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  • Today
    Will try and get an update or two out soon, but...

    ...These next two weeks at work are going to be stressful as hell.

    I just have to say one thing, just to get it off my chest.

    If any of my readers are private health inspectors with standards higher than local laws, I just have this to say:

    That is all.

    Good night.

    4 comments · 57 views
  • Thursday
    Tell Your Tale: P + P = BFFs

    This week, we've got a... Somewhat touching Posey episode?

    Think this would benefit from a longer runtime. I also laughed harder than necessary at Izzy in the very beginning.

    16 comments · 152 views
  • 1 week
    Starting to brainstorm for Extra Life 2024.

    Hey there, folks.

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  • 2 weeks
    Believe it or not, I actually got some chores done today.

    And that's saying something, because if Diablo IV was this good at any point last year, it would have definitely been near the top of my Best Games of 2023. You know, instead of being omitted entirely.

    So let's just say that Armored Core VI absolutely just got smacked out of the running for Best Yesteryear Game.

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  • 2 weeks
    Tell Your Tale: Where The Rainbows Are Made

    This week, the Mane Six discover the Rainbow Factory.


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Star Wars Is Dead · 1:08am Sep 29th, 2018

As I was taking a short break from writing the next chapter of Matters of the Heart, I stumbled upon an article that said Kathleen Kennedy had her contract with Lucasfilm extended by three years today. Right then, something inside snapped.

Honestly, I don't know who's fault it is. Hers, Rian's, Abrams'... I don't know.

What I do know is Star Wars is no longer the same.

The Force Awakens was okay. Rogue One was amazing. I was caught up in the spectacle of seeing The Last Jedi in theaters, but in hindsight, absilutely nothing was right with that film. I never bothered to see Solo.

I didn't buy TFA on disc. I was counting down the days until Rogue One's release. I haven't bothered to give TLJ a second chance for free on Netflix, I don't feel like wasting two hours of my life.

The best parts of Battlefront II never saw expansion. I uninstalled months ago when they announced the Solo season. I've been unsubscribed from The Old Republic for over a year. It has been eleven months since I have bought anything Star Wars related.

So I'm not going to boycott, or rage. I think I'm just done. Star Wars will fade to something I used to like when I was younger.

The magic is clearly gone.

Report milesprower06 · 518 views · #nerd rant
Comments ( 33 )

People said Star Wars was dead with each of the prequels, and with the CG Clone Wars movie. And also during the large gaps after both trilogies. But billion dollar franchises don't die. Even if some iteration sucks balls like Joel Schumacher Batman, it will be rebooted again in a decade or so. You don't have to say a franchise is dead and somehow inaccessible to us.

Besides, we always have fan work

Solo was awesome; you'll love it, no joke.

What do you even mean "use to like?" Isn't it really far to say that somehow you can't enjoy the OT or Rogue One because you dislike completely different movies?


Fine. Dead to me is probably a better way to put it.

And I can't trust what anyone else says about Solo. If it ever pops up on Netflix, I'll give it a go. Much better two hour gamble than TLJ.

But when the same critics that said TLJ was amazing say Solo was amazing, I have to take that with a truckload of salt.

I'm not buying it, I'm not renting it. The only thing I will risk is time. No joke.

Meaning I'll continue to enjoy my childhood films and games.

But the sequel stuff is just non-comparable. It is an inferior class of its own.

Media consumed as a fan isn't actually standalone like that. It's more like a single, unified experience, and one bad apple (whatever that might be or mean to you) can absolutely spoil the bunch.

That sounds like a good way to degrade the individual things that bring us joy. It also doesn't sound like a philosophy a lot of people follow. In this very fandom, we have con-goers, content creators, and Fimfic writers who stopped watching My Little Pony several seasons ago. Sometimes due to a falling out over certain events like Twilicorn, and sometimes just from a lack of interesting from a gradual quality decline, or subtle changes in the writing style as the show staff keeps rotating.

Even if we were all to stick to that style of thought, the results would still end up being extremely varied. The universe of story and mercandise of Star Wars is so damn huge, much of which is older than the actual fans, that everyone is going to have a their own basket of apples of different sizes and variety. For instance, I grew up reading the Dark Horse comic book continuity. But canon Star Wars began writing over it that long before Disney bought the franchise, and handed the comics over to Marvel. So I'm use to just enjoying stories in their own context without worrying if thousands of other people have been exposed to it or not.

Hopefully that doesn't happen with MLP for Gen 5.

I have much more faith in that than anything Star Wars by now.

Solo was specifically made for people who hated TLJ, as far as I can tell. But they didn't go see it, so...

I can relate. I grew up with the original trilogy. Heck, the first Star Wars movie I ever saw in a theater was Episode I, and while most people hated it, it's got fond memories for me. Honestly, it took TLJ for me to realize just how far removed from what I grew up with this new series is. That being said, I still occasionally play The Old Republic, and I have both of the Knights games just because I haven't beaten any of them. All of this talk just makes me want to fire up my PS2 and play the original BF2.

[I uninstalled months ago when they announced the Solo season.

Rather unfourtanate, that's literally the update that added like 70% of the content that shoulf have been in at launch. Frankly, I picked up the game for 9 bucks and find it fun as fuck.

Solo is pretty good IMO.

I've lost all respect for you

If your respect for me was based solely on my Star Wars preferences, then no big loss.

if you love for star wars was lost by tlj and that be so petty you completely ignore solo then any fandom is better of without you, I been with you since a precious rainbow, now I find you completely abandon a francize just because of one movie, you deserve everyone to do the exact same to you

Just because of one movie? No.

The Last Jedi.
Battlefront 2.
Director's responses to criticism of TLJ.
EA's response to Battlefront 2 criticism.

Maybe read the blog again, this time with some reading comprehension.

I did, and I found the exact same thing when I first read it, I read you blog three times before coming to this conclusion, and I'm buggered if you tell me to look at it again to find the same pettiness again

Well then, sorry you stopped following me.

If you care more about me giving up on Star Wars than my pony stories on an MLP fanfic site, then... Well, bye.

you don't care about anything

my point made

You don't know what the fuck I care about. Piss off, douchenozzle.

I don't get why people get so upset with Miles.

Especially, since he only sated his opinion.

Even if you liked TLJ, you have to admit that the creators dismissing any and all criticism of the film to butthurt fanboys and mysoginy is insulting. It was apparent that Star Wars doesn't care about its fanbase anymore. It doesn't make movies for the fans. It makes movies for everyone else. They even said so. And that doesn't even cover the fact of how they insulted the Star Wars legacy.

That alone is reason for me to not watch Solo, apart from the main character's acting, the ugly shades the movie is shot in, the unnecessary story, Lando fucking a robot, and I could go on.

But for people to question Mile's character, simply because he doesn't enjoy Star Wars anymore is pathetic.

It was just one, and they've been blocked. Everyone else had decent arguments. If you enjoy them, that's perfectly fine. Go and enjoy them. I just can't anymore.

But thanks for the support.

Could you elaborate?

This is the reason I only watch the original trilogy, begrudgingly released by Lucas alongside the special edition trilogy in 2-pack form.

I don't know anything about the games so can't comment. The Farce Awakes and TLJ utterly rubbish.
Solo was reasonably good, not a great story, but worth watching .
Rouge One was excellent, great story and acting and I think is on a par with the original. And like the original its because it was done on a smaller budget by a British team

This, especially the part about how you feel mistreated by massive corporations that see you as a keg full of money they can siphon from time to time, reads to me like aesthetics and artistic merit are beside the point. Which makes your decision basically a political and not an aesthetic one. Which is fine! Could be stated more clearly, though.

I'm holding out for the upcomeing final season of the Clone Wars

I hope Clone Wars fans get what they're hoping for. I never got into it. Every time I start the movie on Netflix, something pulls me away.

eh, the movie wasn't that great, it was basicly a streached out pilot episode, if I were you I'd skip it and go straight into the tv show. there's like two things you'd need to know from it going in

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