• Member Since 15th Aug, 2014
  • offline last seen Jan 1st, 2022


Writer, Actor, Singer, Rapper, Aspiring Brony Voice Actor, Artist, Funny Guy, College Student & Aspiring History Teacher. I'm just a guy who wants to make an impact or mark in one way, shape or form.

More Blog Posts92

  • 202 weeks
    Let's talk

    It's been a good long while since I've logged onto this site. I haven't paroozed around much, but I don't care right now. I'm going to be serious for a minute. The site, and fandom as a whole, has a huge nazi and pedophile issue that needs to be addressed and better actions need to be taken. Sure we have outed out pedophiles in the past (toonkritic, performance major, etc.) but more and more are

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    1 comments · 591 views
  • 246 weeks
    Just some stuff

    So, I promised to put up my BronyCon vlogs here, so I got a playlist set up for y'all to see me and other people be cirngey AF!

    So, plans going forward:

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    1 comments · 322 views
  • 249 weeks
    BronyCon 2019

    So...why have I not written a blog about my BronyCon experiences. Well, that's all being compiled into a series of vlogs. I am finalizing my epilogue vlog and it will be out soon. The other vlogs I have already released on my YouTube channel. I'll make another blog post where I have all the vlogs up here. So much fun was had. I am thinking about doing a "thoughts on bronycon 2019" video where I

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    0 comments · 340 views
  • 253 weeks
    Story Reception

    Holy cow guys, I've only recently got back and my first two days back on the site, "Snowed In' was in the non-mature feature box! First of all, WOW! Second of all: thank you so much for your likes and comments. I'm truly grateful to know people enjoy the horse words I jot and write.

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    0 comments · 346 views
  • 258 weeks
    It's been a while, huh?

    Yeah, so I've been dead silent for nearly an entire year and let me say I'm sorry for keeping you guys in the dark. Real life friggn sucks. College, holy crap, this year was a roller coaster. And it's not gonna let up. I'm gonna start student teaching in the Fall. It's exciting, don't get me wrong, but to get all the stuff for college prepared is super time consuming. AND, I also did a little

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My Radio Silence · 4:56am Oct 6th, 2018

Howdy guys, sorry about my silece here. Real life and other hobbies have been taking up a lot of time for me lately, but hey, what can you do? So, let me catch you guys up on what has been going on.

My las blog left off with BronyCon, so I will start with that:
BronyCon this year was lit. Got to bunk and hang with FamousLastWords, meet CatigoricalGrant and other amazing writers. I also meet some of my youtube budeies as well, met some people I look up to in the fandom and got to meet a lot of the cast of MLP and talked football with M.A. Larson (he's such a cool guy). I vlogged it all, i'll leave my vlogs at the end of this blog. It really sucks that next year is gonna be the last BronyCon. I have a reservation set up already. I am not 100% sure if I am, but fingers crossed that my schedule at that time will be plenty open for me to go.

Ya boi is back at college and the work load just suddenly got hectic on me (0 - 100 real quick). So 65% of my time and energy will be going towards my schoolwork. And the rest of my energy will be towards either my regular work or my youtube stuff.

On the topic of youtube, I've been uploading semi-(more) frequently. I've started doing reaction videos, but I still want to primarily focus on music. I did recently release a collab cover and a remix cover. I'll post those too!

Been writing mostly songs, and not stories. I got a prompt floating around in my head, got another story I'm writing (it's a one shot) and that EQG story that I am still writing. I'm taking a break from that becasue I've been facing writers block with that lately. And with college, I will have very minimum time to write stories. So, you may have to wait on some new stuff.

Meeting many online friends in real life:
So in the past year, I have meet many of my online buds in real life. First one is my buddy Flight Force who does a version of bronies react "MLP Forums React". Apperently, he and I go to the same college and we just met up and we saw the MLP movie in theaters...twice! I also got to meet Jack Of A Few Trades IRL too. My brother was doing basic training and on the way to the airport to leave, I was able to meet up with him. So cool! Fast-forward to bronycon and I saw many of my twitter, youtube, fimfic, etc friends there. So many amazing people. You can see it all on my bronycon vlogs. And then, most recently, my buddy B_25 is going on a Grand American Motorcycle Tour. He's going from Canada and visiting some buds of his in the US. He met me not once, but twice. Once on monday and once on thrusday. He's such a cool guy. Here's my tweet about it:
B_25 and I

That's pretty much it guys. Thank you for your patience with me. If you want to see my happenings outside of fimfiction, make sure to check me out on these sites:
Follow me on Twitter: @NickyDs96
Follow me on Instagram: nickyds96
Follow me on SnapChat: nickyds96

Take care of each other

Love Each toher

'til next time


BronyCon 2018 Vlog:

Recent Music:

Comments ( 2 )

Good to hear from ya, Nick!

Glad to hear you are back

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