw they had much deadlier and more sophisticated weapons that muskets and flint locks back then and the founders would have specified if they didn't want citizens to be armed to make big government think twice about oppression.

Well before you dismiss my claims as dubious, check here., family violence with guns, Tamir Rice, John Crawford, and Jermaine Mcbean. Oh, and do guns prevent violence? Evidence says, no.

4897522 The writer of that article says no, and was criticized for bias in this rebuttal

This is why I didn't want to get into this kind of debate. It's easy to throw out a bunch of cherry picked exsamples

such as
Tennessee church shooting

arlington restaurant shooting

a complied list of cases

20 times guys were stopped by armed civilians in 2016

how often are guns used in self defense?

But those articles you posted do not support the specific claims that strike me as dubious. I'm not going to bother addressing the anecdotal ones, because they are anecdotal, just fact based ones.

Every town in the Southwest USA during the late 1800's required people to turn in their guns to the Sheriff's Office when they came into town.

The famous Gunfight at OK Corral in Tombstone was over some out-of-towners refusing to obey the law.

I'm not sure how an example of known criminals that called themselves 'the cowboys' refusing to obey a gun free zone is an argument for the validity of gun free zones.

Nothing Obama did restricted gun rights in the slightest, except to try to enforce the laws regarding keeping guns out of the hands of convicted violent criminals and people with severe mental problems.

Obama called for an ‘assault weapons’ ban and for those on the no fly list to be prohibited from owning a fire arm. This may sound fine on the face of it but consider that there is no due process to be placed on the no fly list and no effect way to be taken off it was put on, or even to know that you are on it.

if you're black, you're ten times more likely to be shot by a policeman than a criminal.

Can you post a source for that number? Because this study by channel 4 heavily implies that it may be the other way around.

I was incorrect (i.e., wrong) in saying the ratio of black-to-white people killed by police was 10:1, it is ONLY 2.5-3:1. And, I notice, you ignored my article on the fact that families with guns are more likely to kill or be killed by a member of the family with that gun that they are by a criminal. As shown by experience in the US Southwest, everyone having a gun did not reduce gun violence and many towns passed laws restricting guns because they DID reduce crime!. You didn't like the Scientific American article, here's another using two different research groups showing that Right-to-Carry gun states do not have lower gun crimes than states that restrict gun ownership.

However, I won't convince you, and you won't convince me, so thanks for the discussion and have a nice day.

4897711 How do you know you won’t convince me when I haven’t told you what my position is except that I find specific claims you made to be dubious? (I still find your claim that the chance of a black person being shot by a cop is higher than their chance of being shot by a criminal, and that the old west is a model of functional gun control, to be dubious)

Furthermore, I did not ignore the point about families. I didn’t mention it in the list of claims I find to be dubious because I don’t find it to be dubious. If you live in a household that has a gun then logically you have a greater chance of being shot by accident then if you live in a house that doesn’t have a gun, just like you are much more likely to be involved in a car crash if you own a car than if you do not.

I do, however, find your subsequent article about gun carry supposedly not reducing gun' crime' to be very dubious as the studies it claims 'heavily suggest' that open carry laws lead to more 'violent crime' are based on measuring the number of gun homicides which by definition include instances of lawful self defense.

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