• Member Since 6th Aug, 2013
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Daemon McRae

The magic comedy hoers.

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If you read 'Delinquency', you need to read this. · 9:55pm Sep 14th, 2018

So you're probably wondering "What the fuck, Daemon? Where's the story? You were doing so good and now I have to go and read... other stuff. The hell, man?"

Well, there's a reason for that. A pretty big one. As it so happens, and as has happened to many an author, good and bad, I have written myself into a corner. In fact, I've written myself into several. I kept going over the story, trying to figure out exactly where I started veering off-road, and the more I read, and the more I thought about it, the more I realized one simple thing.

Delinquency needs a MASSIVE rework. Almost from the ground up. Now, this comes with several pros and a few cons, so now it's time for everyone's favorite pastime, Bullet Points!


  • More detail. The new version is going to include much more lore, combat, snarkiness, and fleshed-out everything. There were a bunch of points in the story when I went back and realized that all the nifty stuff I'd given the boys to deal with the big bads seemed to be nothing more than asspulls out of nowhere. I want to have a lot more setup so that everything makes sense as it happens and people don't get whiplash from the sudden turnarounds in the narrative.
  • Backstory. I want to flesh the boys out a lot more, instead of just everything being delivered via plot-convenient dialogue, actually establishing a narrative that delves into the boys' lives more efficiently and completely. You're going to get a lot more of the 'why' and 'how' in the new version, as opposed to a whole lot of 'what', which is how I feel it was going.
  • Longer chapters. Wayyyyyy longer. I have no intention of condensing anything and robbing you guys of what I thought were some of the best moments. I don't intend to strip anything away unless I truly feel it didn't belong, it derailed the narrative, or it caused more problems than it was worth. So, ok, some stuff is getting stripped, but I don't intend to just tear holes in everything and sew it back up into a neat little pile. This is skimming the fat off the top of the soup before I put another whole fucking chicken in.
  • More freakiness. I've been doing a lot of research. Reading, watching, and listening to anything I can get my hands on to help me develop a better repertoire and a much bigger bag of nasty tricks. A little less extradimensional theory and a lot more folklore and spiritual fuckery.


  • Time. This rework is taking, and will take, a while. And considering I'm rebuilding this entire thing from the ground up, I won't be able to post any of it until I've written myself all the way back to where it is now. Which, considering this is the longest story I've ever read, and I'm about to make it like, 2-3 times bigger before I even add "new" stuff, hoo boy.
  • Cuts. Like I said earlier, some stuff has to get dropped for the story to make sense the way I want it to, and to follow the new narrative. The main story isn't getting altered too terribly, although the why and how might be a bit different, I don't want to drop any of the major elements, like Rubble's injuries, the main villains thus far, and the boys' individual quirks. Like I said, this rework is mostly about adding stuff, not subtracting it, but some sacrifices will have to be made.

So that's what's going on. I just wanted to keep you updated. I'd hoped to be done already, and just surprise you guys with the finished project, but real life is often a bitch, and I'm nowhere near done.

Report Daemon McRae · 1,218 views · Story: Delinquency ·
Comments ( 13 )

Ahh!!! I’m so excited! I always kinda wanted more backstory to delinquency. I will be waiting patiently for whenever it comes out.

This is one I won't regret reading again. I just believe you shouldn't detract on their interaction with the world heroes. Or the fact that knowing actual graduated (is Sunset?) Wizards and genius gadgeteers affect their very real efforts to stave off everyday apocalypses. I mean, punching away ghosts is cooler than Rainbow Lazering them any day of the week, but getting unicorn blessed gloves to do it helps.
Specially since they seem to have mellowed considerably towards the boys since they found out what they actually do and what they fight.

Anyway, I'm certain you'll more than deliver on the rework, but I'd recommend releasing the acts when they get done, not waiting to rewrite everything from the beginning until the hospital from doom.

I'm still hoping for a sequel to the Incompetence Bureau.

Sounds like you know what you're doing, and what you're going for. I'm looking forward to seeing where you'll take it :twilightsmile:

I've been thinking about that, actually, but with all the other unfinished projects I have it would take me a while.

Anything worth doing is worth doing right. Take as long as you need.

This sounds almost exactly like what I'm doing with one of my stories on another site. It's always fun to come back to something after a while and be like "Oh wow, all of this is just terrible and how did I ever think it was okay?"

Best of luck to you! At least you know for certain you're improving.

Maybe with the rewrite you can go with some 'Spookylight' :ajsmug:

Well, can't say I'm thrilled, but I'm willing to wait it out. This is some of the best Buffy-style supernatural stuff I've read since Ironbear stopped writing the Nightwatchmen series back in '08. I eagerly await Delinquent's return.

Recently reread the story, still enjoy it. Was just popping in to say that and ask: How's the rework going?

I literally just got my computer working again after a month, so it's NOT, really.

Damn, sorry to hear about the computer. Hopefully it wasn't something that cost money to fix, and if it was, hopefully not too much.

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