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Rune Soldier Dan

Love is a verb, not a noun.

More Blog Posts116

  • 14 weeks
    Two Years of This

    On February 24, 2022, eight years after they launched a limited invasion and occupation of border regions, the regime of Russia attacked Ukraine from multiple sides with the intent of fully conquering the nation, thence to dismember choice territories and install a puppet regime over whatever remained. Their justifications - imperial revaunchism, nationalist lies, and contempt for what they view

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    26 comments · 633 views
  • 19 weeks
    Fan art for "Evil Must Be Healthy"

    A pleasant surprise found me a few days ago on learning an enterprising pony commissioned fan-art for my little AU from the illustrious Pencils! Just thought I'd share. :derpytongue2:


    With thanks to both the artist and commissioner. :heart:

    8 comments · 216 views
  • 19 weeks
    Going to Everfree Northwest this year!

    Exactly what it says on the tin! If anyone else is going (and if there's any kind of Fimfiction discord meetup group on it~), please let me know. With travel and etc. I likely won't be going to many of these, so I'd love to RL meet as many Fimfic peeps as I can.

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    10 comments · 146 views
  • 26 weeks
    Cover art for "Evil Must be Healthy."

    There are few feelings for an author quite as wonderful as receiving fan art, all the more because I found it by sheer chance. While the artist MrRicharZ has taken it down from Derpibooru he was kind enough to let me use his work as cover art for the story.

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  • 27 weeks
    Dramatic read for "The Splendid Panzers of Miss Harshwhinny"

    I like that story enough (and have grown fond enough of listening to dramatic reads) that I have commissioned one from our own Skijarama!

    (There is also commissioned cover art on the way, too.~)

    2 comments · 152 views

Expository post for "Sunset Shimmer Hunts the Undead" no one asked for #1: What are the first years of the mane characters’ adult lives looking like? · 6:13pm Oct 12th, 2018

Sunset Shimmer: The literal golden girl of the party is currently taking pre-nursing courses, with the intent to eventually become a pediatric surgeon. The massive time commitment of medicine study and practice is something she tries not to think too hard about, given her desire to continue with the “business.” She’s banking on her high intelligence carrying her through with a minimum of marathon studies, though is entertaining the option of simply practicing as a nurse (against Redheart’s vehement warnings).

Twilight Sparkle: Twilight Sparkle is the darling prodigy daughter of wealthy parents – her mother dabbles in writing while her dad manages a library, both more for interest than income. She flourished in the sciences, earning a place in Crystal Prep, then lost her Ivy League future when she left it behind. Encouraged (some might say “spoiled”) by her parents with the gift of an entire mini-labratory, Twilight has progressed sufficiently to become aware she don’t need no stinkin’ Ivy League. She attends Canterlot University to stay close to the few people she feels comfortable with, and is already being courted by everyone from NASA to the United Nations.

Applejack: Applejack is not poor, a fact she’s had to correct her friends on more than once. The family’s business has adapted to the modern age with specialty jams and alcohols, allowing a modest net worth mostly invested in land and supplies. Her parents and grandparents stubbornly maintained their farmers’ lifestyle, and the modern generation have continued care for twenty-odd animals for their eggs and milk. Small enterprises are never far from extinction, and Applejack is studying business to make their odds as good as she can.

Rainbow Dash: The product of permissive, suburban parents, she nonetheless approached her future more wisely than one might expect. She aims to play professional soccer and is using college as a means to attract attention and perfect her game. She studies education as a backup plan to be a coach or gym teacher, but is quietly terrified it might really come to that. Rooms with Rarity, as both side’s families can afford a decent dorm. Proximity brings fights, but also a closer friendship than they enjoyed in the past.

Pinkie Pie: The Pies are not rich, and their family business of hunting werewolves is not cheap. Her siblings have jobs (“careers” is too much of a stretch) and live at home, and all have contributed to their baby sister’s education. Pinkie studies business with the dream of wedding planning, but like Limestone keeps an eye out for side work. She’s done a television bit and backup drumming, and while neither have turned into careers she’s keeping her eyes open. She’s hardly depressed, but is aware of all the support she has and wants to do right by them. She’s also the principle coordinator of the various means the Rainbooms keep in touch: a small arsenal of social medias, combined with bi-monthly meetups. She commutes from home.

Fluttershy: Initial ambition to be a veterinarian came to a screeching halt as early classes destroyed her. Fluttershy has since followed advice from the manager of the shelter she volunteers at and began wobbling through some different courses. Her major is undecided as she eyes local positions for environmental protection agencies, activist groups, and political parties. She lives at home, and her parents have been supportive (she’s still head and shoulders ahead of her brother, eight years older and also living at home).

Rarity: A new money suburban girl with an entirely invented accent, Rarity surprised no one by majoring in fashion design. She has made the acquaintance of fashion mogul Prim Hemline, who wasted no time in scooping up the young talent before a competitor could. The terms are not over-generous: Rarity’s college years are sponsored, with the signed understanding she will work three years for Prim after or be liable. Rarity is overall thrilled with the arrangement and is loving the college high-life alongside Rainbow.

(Might do more of these later on different topics. I enjoy worldbuilding, but not adding unneeded fat to a story.)

Comments ( 22 )

I may not have asked for it, but only for the same reason you didn't put it in the story: It'd drag down the pacing something awful. Very glad to see this information in a blog post, and I look forward to seeing any others you care to post.

Also, I'm imagining Fluttershy as a congresswoman, and I'm not sure if it seems improbable or amazing. And I have the distinct feeling she wouldn't be the first therianthrope elected to such an office.

Rooms with Rarity, as both side’s families can afford a decent dorm. Proximity brings fights, but also a closer friendship than they enjoyed in the past.

~Shipping goggles activated~

Author Interviewer

The Pies are not rich

Yeah, that sounds pretty reasonable for rock f-

and their family business of hunting werewolves is not cheap.

THE FUCK YOU SAY c.c Where do I go to read about that?

Also, I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks Zephyr is the older sibling in EQG.

the college high-life

Just wait until freshmen fifteen happens. Then we'll see about the 'high' life.

It's for the tagged story... I thought these only went to people favoriting the story and now I'm a little embarrassed. >_>


Also, I'm imagining Fluttershy as a congresswoman, and I'm not sure if it seems improbable or amazing.


Blog posts go out to all of your followers. I'm not sure there is a way to restrict them to followers of one story.

(she’s still head and shoulders ahead of her brother, eight years older and also living at home).

Whom I hope will receive the same in canon treatment as his pony self, be able to at least overcome his crippling fear of failure to succeed at one thing and then have that snowball into more successes, and even when he does fail and it does in fact hurt, he is reminded by his sister that he CAN win at life and that simply because you fail does not mean you cannot try again. Fuck you, I like Zephyr. Fight me.

Hmmm... A portfolio for side characters like Limestone, Marble etc. would be nice too. To get some insight of how the family businesses started.

Author Interviewer

I dunno, I just kinda started reading it. :B

But >sequel D:

Sorry Fluttershy can not be a Congress critter as she used her naked body (*) to keep the door closed during the Canterlot school invasion. Mentally scaring dozens of high school age students who could later testify against her.

(*) ok she was in weremanatie form, but still

Poor Flutters, that must've been hard to go through.

My RaryDash shipping goggles are at maximum now. Don't care that you use realistic ratios and AJ being gay is already the limit of sanity, but one can dream :derpytongue2:


Sorry Fluttershy can not be a Congress critter as she used her naked body (*) to keep the door closed during the Canterlot school invasion. Mentally scaring dozens of high school age students who could later testify against her.

True, the voters would roundly reject someone accused of acting with sexual indecency.


I'd find it amusing if Flash ended up accidentally going to college at a supernatural hot-spot and ended up blossoming into a action survivor badass normal in defiance of not becoming another town statistic

Maud isn’t working on an advanced degree in geology?

Maud has an advanced geology degree, but there are like three geology jobs in their hemisphere and all require at least five years experience in geology jobs prior to hire. She part-time works at the natural history museum, blogs about rocks, and hunts werewolves.

Is Rarity’s “entirely invented accent” in addition to her socialite affectations (e.g. darling or overuse of French), which are not entirely atypical of the nouveau riche, and what does it sound like? My money is a blend of Australian and South African. I only ask because this is something completely lacking in the show, and I’m curious where it’s going.

Everything above blue-collar American (what her parents really seem to be) is invented - the Darlings, the French, and the general choice of words and tone. Though she's hit the point of endless practice where it is just how she talks now, and it takes a conscious effort to go back.

...yes ...that’s been established.

But you said she had an accent. What is it? How does she pronounce words like ‘car’ or ‘apple’? What sounds does she make to form words?

Oh... ok. :ajsleepy:
I was hoping for something on the tier of were-manatee in terms of fun, but canon is cool too.

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