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I am an Anti-Brony, I hate MLP, so why am I here? Read this...! https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/769267/if-im-an-anti-brony-why-am-i-on-this-site

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FRIENDSHIP UNIVERSITY (Review) · 2:38am Aug 6th, 2018

Oh, no... not Starswirl the BEARDO again...

Ah well...


Hmmm... Friendship University, eh...? Sounds like Rivalry's a foot. This could be interesting,

-No damage...

but I may as well use my intro. This is only place I'll ever tolerate Star-Slop (My way)

"I don't like to judge on appearances." Think again Rarity... as a vain and snobbish diva you think just the slightest speck of dust makes someone "Uncouth"

-200 (Just because)

LIFE POINTS: 8000 -----> 7800

Huh! Haven't seen Flimm and Flamm in a while...

-No damage

Hmmm... well as much as I like how they're trying to show off Twilight, I do approve of all this bribery in appearances and show offs. That always leaves a good sign something is up.

-No damage

Oooohhh... Neighsayer's back... hehehehehehe! things are getting steamy... (But I know it won't last)

-No damage

"How could the use friendship as a weapon" Seriously Twilight... you just became more pathetic:

-The elements of Harmony are used to ATTACK as well as other things, and since Friendship powers them up, THAT COUNTS as a weapon.

-What about take advantage of friendships and use them to TRICK friends, to lead them astray, or even take advantage of that and turn them agianst one another (WHICH DISCORD DID ONCE) That counts as being used as a weapon.

Face it Twilight you're pathetic. Somebody give this pony the beating she deserves...


-1000 points (For Twilight being stupid... again)

LIFE POINTS: 7800 -----> 6800

"I... No... I am not!" Twilight, you and you friends (And my haters) try to undermine people all the Time. You try to force people to give friendship a chance like you did with Moondancer

While my hater make people blakcmailing Deals "Do YOUR stuff OUR way, or will break you to pieces"

-500 (for being a dunce)

LIFE POINTS: 6800 -----> 6300

"Somepony who's opinion I respect, that's who" Way to be shallow, Twit-Light. Aware that she's suspicious that's it's Flimm and Flamm, so let me get this straight...

You don't trust someone, therefore any and all opinions they tell you (Even if they aren't crooks or thieves but just people you don't know) that makes them automatically wrong?

That's another -500

LIFE POINTS: 6300 -----> 5800

Oh, Rarity...!! You have done some LOW THINGS, but this takes another piece of cake. (This is why I prefer my Starfleet tech. They could tell it was him without actually going up to him (DNA scan)


LIFE POINTS: 5800 -----> 5600

Twilight... Nobody likes a whiner, (And I'm not whining, and even if I was, at least I don't whine like you do, which is way worse)


LIFE POINTS: 5600 -----> 5400

The disguises.... HAHAHAHAHAH!! Rarity, you are such a nut! You don't like wearing what you deem "Tacky outfits" You're a fashion diva, and always will be to me. No honesty, or good deed or kind gesture will make me see you in any other light. I've branded you "FASHION DIVA" that's what you are, and it's ain't comin' off.


LIFE POINTS: 5400 -----> 5200

And take another -200 for that fellow school mate being totally oblivious tot he most obvious of disguises

LIFE POINTS: 5200 -----> 5000

I mean seriously, what is this... CHICKEN BOO?

"Plainity" more like "Vainity" Still, she's got a point "It's all in the act/rehearsal"

-No damage

You call THAT generous? I call it PAMPERING.

-200 for their stupidity

LIFE POINTS: 5000 -----> 4800

Hehehehahahaahahahaha!! I love it when Twilight's backed into a corner (The blackmail)

-No damage for sure.


Natually I knew Twilight would win, which sickens me, and now she has more students to teach into stupidity.


LIFE POINTS: 4800 -----> 3800


Not liking this ep, despite Twilight's squirms.

This will make great stuff to know what to do what NOT to do when it comes to SSRFMM (Surf Em)

Until then...

Comments ( 4 )

While I do like the Yu-Gi-Oh! sort of style in terms of review structure(it's SOMETHING different, and even though giving credit to you is like saying Hitler was a good man, I'm gonna have to give you +100 life points for originality), it's what's in this review that I take heavy issue with.

Were the disguises stupid? Yeah, they were, but Rarity's was just effective to pass muster, so I'll take half the damage in exchange for that blow. Twilight has no excuse however; a fucking eyepatch, really? *deals 400 LP to the writers on that one*

Did Rarity have any reason to be "generous" to Flim? Yes; if she didn't, she would have been exposed in a second. The only reason she got tied up in that university life was to not arouse suspicion. Rarity IS the type of pony to do this and get away with it. It worked out in the end, that's what matters. Plus, Rarity runs enough of a business where she could afford that stuff, so it didn't even make a dent in her lifestyle. No damage to either side, but there are going to be some lasting repercussions as the material was originally from the pony you despise. ...in that case. *100 damage to you*

I would personally never advocate blackmail as a tactic, but Flim and Flam are the type that would do it to keep their business afloat. Nothing outrageously out of character here, but then again, we've never seen them be plagiarists...and come to think of it, doesn't that violate SEVERAL EEA rules and regs? Holy crap, this episode may not have much ground to stand on. I think I just dealt 1000 to the narrative.

To touch on points you won't because they would be beneath you, Flim and Flam's reason for expanding their resort does sound like something they would do; you found a profitable venture, and it's making you a bunch of money every day, so why not milk it like one of Applejack's cows? (+200)
Twilight SHOULD have known that the courses they were teaching were hers, because those are the very lessons she taught and WAS taught. If Neighsay had caught wind of that, the episode would have...probably ended much sooner. Huh. That does seem to happen with these episodes lately.(-100; sorry, but Twilight shoulda known that was her shit being jacked)
So Cozy Glow may or may not be behind the existence of that university. I knew there was something off about that filly. It was better to leave it unsaid just so we could keep guessing. ...then again, synopsis leaks kinda confirmed she's gonna be on the side of evil, so there goes that mysticism.

All in all, it was a good episode, but being the writer-in-recovery that I am, I managed to work out one pretty large detail that makes the whole episode a lot less sturdy then it seems. How about that. You're just hating because it has the pony you love to torture and kill most of all in it.

Typical you.

“This above all: to thine own self be true, And it must follow, as the night the day, Thou canst not then be false to any man.

Even if I have no reason to hate on the ponies, hate them anyway.

Twilight: "Why can't we just be friends?"

Mykan: "Simple... I don't like you."

@Power Play

Nothing outrageously out of character here, but then again, we've never seen them be plagiarists...and come to think of it, doesn't that violate SEVERAL EEA rules and regs?

Twilight SHOULD have known that the courses they were teaching were hers, because those are the very lessons she taught and WAS taught. If Neighsay had caught wind of that, the episode would have...probably ended much sooner.

Neighsay is a pony blinded by speciesism. To him Twilight teaching non-ponies is dangerous because they will inevitably use their knowledge against the ponies. That she also refuse to follow the EEA guidelines is another insult to him.

Now the Flim Flam brothers have opened their own school who is a direct competition to Twilight’s school (good), follows the EEA guidelines (good) and is a pony-only school (very good). So he already had a very favorable option of this school. Then he met Starswirl and because he’s famous (and a pony) instantly approved the school and left, because to him having a famous (pony) student is proof enough that the school is good.

So if Twilight had accused the Flim Flam bros. of copy her guide book, Neighsay would’ve sided with them and use every legal loophole he could think off against Twilight. Even if it means bending the EEA rules.


Um... to reply to someone directly, use the double arrows on the upper right corner of their own reply, next to the delete icon.

Also, he's been blocked from my account for being ignorant

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