• Member Since 16th Jul, 2016
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Life is just a coincidence, that's what Mother Nature and Auntie Evolution taught us.

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    Don't Panic and Carry a Style Guide: Preliminary 1


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    Creating Compelling Characters

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    Handling Points of View with Grace

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  • 205 weeks
    Story Titles, Cover Art, and Descriptions 101

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Two Years Later—Natura Semper Liberi · 7:56pm Jul 24th, 2018

A quick overview of this blog: A little sentimental talk, rewrites and a possible sequel to Natura Semper Liberi. Most interesting stuff is at the end!

(Timberwolf by hinoraito)

Two years and a few days ago, I joined this site and published my first story, Natura Semper Liberi. Surprisingly, it wasn’t beaten to a pulp by haters immediately. It even made the Featured Box once. Originally, it wasn’t even meant to be a story, I just needed a some ground to set the rules for The Forest Pony. Yet, here it is, in a special place in my heart.

I dove back in a few days ago, revisiting all of the chapters. Information was refined, rough sentences were straightened and a plethora of typos was annihilated. And it is my pleasure to tell you that the story has never been better.

Furthermore, the show keeps on pouring out interesting creatures, albeit they are often shown for just a few seconds. Still, I’d love to repay you for the awesome reception—by writing a sequel to Natura Semper Liberi.

If there is any creature that you’d like to see in the sequel, along with the traits I should focus on, please add it to the comments below. If there will be enough, let’s say, at least seven creatures, I’ll start working on Natura Equestriana immediately.

Disclaimer: I openly encourage sharing this message to reach that goal, but not spamming. Please be considerate and use common sense.

Signing off and looking forward to your ideas,

Comments ( 22 )

I was glad I had found it. I just hope it’ll make more people read the actual blog.

Good idea, hope for the best!

Hey there! Nice to hear the story is getting a sequel! :pinkiehappy:

Say, I know they're not necessarily creatures but have you ever considered taking a look at the Deers and how they're so deeply connected with the Everfree Forest?

Wish you luck with the new story! :raritystarry:

Hello! :twilightsmile: Well, the sequel mainly depends on the people and their interest, it still might be pushed to the sidelines.

Deer are a great idea, but if I’m not mistaken, they are comic-only characters and I’d need to study them first. Sadly, right now I don’t have access to the comics, and so it might be with lots of other people. But I’ll surely consider it!

Yeah, they're comic only, and their main story arc can be found in just a couple of magazines, but I think you can see them again in the movie prequel special, but I'm not sure...

As for obtaining the comics, if they're not available in your local bookstore, you can find them online as well.:raritywink:

I have a few "in show" creature that I would love to read your take on:
- Fly-ders
- Flash bees and they relationship whit Twittermites
- Ursas and\or other living constellations
- The Windigos
- The new changelings
- Dragons

Alright, thank you very much for your suggestions!

I’ll probably not touch upon the new changelings, simply because of the period I have in mind for this book, but I’ll try to come up with something.

You can’t indeed get them here. And while I believe I’d be able to dig them up somewhere, my main issue with this is that there are lots of people who haven’t read the comics either and thus wouldn’t know what am I writing about.

True, but that could be a good opportunity to spread interest in it don't you think? :derpytongue2:

Maybe, but the prerequisite for a story like this to work is that the readers need to be already acquainted with the creatures and can just connect the dots they already know about them.

I see. Well, it was worth the shot :rainbowlaugh:

I'll take a look at some other cool creatures then :raritywink:

Just to prove that I indeed set to work on it:

Click the link if not visible from the beginning. Parts blurred on purpose, the calendar reads July 25th in Czech.

I plan to first fully write it and then start publishing the chapters periodically, so it should start appearing on the site around September/October.

Alright then :pinkiesmile:

Say, have you considered taking a look at the breezies? It sure would be interesting to see your own take on their home :twilightsmile:

I’ll add them to the mix :raritywink:

Hi there, I'd like to make suggestions for the sequel, mostly if you consider them and mostly your own opinions on them but I'll add the details I wish to see if you do consider the ones I suggest :derpytongue2:

1. The Mirror Pond (and yes, I know this isn't a CREATURE technically speaking) all because it just appears as a part of the Everfree Forest and a part of the ecosystem (I guess?) and I'd like to see your thoughts on it, though it might be overlapped considering it's a Body of Water and not a living Creature :rainbowlaugh:

2. Plunderseeds, a creature (or plant, mostly) this time unlike the first one, but is it technically a part of the forest? I mean it did came from Discord but it was mostly found in the Everfree forest so might as well? Since it apparently has some weird applications, even in the Magical sense, and I thought you might have ideas on this :derpytongue2:

3. Tree of Harmony, again another plant, but this time it is a Native to the Everfree forest and I'm just rather off about it, but I think it's a Magical concept about the tree, much like the Plunderseed so I'd doubt you can find anything about it, but I'll be amazed if you do.

4. Hydra, Quarray Eels, Sea Serpent, Slingtail - Basically all reptilian species (for the most part I think?) I love Reptiles :pinkiehappy:

5. Star Spiders, not enough debt but I assume they are related to the Ursa and other constellations? :twistnerd:

6. Tatzlwurm, the creature Cadence and Twilight nearly couldn't beat and put Discord in a bad treat. It was rather a weird creature and it took TWO Alicorns to stop this thing so yeah... :rainbowwild:

7. Windigos - Now these aren't the Windigos I know in real life so I think you can understand my confusion and curiosity on what they really are in the show in general :twilightblush:

Anyway, that's all I can think and suggest, hope you can find some in my slot and thank you if you do pick one or more :pinkiehappy:

Alright, I’ll go through your suggestions one by one.

1. I might consider it, but more than likely it won’t get a stand-alone chapter. Will be touched up in The Forest Pony though.

2. The story is going to be set in the past, when nopony could have known these seeds existed. I don’t see a way how to add them in.

3. It seems the Tree of Harmony has been kept secret from the ponies, so it’s not going to make an appearance either.

4. First two are already mentioned in Natura, so I’d just be repeating myself. However, I think I have an idea for Sea Serpents :raritywink: Slingtails will be considered and are quite likely to appear.

5. Touched up in Natura in a way that I can’t work with them further.

6. I need to think of their behaviour, but I’d love to add it.

7. Already planned :rainbowwild:

Thank you for all of your suggestions!

Thank you as well for your replies to each of my suggestions, though I do apologize for the ones I repeated though I wasn't exactly 100% sure if they were introduced already so I just added them in case they weren't added, so my apologies on the matter :twilightsheepish:

Anyways, thanks so much again for your consideration :twilightsmile: I'm looking forward to it

Hey if you ever want help with your story I would be more than happy to provide it. I came across you when I was reading through The Phantom of Canterlot by Azure Drache since Im editing his second story so he can attest to my love of this kind of stuff.

Hello, thank you for the offer, but I already have an editor, though I’ll keep it in mind. (And sadly all my stories are now stuck on my dire lack of free time.)
Furthermore, let me say that I’m glad to hear Azure’s other story finally gets some tender loving care!

It's more that I'm offering to help with the biology side of things. I heard from Azure that we're both bio majors, and as he can attest, I LOVE to try to make things as biologicaly feasable as possible. So if you ever want to bounce ideas off me for making creatures very accurate I'm always available.

Oh, I see. I’ll contact you if I ever encounter a problem :)

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